SteamID: Steam Name:Exchange Rate:
Is it possible to donate the double amount and then get gold member? (Not saying i have the double amount but im just wondering as if your doing more than one of these then i dont see any problem in doing a double one as its just the double amount of money for you and the buyer.
Quote from: Crap-Head on April 16, 2011, 01:22:03 PMIs it possible to donate the double amount and then get gold member? (Not saying i have the double amount but im just wondering as if your doing more than one of these then i dont see any problem in doing a double one as its just the double amount of money for you and the buyer.Well, I'm just a little afraid of loads of people joining and them earning lots of money then me spending lots of money on Gold Member, but if I'm not getting enough people using this system I guess I'll do the gold member for double the price.
I'm not doing Exchange anymore