Author Topic: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.  (Read 5937 times)

Offline The Sage

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The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« on: December 31, 2011, 01:49:43 PM »

((Alright this is a little look into the two groups of Resistance as well as a bit to do about them, no I'm not claiming I know everything about them, this is meant to help out some newer players that want to know who to stick with if their on Outlands or are trying to make a good Rebel))

The Resistance

The Resistance is any good Resistance roleplayer and they aren't very hard to miss. These guys usually write detailed /me's and aren't concerned with Weapons as much as they are escaping the Combine. They stick to Outlands most of the time, but can be found in the City usually in the Slums. They won't go out preaching to the nearest player about how they hate the Combine, then ask them to join, no they prefer to stick to the shadow's and most of the time you'll only see them when they want you to see them. They react different then webuls do when they are around anybody special and I'll list those reactions here as an easier way to tell them apart.


Very few of these creatures are seen in the City, the ones that are, are usually Conscripts, but sometimes you'll see a free city Vortigaunt. The Resistance tends to see them as an asset to defeating the Combine and might try to get them to help them, how differs on their experience as a Roleplayer. The Resistance will ask them if they need shelter and try to gain their trust and let the Vortigaunt join on their own most of the time, again this differs on the personality of the man or woman trying to get their help. As a Vortigaunt you'll be subject to both sides of the spectrum and will suffer from Webuls and have fun with The Resistance, most Vortigaunt players if not all are self trained in weeding out Webuls and can tell the difference on their own, but non-vortigaunt players might not be.

City Administrators

You rarely see a City Administrator outside the Nexus other then when he's on his balcony with guards all around him, as such you'll never see a Resistance member looking at them save for if their trying to get supplies from a store and just happen to be there, but this is very rare.

CCA and Overwatch

Resistance members are almost never seen walking around a CCA and only really see them if a gun barrel is pointed at there face. As such the Resistance will not harass the CCA like Webuls would and are always on the lookout for one so they can break camp and run. Overwatch is the bane of The Resistance and only the most experienced of them all will not fear them, if a Resistance member sees an Overwatch unit he'll try to escape, but the difference between escape and mingerunning is that escaping requires roleplaying and lots of attempts, and we all know what mingerunning is.


The bane of every good Resistance roleplayer and the bane of the CCA simply because of their mingy attitudes towards them. They are usually Minges, actually scratch that they are always Minges. New players might get sucked in but the difference is they'll learn eventually and break away. I'll be listing their reactions like above but I won't be putting any pictures because they are all above ^^.  It's also well to note these guys are almost always concerned with guns and are less concerned with escaping, the tell tale opposite of the resistance.


Webuls usually hoard around Vortigaunts and might find themselves annoying the hell out of the Vortigaunt player by asking for them to help them stop the Combine and asking them to help fight the combine. Vortigaunt players often use their Vorts to weed out the Webuls and help Admins ban them or educate them depending on if their a minge or new player. Also the Webuls never take anything seriously like Vortigaunts would and are known to result to punchwhoring a Vort that refuses to help them, so watch out.

City Administrators

Webuls are often seen shouting at City Administrators about how they suck and saying 'fuck the combine' when others are trying to enjoy a good bit of Roleplay. City Admins, disputably, are the best way to weed out a Webul. There isn't much I can add other then whats been said in one sentence as Webuls only reaction to City Administrators is to shout at them and throw stuff at them which leads them to getting beaten or killed.

CCA and Overwatch

Ah the most interesting part of dealing with Webuls. CCA members have to put up with them until they can detain them and get an Admin. Webuls tend to throw stuff at combine, quite literally as they can pick up something like a cash register and throw it at them to try and prop kill, with the reason "My caracter hatez the combine lulz." This leads to them getting banned most of the time. The Overwatch forces have an excuse to be able to waste a webul and usually summarily execute them, or they keep them locked up until an Admin gets them.
Well thats all I have other then this, if you have a Webul in your room and they won't stop bothering you or minging around you, try to lock them up, but don't tell a CCA unit as you will get in trouble too, instead get an Admin.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 08:52:43 PM by Gunnerstrip7-The Nomadic Gamer »

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Re: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2011, 03:19:43 PM »
Great stuff, should be used as a newbie guide!
Markus Ferris| Alive | 30ish | (City)

Offline The Sage

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Re: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2011, 03:28:41 PM »
That's actually what I was aiming for, thanks.

Re: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2011, 10:56:02 PM »
Yeah I agree, I am new to the server and this has helped me out greatly. :)

Offline RapidJuice

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Re: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2012, 12:38:11 PM »
This is a really great guide, you really hit the nail on the head. Proud to be a "Resistance" myself.  8)

Well, the Resistance are more usually found in the Outlands, but you might wanna mention that the Resistance in the city aren't heroes like the Outlands ones. The Resistance who are in the Outlands need others to survive, guns etcetera are provided by their friends or colleagues, along with food and shelter on most part. You might want to mention that the City Resistance are much, much different. Since they inhabit the city, any move they make could make them end up dead. City Resistance members are much darker people, often don't care if citizens get in their way. Perhaps even giving their own lives, an easier word would be Terrorists. Since it's easier to be in the Outlands, surrounded by others and having everything readily available, being in the City is what they're used to. AKA, they are much smarter than the average Resistance Member you find in the Outlands, having to navigate back alleys and knowing which places you can hide in, and which you can't. Perhaps even driven to the brink of insanity by their isolated surroundings. However, their forms of RP and ways they conduct themselves are much more of a thrilling experience, since their unpredictability causes a more tense roleplay.

Just sayin'.  ::)
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Re: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2012, 01:29:40 PM »
Pretty good guide! I'm fairly new and now I know what to look for and can better understand the differences. Keep it up  ;)

Offline SinfullSkill

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Re: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2012, 05:50:00 PM »
Thanks for the info! one of my chars might have accidentally been a webul! I won't do so now though lol :3...but yeah, thanks for the guide!

Offline TristanOfTheRawr

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Re: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2012, 01:57:37 AM »
Thanks for the guide! Didn't even know any of this, helped me quite a bit!

Offline [CLG] Rob

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Re: The Resistance and Webuls and how to tell them apart.
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2012, 07:56:37 PM »
Thanks for the info, it is really helpful to new players.


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