[b]Character Name:[/b][b]Age:[/b] (Current Age) ((Birthdate))[b]Fatal Flaw/Defect:[/b] [i](Flaw/Defect):[/i][b]CID:[/b][b]Physical Description:[/b][spoiler=Image Referance][img]http://(place a link to an image relative to your character here OPTIONAL)[/img][/spoiler][b]Mental State:[/b][b]Physical State:[/b][b]Background:[/b] (short version)[spoiler=Back Story Within](Story Content)[/spoiler][b]Strengths - Skills/Traits:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Research Notes:[/b] [b]Research References:[/b][LINKS][b]Accent:[/b][b]Mannerisms:[/b]
Holy crap, where did you find this? I don't even think I have this backed up anymore. Forgot I wrote it.
Quote from: �CG« Eatdamuffin on July 02, 2012, 07:08:56 PMHoly crap, where did you find this? I don't even think I have this backed up anymore. Forgot I wrote it. Want it back in the original formatting? I got it from before the TnB wipe. (see date of post) I tried to PM you btw but you never responded and the forums got wiped so I saved it. Please don't be mad at me :3