Author Topic: Rory Garson's Authorization Application  (Read 3565 times)

Offline The Joke

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Rory Garson's Authorization Application
« on: December 31, 2011, 11:47:11 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: The Joke
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1 year

Character Section

To be able to have brilliant knowledge of science (Chemistry) and to be able to have knowledge on all technology and to learn very quickly. Also i am applying for some sort of skin (Possibly CWU, or a CA skin. Or a Dr. Magnesuon skin but I know that this might not happen, although I would like to have some sort of skin.)

Name: Rory Garson
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Chapter one: The beginning.
Ever since Rory was just a young child, parents and teachers alike could see that he was incredibly intelligent. Rory could motion actions by the age of three months, this was exceptional for his age, but by six months he was stringing words together and able to say simple words and a few phrases.
By the time Rory had gone to school, he was already speaking longer, more complicated sentences, while his peers were only able to say simple words. The teachers could already see that he was very intelligent and could do anything that the teachers put in front of him.
Time went by and Rory kept on growing up. When he did his test to get into a secondary school, He aced it and went to Milvands grammar, a more upper class private school for boys. He went through the school with ease, not a problem was found with his work, he went to all the top groups in science and maths, showing that he genius throughout the school, beating even the older children’s high scores on any test that he did. Rory was accomplishing in life with ease, no worries or fears. His life was almost perfect.

Chapter two: University
Once Rory had finished school with flying colours, he wanted to go a little further and study chemistry in a more in depth level. So he decided to leave his life of luxury and go to University. As he stood on his stone steps, staring up at his massive twelve bedroom house. He wondered what his future would hold for him, and what he would have to do to get to the very top. He was one of the lucky children, of whose parents could afford university and extra education for him.
As he passed through University, still showing his excellence to teachers and students alike, he never looked back on his achievements and only looked to strive forward and do all that was necessary, his life was dependant on getting to the top. But sometimes things happen that end dreams once and for all.
One day the dean called him to their office to talk to him about a job offer, Rory jumped at the idea of getting a good, sturdy job and went straight to the office, knocking on the door. “Come in!” His dean called as Rory entered the room slowly and quietly. “Take a seat, please. I don’t bite!” His dean gave a huge smile of which seemed to never end. Rory, still quite unsure of what he was meant to do, sat down in the chair slowly. “Now Rory, I have never seen any of my students exceed as much as you have, so I took the liberty of seeing if there were any jobs for you that would improve and hone your skills. But I know you must have some ideas of where you must be heading” The dean kept his smile all the way through his speech, while Rory just sat there, nodding slowly. “Now, obviously you must be looking for something in the science department, more specifically something in technology perhaps?” The dean stared at Rory from under his thick glasses with one brow raised, Rory once again just nodded, not saying a word. “Right, I was thinking something like this.” The dean raised his glasses to read the computer screen. “There is a new laboratory that has opened not far from here, the...Prinstine laboratory, it goes hand in hand with what you have studied, medicine, oils, anything that you want to study you could do there in depth. I think its right up your street!” He gave another big smile, staring at Rory waiting for his response. “Sure?” Replied Rory suddenly. “Fantastic! Now, they are having an open day soon, so go along, make sure everything is to your liking, and then just send your application in. I am sure with your education they will find it hard to say no!” Rory smirked, as he saw the next step in his life, come straight to his front doorstep.

Chapter three: Three years later in the Prinstine lab, nothing lasts forever...
Rory was happy, all his life dreams were coming to him, and he just had to do science, what more could you ask for? After spending years conducting experiments, doing lectures, learning new ways of doing things, he soon realised that he could not have asked for anything better in his life.
One day while Rory was conducting an experiment to find new medicines from different chemicals. He felt the floor shake and looked up, the light was swinging backwards and forwards. He just shrugged and went back to his work. Then bang! The window smashed behind him as a pulse of energy flew him into the table in front of him, knocking the wind out of him, he stumbled back up to look outside, and could see military vehicles everywhere, soldiers running down the street and opening fire on strange objects, as the enemy fired strange pulse rounds back at them. Rory ran down the stairs, trying to find a way out of the building as everything exploded behind him, his lab coat swinging by his ankles as he ran. “Shit!” he yelled, as a pipe burst straight in front of him, he carried on running. Knowing that he could not stay where he was, until he tripped on his lab coat and fell down the stairs, knocking his head on the wall in front of him, passing out on the spot.

Chapter four: Nothing lasts forever...
Rory woke up what seemed hours later; his head had a huge bump on it as he held it, walking on. He looked down to see his colleagues, dead. He gagged as he walked through their bodies, before realising that all the noises had stopped, there were only short bursts of gunfire that could be heard from very far in the distance, and Rory knew he had to run somewhere safe, somewhere far away. He ran from all he loved, and had to think only of survival as his number one task...from now on.

Chapter five: The Outlands
Everything was destroyed, cities were in ruins. But he soon found a place he had to call home. Rory never knew anywhere that was truly safe, he was not a survivor, he was a scientist, and he fought with his mind, not his fists. But he soon came to realise, that maybe that was the wrong way to approach his new life. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and months turned slowly into a year. Rory finally found somewhere that he would have to call home, he approached a man asking what this place was called, and the man only shrugged, then smirked and said “The Outlands...” Rory stood there mystified, watching the man as he walked off, playing the words over and over in his head, The Outlands? He soon saw that it was getting dark and needed shelter. So he ran into a nearby bunker where he huddled up for warmth, before realising that some strange technology was inside, he got up and looked around confused. He fiddled with a few switches before seeing a computer; he stepped towards it, switching it on. It was ancient hardware, but he could put up with it, he logged onto an account, clicked on notes and saw many diaries. He stood there reading the last one, at the bottom it was signed, Doctor Albert Dean. He then got up and said to himself “OTA...? Doctor Albert Dean...who the hell is that?” “Ahem...” He heard a noise behind him and slowly turned “I am Doctor Albert Dean, thank you very much” Rory stood there staring at the bald man, “I am sorry, I did not know that this bunker was occupied.” The Doctor stood there staring at him, then looked at his dirty lab coat and said, “A scientist?” Rory replied “I suppose so, yes” The Doctor nodded slowly “I see...” He then went over to one of his machines and flicked on a switch, it flickered to life, showing a small beam, “What is this then?” He pointed at the small beam, “Infra-red I am guessing?” The doctor smiled, “Not a complete idiot, that’s good” He then looked at Rory behind his glasses and smirked before saying, “You may be of some use to me...come” He flicked his hand to the doorway, and as Rory followed knowing that there was nothing else he could do, he realised. This was his new home, and this was his new companion.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
The ability to be able to use most technology he comes across, or to be able to build new technology.
To be able to learn quickly when being taught something new, or learning from mistakes.
The skin will make him stand out more as a doctor and not just as a citizen.

The skin may make him stand out to OTA and seem like more of a target.
He might be quite snobby and see everyone else as morons.
He is not much of a survivor, due to living in luxury and will have to mooch off of others, or adapt to any situation put before him.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to use these perks and defects to make new RP for myself and others. It will be interesting to be this character as he will find it hard to live in the harsh surroundings and may get in a lot of trouble with people.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
As i said before, the skin is optional. I am mainly focusing on the intelligence of the character. But if I was able to have a different skin, I think it would be a lot better.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2011, 12:09:07 PM by The Joke »
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Offline BltElite

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Re: Rory Garson's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2011, 11:50:24 AM »
For the science, you will have to choose one. Not all 3.

Offline The Joke

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Re: Rory Garson's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2011, 11:52:49 AM »
Why one? and if so, can i edit then?
Status: Alive
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Zak Grant
Status: Alive
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Mike Harolds
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Zak Renolds
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Offline Veran120

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Re: Rory Garson's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2011, 04:25:00 PM »
Why one? and if so, can i edit then?

Yes, you can edit it now.
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Offline The Joke

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Re: Rory Garson's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2011, 04:26:09 PM »
Done editing
Status: Alive
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Zak Grant
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to adjust to the Outlands again

Mike Harolds
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Zak Renolds
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Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: Rory Garson's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2011, 06:41:34 PM »
Looks good, application accepted. You can have a CWU "white-shirt" skin if you want, just ask an SA to set it for you.

EDIT: You can have the Dr. Mag skin, actually. No harm in that.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 04:18:58 AM by Kom??Як »


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