Author Topic: <:: GRID-03.493 LOGS ::>  (Read 1879 times)

Offline Reimer

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<:: GRID-03.493 LOGS ::>
« on: October 06, 2011, 12:25:37 AM »

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Just trying out these logs for the first time, look back on my performance when I'm further down the line and whatnot.
Its kind of weird, when I patrol up and down main street I slip into a state of lower consciousness. Up the street, down the street, up the street.
Keepin order. Its still as exciting as Ive heard way back from my friends.... Can't really remember them anymore.  I guess its for the best though.
Seeing more and more of these Red Union people, first they set the CWU on the old city on fire, almost destroyed the Nexus, now I heard from one of their members that there are more of them. Who knows maybe they'll slip up and we can catch one of their leaders? Then we will know whats really going on behind their masks, or whatever they wear, maybe that was from that other group? They are all melting into the same thing now. Anti-citizens, anti-citizens and more anti-citizens. We feed them, give them clothes, protect them from whatever those "exogen" things from the last city were. And they continue to be ungrateful. Why though?  Where was I, oh yes. Red Union. I'm going to have to get a few other units to patrol with me into the slums, maybe we will get lucky.

Also need to get more GRID projects done, and training.  Busy busy.

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Console Shut Down.

// OOC Sorry if this didnt paste right with the colors and stuff, when I copy from teh code page it compacts itself and its useless.
5:28 PM - wakeboarderCWB: swastika really?
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we made it to riemer
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: he's the holy ghost
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we makes sacrifices there

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Offline Reimer

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Re: <:: GRID-03.493 LOGS ::>
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2011, 02:13:02 PM »

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Haven't done a diary in a long time, but now is a time where one would be good.
We got shelled again, during rations, just terrible. Managed to fight my way to the nexus with 713 and two other units, but we had to cover the rest of the units and civvies hrough the plaza, so we opened fire, but when 713 ran out to help another unit, a shell landed right next to him!
I ran out and pulled him away, into the airlock, but two other units were hit, and  one of those fast ones bit me, so we had to fall back and seal the nexus doors. The shelling went on for a good five minutes after until the OTA were called in, that was one bad fight, several citizens and units were hit, and now my right arm is in a bandage, 713 and I were okay, and the other two units were saved later, one of them might have died. The citizens were rowdy afterward, and tried to assualt some units, and another unit was almost killed. This is a day I won't forget soon.
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Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
5:28 PM - wakeboarderCWB: swastika really?
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we made it to riemer
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: he's the holy ghost
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we makes sacrifices there

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