It has some models baked into it, but not the correct CA's, and the animations are broke for them anyway, which we need to fix.
Will this fix the wires, the park, and boarded up windows in UCH from being Purple and Black checkered pixels?
are you circumcised: kind of
Quote from: borat0147 on January 06, 2012, 07:38:34 PMWill this fix the wires, the park, and boarded up windows in UCH from being Purple and Black checkered pixels?You're probably missing EP2 / CS:S content. If you have those games installed, you'll need to make sure the boxes for them are checked under the (main menu) extensions -> game content thinger
Yes, HL2:EP2 is unavailable (I played on Orange Box before I joined PC Master Race) Is there any demo/download I can install to make them go away? If not, it's okay. It's just a minor eye-sore, and the occasional "ERROR" doesn't really bother me if I ask in OOC what it is.