Author Topic: Loyalist Guide  (Read 5467 times)

Offline Fansastick

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Loyalist Guide
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:10:28 AM »
So I made this guide about a year ago for an old HL2RP community, so if some of the rules in this guide don't apply to this community, please tell me what I need to change.

-Table of contents
(Use ctrl+f and type in the roman numeral to find what section you want to read)
I. First!
II. What is a loyalist?
III. How do I become a loyalist?
IV. What do I get for being a loyalist?
V. Who should I avoid?
V.5. Who should I associate with?
VI. Closing

First, make sure you have read and understand This guide.
If you have, then you are ready to roleplay in a certain faction!

II.What is a loyalist?
Now lets resort to the dictionary!
1.a person who is loyal;  a supporter of the sovereign or of the existing government, especially in time of revolt.
That definition certainly fits a "Loyalist" in the Half Life 2 Universe. Our loyalist is a character that remains loyal to the CCA, opposite of the Resistance who aim to revolt against the Combine rule.

As a loyalist, you aim to spread the word of the Combine. That could mean sending out flyers, or speaking publicly.
When you refer to yourself as a loyalist, this means 99% of every action you do is to help the Combine. Actions like the ones stated below help your chances of becoming a loyalist. Remember, being loyal does not means you need a armband, or even be recognized![/I]

III.How do I become a Loyalist???
Becoming a Loyalist, in my opinion, is one of the easiest things you can do.
Simple things like turning in contraband, or reporting anti-civil behavior makes the CCA recognize you as a loyal citizen. Giving hints to Resistance Hideouts, and even member locations can make you greatly recognized. In short words, to become a loyalist, do things the combine like. Like using the paper item to make propaganda. Just remember not to do anything classified as anti-civil!

IV. What do I get for being a loyalist?

Most people will tell you, being a loyalist is not all about getting tokens and winning the game, and that it what I am telling you also. You can be a loyalist just for the satisfaction of developing your character.
The CCA still see you as malignant. If you are classified as loyalist, and you are doing anti-civil activities, most Metropolice wont hesitate to fire at you. So being a loyalist does not mean you are above the rules. When you turn in contraband, the rewards you usually get are points for you, or even just a good job. If you contribute a lot to the CCA, you may get a reward of extra rations, or maybe tokens. As stated before, don't really expect anything, besides recognition. But if you work hard enough as a known loyalist, you have a chance of working for the Universal Union....

V. Who should I avoid?
The obvious, avoid shady people. Avoid Resistance members. And you should REALLY avoid [slash]webuls[/slash] rebels. Those above people, really despise you. Some of them have so much hatred for your kind, they are even willing to kill one of you. That is one of the prices to pay for being loyal to the Combine, people will want to get in your way. But could you really blame them?

V.5. Who should I associate with?
The CCA are you friends! They protect you from baddies. They give you food, shelter, and rationing. They are the main ones you should be associating with. On the occasion if you can meet another loyalist, you can talk to them and even group with them, but remember who you are dealing with, and don't accidentally get into trouble.

VI. Closing
Thank you for reading this guide to being a Loyalist! Sorry for some mistakes, if any, this is my first guide. Hope this helps you on your way to becoming a loyalist!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 11:12:37 AM by Fansastick »
Out of Character for OOC:
Flannery Muldoon: This is a christian server. No sexrp, cursing, or being a black character.


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