Hi, Ive been playing this server (HL2RP) for a couple of days, and I've really enjoyed the time I've been on the server. I Plan to get TT soon, and also on my Char, a loyalist band. I'm a Brony (Haters gunna hate?) and I like RainbowDash. I really like to eat chocolate. I've never (once did, but didn't understand so I left ;_;) played on a serious RP such as this one, (I'm a passover from DarkRP) because I think most RP's arn't even RP's atall, gust a gamemode where you get tons of money and guns, here you build character, meet new people IC and OOC, so I really like it here. I have 2 Chars, one Outlands, One City.
Thanks for your time!