Author Topic: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)  (Read 7405 times)

Offline YankeeSamurai

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hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« on: November 17, 2011, 08:33:50 PM »
Waiting for a green light on this list-

Edit: minor edits to document, clarification added in anti-union faction section
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 08:48:45 PM by YankeeSamurai »

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 09:45:50 PM »
Read through it. I like pretty much all of it, except for the official resistance groups. Official resistance groups always lead to elitism, and deter to RP, as all everyone wants is to be in the "official" resistance.

UU.OTA-VANGUARD.6.94250 | Online (THETA.EOW)
C45.CCA.CLASSIFIED.326 | In Service (VOID-DvL.326)
C45.CCA.APEX-01.199 | In Service
Dr. Wolfgang Metzger | Dead | Shot after throwing a Breen bust at the SeC.

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2011, 10:06:53 PM »
Danget, nobody ever gets what the Red Union is. We are not a chaotic neutral; we are a chaotic evil. We are not a loosely structured criminal organization, we are brutally barbaric and bloody organized, like the Romans by today's standards. One of these days I will expand on the thought of an official resistance and Anti-Union RP in general as I've wanted to, but haven't had the time for.

Now Yank, I'd like you to focus a tad more on how. I do believe, in general, people overplay sorts of RP. The “Citizen Employment Program” does not "Encourage self-improvement, goal-setting, character development." I see no way in it doing that.

Also I'd like to say that economy. in HL2RP, does not exist. People will not work for tokens. The "Token-based Economy" cannot work. I have had interests in creating and MMORPG and I have read books about system ran and player ran economies. There are no teams and I don't see any that will be doing the calculations and regulating the tokens coming into and out of the system. And it's hardly worth it. People will just do this for fun, tokens just a side benefit.

I'd really like to see CWU become more active I must say. Why do you call for ranks to be changed to a corporate one when only one to two branches are business like? 

Dang, I've heard the word elitist more on these forums than anywhere else in my life. Its the Red Scare of some sorts.

But yes, I do support most of the ideas expressed and I will expand more-so on the Anti-Union RP one of these days.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 10:11:14 PM by NRK »

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2011, 02:56:20 AM »
Danget, nobody ever gets what the Red Union is. We are not a chaotic neutral; we are a chaotic evil. We are not a loosely structured criminal organization, we are brutally barbaric and bloody organized, like the Romans by today's standards.

If you noticed, I stated that my alignments were in regard to Resistance vs. Combine. I suppose I could have made this more clear in the document, but I'll make it clear right now. In my alignments, the Combine are evil and the Lambda Movement-like resistance is good. I classified the Red Union as chaotic neutral because they are neither allied with the combine, nor are they allied with the Lambda movement. They are for no side but themselves, thus, they must be classified as neutral.

The “Citizen Employment Program” does not "Encourage self-improvement, goal-setting, character development." I see no way in it doing that.

I see this as a particularly shallow statement.

First, character development- by providing players with an abundance of options, players are encouraged to make decisions. More accurately, the character makes the decisions, because good roleplayers will make the decisions based on their character's personality. Through these deliberate decisions, personality is decided upon; character is developed through the choice-based system. Also, jobs are persistent. That means a character will be ICly considered to be an employee at a certain business until he/she actually quits ICly. This helps players imagine an identity for their character and "flesh him out."

Now for goal setting and self-improvement. In the IC workplace, characters are judged on their performance. The better a character's professional performance, the faster and more frequently he/she will gain promotions. With the promotions come benefits and rewards. Granted, the rewards must be sufficiently worthwhile- that's the tricky part. But if this condition is met, IC rewards can be a powerful OOC incentive. The player has something to work toward. It works similar to how players are motivated in the CCA- reaching this rank so I can do this new thing and this other new thing. The player is encouraged to set goals. For example, "I gotta get that promotion to branch director so I can open a cafe in the street shop and fire that one annoying guy." To ensure achievement of the goals, most players make an OOC effort to improve their roleplay or maintain it at a certain standard. This OOC improvement in roleplay skill tends to lead to better IC impressions and interactions, which are satisfying. So there you have it- incentive based goals which require a certain degree of self-improvement (or at the very least, self-evaluation) to achieve.

Also I'd like to say that economy. in HL2RP, does not exist. People will not work for tokens.

Well, yeah bro. That's what I'm trying to change.

I have had interests in creating and MMORPG and I have read books about system ran and player ran economies.


There are no teams and I don't see any that will be doing the calculations and regulating the tokens coming into and out of the system.

When I refer to an economy, I mean one of the most rudimentary sort. That is, players spending tokens on their own. At this state, all I'm aiming for is increased circulation. Calculations and regulating monetary flow etc etc... That's taking in-game economics to an extreme, and such activities will most likely never take place in this community. The term "economy" may have mislead you. Let me stress that the main goal is to provide incentives for players to spend tokens.

And it's hardly worth it. People will just do this for fun, tokens just a side benefit.

Jesus Christ, that's the point. Yes- it's not worth it right now because there are no real incentives, no real benefits or rewards. The aim is to create those incentives, benefits, and rewards so it does become worth it. And anyway, do you have a problem with people doing things "for fun?" That's exactly what CG's hl2rp should ultimately boil down to- getting people to do things for fun. And it's at the heart of what I'm trying to do here- make being a civvie more fun.

I'd really like to see CWU become more active I must say. Why do you call for ranks to be changed to a corporate one when only one to two branches are business like? 

Hmm, so would I.
And the ranks are changed to a corporate one only in name... It's all about providing the faction with its own distinct "flavor." Names are vital in conveying atmosphere, it's the difference between calling a CCA unit an "RCT" or an "initiate." I'd like the entire faction to seem very professional and bureaucratic, so therefore its names and terminology should reflect that same feeling.

Read through it. I like pretty much all of it, except for the official resistance groups. Official resistance groups always lead to elitism, and deter to RP, as all everyone wants is to be in the "official" resistance.

The way I see it, we already have an official CCA and an official CWU. Any elitists within those factions are promptly delt with; it's simply a matter of transferring that same intolerance of elitism to a new faction.

Personally, I believe the point about how everybody wants to be in the "official" resistance is invalid. It's a good sign if lots of people want to be in your faction, because that means it's fun. And fun is what we want. I support having an official resistance because it's much easier to manage than one that is run by a player with his own agenda. More importantly, having an official resistance is absolutely vital in terms of balancing faction alignments. One of CG's hl2rp's major problems is the fact that there are many official pro-combine factions and a lack of anti-combine ones. Hl2rp needs some other influential force to balance out the immense power of the CCA, CWU, and Loyalist Program. The only way I see to provide that balance is an officially supported resistance faction, or better yet, multiple anti-combine factions with some ambiguous ones thrown into the mix.

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2011, 02:57:33 AM »
hl2rp is serious business we write word documents up yo

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2011, 10:28:34 AM »

Offline Adam S

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2011, 06:39:23 PM »
Are you trolling? And yes im asking a serious question.

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2011, 09:50:11 PM »
Are you trolling? And yes im asking a serious question.

Yes, SMT is trolling.
c wat i did thar?

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2011, 02:22:37 AM »
Are you trolling? And yes im asking a serious question.

Yes, SMT is trolling.
c wat i did thar?

Oh, I knew it! Makes sense now...

ye i c  :3
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 02:41:49 AM by YankeeSamurai »

Offline Rictalspace

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2011, 08:02:10 AM »
I like your ideas for the CWU. However, we've already discussed that having set groups for things as small as sanitation can get dull quicker that expected. Not to mention the Citizens are on it already. Corporate and Medical are already implemented but I do like the Media section, it seems like a good addition to the roleplay that the CWU do. Technical is something we have discussed too, which was a "If we get enough players".  The big problem with these however is the number of players. Most of the CWU is made up of players with a CCA and CWU, where the CCA gets more attention leading to less CWU. I'm not saying we should block those people out or make them choose, but perhaps influencing those without CCA more would lead to an increase in CWU.

I agree with the employment scheme in the CWU, higher up gets you more benefits leading to more self improvement/motivation. However, we would have to integrate more things to do with tokens, when you get up to something like 3000 tokens it gets dull and demotivating. Simply because there's nothing to do with them other than purchase goods. We need to integrate things that only the CWU can buy which would lead to greater RP. This can tie into the economy idea:

I studied macro and micro economics last year fully and have a pretty good idea of current economic situations and what can lead to other things. Influencing a roleplay based economy where the players creativity comes into play can be a good idea. Although it would need motivation to get it started, what do you propose we do with it? Are there side effects to a 'bad' economy where less trade is occurring? Are there positive benefits to a more active economy, such as lower inflation (General rise in prices to those who don't know). Although tokens aren't exactly like currencies today, we should implement more things to do with a real life economy, but not so much that it can spiral out of control like the problems we face today. This can also incorporate with the CWU media as they would report on changes in inflation, or whatever we choose to implement.

The Civil Employment Program is a good idea, I implemented a type of program back in my old community and it seemed to work well. A job office would be set up for those looking for something to do, these jobs would include things such as janitor work (Sweepers, cleaners etc.), Union Influencers (Spreading propaganda with leaflets etc.), Factory work (Not the best of ideas.) and general help to the CWU (Would depend on what the CWU would need doing).

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2011, 09:56:51 AM »
It was sort of my idea to make the factory work in the old community Rictal, where I and a few other CWU would hire some citizens to do mainline work in building request devices and other necessities.

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2011, 11:06:56 AM »
I wouldn't say that, the term 'Factory work' isn't your idea.
I implemented it several times after OB, after you trolled and left.

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2011, 11:14:46 AM »
I'm still edgy on CWU and Rebel rp but everything else looks good
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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2011, 05:25:33 AM »
I looked through it.  I support most of it, and some I downright disagree with.  CBA to type much atm, so link with crossed-out what I don't like.

Offline Adam S

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Re: hl2rp Proposed Changes (word document DL link)
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2011, 09:02:59 PM »
I'm just going to be clear;

I rather be:
Pissed on,
shot to death,

Than see 200 new devisions added to the CWU, I wanted to keep my ideals to myself but i want to be the first to say i find half of this stuff to be the dumbest ideas ive seen to this date.   It was never my idea to add branches to the CWU for the main fact the community does not have a civil/big enough player base to actually have people in them.  Adding these new ones will just make my life harder, and the uselessness of the CWU to be high.   

As for the corporate system i find it a bigger joke,  the CWU is not a corporation, and thats similar to the system ice had that was dumb.  The tier system stays,  i see no issue with it.  But what about the CCA? I see not many changes for it... Do you find it "Perfect" or do you really want us to be like TnB?

The rebel factions i see as a funny joke,  probably the biggest out of the post.  I dont think we should have official groups because all it will cause is more hype and all the new people who want to do some easy rp to join them.  Hell red union is bad enough alone in the city, now they will have competition?

The only thing i agree on is the Vort applications, which authorizations pretty much handles well enough.  As for the rest i think its compost heap.

And that's my Constructive Criticism and 2 cents.  Sorry if i offended anyone.

**Tips his hat.


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