Author Topic: About CrazyNinja admin and ocrp server What really went on!  (Read 4021 times)

Offline {GE}Bluefighter

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About CrazyNinja admin and ocrp server What really went on!
« on: December 29, 2011, 09:39:19 PM »
I am not going to start this off all nice and every thing am telling this right out! The reason that crazyninja got ban was not because of what happen because of Justin AKA Jay No no I will tell you  the really truth! The owner really didnt like Crazyninja, nor did Johanan. Johanan was just waiting for the right time he is Justin AKA Jay's friend. Johanan was telling Justin what to do and what to post and not to post to make sure Johanah kept admin. Isnt it a little weird that HE told Justin what to block out in the evidence. Dont you wonder what it said? He tampered with the evidence as I said before he twisted it. Why would you block it out unless theres something big they didnt want to see? I know they didnt like him he was just too good and every one liked him, But it brings question if every one liked him why did he get demoted? The owner was waiting for that moment too! The other admins liked crazyninja i know they did there backing him up right now! I my self think this is a great server or would be great if they judged people right. There was bad evidence for that demotion and they know it! I do think this server is going down yes its nice they have great admins other then "some other guy". I think there is no leadership in this server any more, to me some times it looks power hungry at some points but not because of just "a admin". Now the point of this is I think you should give him a chance and just watch him I swear you will not regret. The people of the server will back me up! I hope you will not ban me because of what have done. I would just like the people of this site and servers to know what i think. This is only my opinion!
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 09:42:22 PM by [IG] BlueFighter-Crazy4Admin »

Offline Yimmy The Cat

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Re: About CrazyNinja admin and ocrp server What really went on!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2011, 10:05:39 PM »
What the hell are you talking about? You think this was all a conspiracy?

I could believe that. But we need more evidence before ANYONE could POSSIBLY believe this.
What starts off as a joke soon becomes a gamemode.

I envy you :'(  Did you furiously pull your cock off until your penis shot pure childrens tears?

Offline {GE}Bluefighter

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Re: About CrazyNinja admin and ocrp server What really went on!
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2011, 10:20:30 PM »
I was in the chat with crazyninja when the situation occured.  We were all joking around and one of us told him to say that to justin newton.  Justin newton knew crazyninja was only joking but got mad when crazyninja stopped him for mugging a individual in public and took a picture of the steam chat knowing he can use it for his demotion and kept it for ammunition for around 2 weeks and finally made a complaint, getitng him dmeoted.  The demotion was unfair, the evidence was flawed, and we are all only human beings and I bleieve he should recieve yet another chance as a admin.  Plus like nicknero said, Panicslol was blackmailing johanan but roflwaflfe siad it wasnt blackmail, and the case with crazyninja, his is far less as bad as that. So in RoflWaffle's logic, this wouldn't be put as blackmail, just him saying that he may ban him/extend a ban for hitcading and the "Don't put your panties in a twist" is just a saying not meant to be taken seriously.
CrazyNinja's demotion was nothing but unfair, he was the most active, dedicated, did his best for this community and he went by the rules, i never seen him break any rules on the server.  RTLK and other have done far worse and did they get dmeoted? hell no, they got a slight slap on the wrist and got moved along.  What crazyninja did was a minor offense and sohuld not be dmeoted, perhaps just a slap on the wrist or something!?

Offline {GE}Bluefighter

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Re: About CrazyNinja admin and ocrp server What really went on!
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2011, 10:26:14 PM »
 I also saw that in RoflWaffle's last post that he "had a ego bigger than his."  I don't see how this is,  I have known CrazYninja for sometime now and he treated everyone the same with a open mind.  He never tohught anyone was less important than he was, he treated everyone with respect and never have a ego.  So i think roflwaffle is lieing when he is saying this.   Fro mwhat i know and mnay others know, this is not right, and another think crazyninja is being accused of, which isnt right.

Offline {GE}Bluefighter

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Re: About CrazyNinja admin and ocrp server What really went on!
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2011, 10:37:38 PM »
sorry but this is what i think not going to drop it.

brb bathroom

>>>>>>>>>>You see how much i care about what you said? You dont even play ocrp FOOL! *troll face* No homo

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Re: About CrazyNinja admin and ocrp server What really went on!
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2011, 10:38:06 PM »
RoflWaffle has already said that he won't be getting administration privileges back. Although people disagree with the action that has been taken, making threads like these simply won't do anything to help the problem. Matter of fact, they don't do much at all in terms of convincing RoflWaffle to lift the demotion.

With that said, I'm locking this thread to avoid any further drama and arguments that will occur with this thread.

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Re: About CrazyNinja admin and ocrp server What really went on!
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2011, 10:51:07 PM »
Just an FYI. Johanan did not have ANYTHING censored because it was me that asked Justin to do it, and the only things I had him censor from the photo's was the URL to the admin logs.

Notice how they all say removed/blocked at my request?
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