Author Topic: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!  (Read 10485 times)

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2011, 05:40:06 PM »
I really don't think there needs to be some revolution here. I think Crazy should get admin back, but that is my opinion. I really don't think there needs to "WE WANT OUR RIGHTS ROFL" when he is the guy who pays for this. Its like going to someone's house and freeloading them, then telling them their food tastes like crap. Yea, maybe it does taste a little like crap,  but its free and it should be the way he wants it.
If hes a bad cook thats a thing, but when the food is intentionally cooked poorly, its a bit much
Yayaya rofl owns the host, good for him, but removing decent admins and letting an entire server go to waste for shit and giggles wont keep him hosting too much longer
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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2011, 05:46:00 PM »
All this drama is not needed...

Some of the demotions might be too harsh and could get off with a warning, but why is there so much drama created every time someone is demoted for making a mistake?

They will have a chance to get admin again if they werent demoted for something major.
Stop assuming things.

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2011, 05:47:16 PM »
@Rictalspace: We can stop him. We are his community. Who cares what he changes if we all leave because he won't do shit. Know that I haven't a problem with him as a person, only how he leads.

Something big would have to change for him to make such a move. His donations are still steadily coming in, meaning such threads do not much as much of a change. I understand that you are at how he leads, not him as a person. Although Rofl has made bad decisions, good decisions have come from him too. Besides, without him there would be no CG to start.
Support is probably the best option to make a change. People shouldn't be weary of what their saying because they are paranoid of being banned.
Whatever the outcome, I respect you for having the courage of making such a thread.

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2011, 05:58:04 PM »
All this drama is not needed...

Some of the demotions might be too harsh and could get off with a warning, but why is there so much drama created every time someone is demoted for making a mistake?

They will have a chance to get admin again if they werent demoted for something major.
You cant just take it w/o saying anything, itll just turn you to someones bitch.
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\\r\\nWe live in the explosion of a bomb that has not yet finished exploding. You and everything you love are debris. Have a good day ^_^\\\'\\\'\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: Who is talking?\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: They sound hot\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: The background\\r\\nDegtyarev: They are 11 :l

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2011, 06:01:08 PM »
@TOM: We're sick of dumb demotions though, that's the issue. Dismissing it as drama is hardly helpful

@Rictal Thank you.

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2011, 06:18:25 PM »
I guess that Tomasas is right in the way that they can re-earn administrator but there is also the side arguement that they shouldn't be demoted for such small reasons. Small probations or a warning/strike system would do better.
Such as having three strikes like in the CCA. One strike at a time (Depending on the severity of the situation).
One Strike = Abuse at a player/administrator or abuse of a command to gain something for himself
Two Strikes = Continued abuse of commands or at a player/Admin
Three Strikes = Large scale abuse/blackmail of a player. Large quarrel with fellow admin/SA.

This is my idea to make things a little smoother with punishments to admins. Just hope to help a bit.

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2011, 06:18:34 PM »
I agree some Admins demoted was unjust,  but hey its roflwaffles community, i didnt donate.  Why should you care if you didnt donate? Not everyone is perfect with making decisions.  And trust me Its not easy managing a community full of kids..  To add to this i do agree with most of this.  Preferably Karma,  karma is a friend hes very nice when he wants to be, but half the stuff that has happened is unacceptable.  Im going to leave it there, i wish to not make a huge argument and get my permanent ban ive been promised by 3 admins.


Its Roflwaffles community, if he wants to make decisions let him.  If you dont like what he does go start your own community and try to properly manage it and then see if your users dont bitch at you too.

Also most of you have no right to bitch at him seeing you have not donated a single penny to the community.  And that is sick, your here for free and play the servers for free and still think your obligated to bitch about the owners decisions?

To those who did donate, You funded the community. But you donated.  The least you should get is a pat on the back and your perks.  You sadly dont have a say in the community, but you can influence others and yourself not to donate.  But hey, complaining on the forums GETS YOU NOWHERE. Get over it...  I have stopped my bitching.

So let me ask you...  Why should you be bitching about his actions?  Why do you think he should change? Could you do better?.

However, i do agree but please do understand its not your community.  If he wants to run it like this, let him.

Thanks for your time.
~Adam S

Also sorry to anyone who is now pissed off at me.

***Deposits his 2 cents.

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2011, 06:21:05 PM »
Now as I write this reply I realize im probably out of place to be speaking here. But bear with me. I'm For this idea, but STRONGLY AGIANST it being continued ingame. Administrator is a Out of character position. They gain nothing ICly for being admining therefore nothing can be lost ICly when they loose it. Therefore it shouldn't be protested in a IC manner.

Rofls way of running the demotion system is HIGHLY flawed. There should be a specific punishments for doing actions such as rule one. Not just a straight up demotion. Now crazy did break a rule, and he was punished according to this system of "one wrong, your gone" but what you guys should be working for is a reform of the system, not of creating drama over his demotion. Believe it or not he DID do something wrong. His punishment was not good though. You should work to get rofl to reform the punishments to more definitive system were punishments are clearly defined, not getting one persons admin back.

Now I'm not here to get flamed. I offered my solution. Weather you like it or not its out there. Id appreciate me being falsely accused being stopped. I reported it just as i explained in the report thread. Thanks.
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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2011, 06:57:59 PM »
Administrator's name: CrazyNinja
Administrator's steamID: STEAM_0:0:26391507

Your steamID: STEAM_0:0:24101133

What did they do: Threats/Blackmail
What server was this on:Steam chat
Extra details: Some links have been removed from the chat at jiggers request. Im sure he will confirm.

What did they do: Abuse of admin chat during a raid
What server was this on:OCRP
Extra details: Found in a screencap of logs i was given in the chat shown above. Link is white'd due to it showing links to the admin log system itself and requested by jigger.

What did they do: Avoiding admin situation with my org. Showing favoritism for is org by bailing his friend out of a mugging then avoiding talking to us or viewing evedince/rules that allowed us to mug him there.
What server was this on: OCRP
Evidence: Waiting till martiner gets on to post this. He has the video
Extra details:

Was already demoted for the first part, second part just adds on to that.

For those who didn't read the admin complaint and think crazy was immediately demoted for ONLY rule 1.  As Rofl stated, Crazy was banned for Rule 1 and threatening/blackmailing.  The abuse of admin chat is added on top of that.  I'm disappointed in Crazy, I don't think he should not have admin again, I believe he should correct his attitude and show he is capable of administrating to the expectations that Rofl has set before returning to the administration team.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 06:59:43 PM by Johanan »

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2011, 07:36:18 PM »
I'm trying to stay out of this as much as possible but I can not sit back and watch people lie about me.  I did NOT break any rules.  It was a joke,  I would never abuse or what not and in my opinion my demotion was fall out wrong.   I was demoted with false evidence and accused of things in which I did not commit.  Yes,  the joke got out of hand, indeed it did, but I did not break any rules and in which shouldn't of been demoted.  I can say a lot of bad things about both johanan and justin, but the forums is not the place to do so and I'm not going to flame and get forum banned or what not.  All I know is I as, well, I always thought I did admin well,  I am human and yes the joke got out of hand, but my demotion was unjust.  I doubt roflwaffle will change his mind and promote me back to admin as he should, but so be it.  I did not want a drama fest to be created due to my demotion, what is done is done, if RoflWaffle makes right, then bravo, if not, then it shall be.  I also realized that ever since I haven't been a admin, just for the first day, there has been chaos in OCRP due to no admins,  I was one of the most dedicated admins within CG.  I played on OCRP 9 hours a day maintaining it and doing my best to keep it clean from "trolls" or what not.  I abide by both the server rules and admin rules to the best of my abilities. I do not want anyone to reply to this post and cause even more drama or what not,  I'm just giving out my truthful opinion on the situation.


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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2011, 09:13:39 PM »
A community requires two basic aspects to survive. Administration and player base. Without one the other falls into chaos or ceases to exist.

Obviously, with being new to the community, I don't know the exact situation as it stands with the administration of this community. That being said, I have been an active part of multiple rp communities, including some of which where I was able to gain administrator privileges.

The one problem I see with this "Occupy Main Street" movement is that this is an act that WILL divide members of the community. Dividing a community such as this is EXTREMELY detrimental to the overall health (population, satisfaction with members, satisfaction with admins) of the server(s). Division of members into those who "support" and those who do not causes a fracture to occur in the community. This fracture could carry over to the server and IC interaction between players. Any fracture in any community is highly detrimental to the community. I really can't make that any more clear.
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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2011, 09:17:00 PM »
This thread is not to debate your demotion crazy. You were already demoted before i made my complaint either way. Let this thread focus on how we can prevent it from happening again.

A community requires two basic aspects to survive. Administration and player base. Without one the other falls into chaos or ceases to exist.

Obviously, with being new to the community, I don't know the exact situation as it stands with the administration of this community. That being said, I have been an active part of multiple rp communities, including some of which where I was able to gain administrator privileges.

The one problem I see with this "Occupy Main Street" movement is that this is an act that WILL divide members of the community. Dividing a community such as this is EXTREMELY detrimental to the overall health (population, satisfaction with members, satisfaction with admins) of the server(s). Division of members into those who "support" and those who do not causes a fracture to occur in the community. This fracture could carry over to the server and IC interaction between players. Any fracture in any community is highly detrimental to the community. I really can't make that any more clear.

There are plenty of other admins options (even though over half of them are HL2RP admins) than JUST crazy. And on top of that you can record demos and post ban requests in less than 5 minutes....

But the movement shouldn't be allowed to be carried over ICly. As this is a OOC thing. If they wanna protest stuff ICly then so be it. Protest the decor of tides or how the IC mayor handles something, not something that cant/wont be changed.

a your self said, it will divide the community and disrupt RP.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 09:21:55 PM by 2012 Justin AKA Jay »
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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2011, 09:27:41 PM »
And I'm sure anyone that has a problem with the current administration's actions could take it up with the administrator in a well constructed private message rife with constructive criticism. It's amazing what politeness and class can accomplish.
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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2011, 10:08:08 PM »
@Tyler: Tried that, got ignored.

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Re: Occupy Main Street! - Hands off our Administrators!
« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2011, 11:12:21 PM »
This isn't a democracy so its not worth trying. Members have tried to get admins back it doesn't work the only way you will get Rofl's attention is if you wave 100$ in his face.


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