Author Topic: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.  (Read 5135 times)

Offline Krax i

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From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« on: August 30, 2011, 05:24:40 PM »
Hi there, I'm Krax and I've been roleplaying seriously within the Half-Life 2 universe since 2004, only this evening have I come across Catalyst, and I am very happy to have found it!

I've been at Taco N' Banana for five years now and I have to admit that I'm not happy with its currently roleplaying style: it is not canon, nothing flows properly anymore, the Combine are portrayed very differently, and I think it's awful.

This evening, I have seen a roleplaying server that is identical to how Half-Life 2 is actually perceived, which is great! I hope to join the Civil Protection and enjoy this time as much as possible, feel free to add me on Steam!

"Cogito ergo sum -- I think therefore I am."

Offline Scratchie

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 05:35:03 PM »

Thank you for joining Catalyst-Gaming!

Below you can find information regarding all of our servers.  For more information about any of them, don't hesitate to ask.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay Rules

Important information about Half-Life 2 Roleplay:
This is a roleplay gamemode based in the Half-Life 2 universe.  Instead of playing Gordon Freeman, you are a citizen who is just trying to keep himself alive in this system that the Combine and the Benefactors have instated.  You can work your way up to become a Loyalist, and from there choose to join the Combine Civil Authority or the Civil Workers Union, or you can choose to integrate yourself into the resistance style of play and work to help the citizens.

For more information, visit:
The Combine Overwiki (External Link) - The best resource to get most information about the Half-Life 2 universe.
HL2RP Character Creation - A guide by Statua providing the best resource for creating a character.
Guides Board - A listing of every guide that players have made for Catalyst-Gaming over time.

Orange Cosmos Roleplay Rules

Important information about Orange Cosmos Roleplay:
Orange Cosmos Roleplay is based in real life.  Amongst the things you can do are: set up shops, make friends, earn money by becoming government, get cars, and most importantly have fun.  Unlike Half-Life 2 Roleplay, in Orange Cosmos Roleplay you are able to become almost anything as there is nothing but what is legal and illegal to own in the game.  You can choose to be a businessman, a taxi driver, join a gang, etc.  The biggest thing is to have fun!

For more information, visit:
Guides Board - Guides members of Catalyst-Gaming have put together over time.
Organizations Board - Information regarding the different player-run organizations in the game.

Deathrun Rules

Important information about Deathrun:
Catalyst-Gaming's Deathrun is custom coded by a few of our members.  Like most deathrun servers it has the basics like a point shop to get trails, models, etc.  But what we also have is a fully customizable and modifiable system where we can do virtually anything as we have the coders who made it and we are still developing it.  So join today, play, and suggest features for the future!

For more information, visit:
Deathrun Boards - Here is all the Deathrun boards.  Any information you want can be found there.

Garry's Mod Racer Rules

Important information about Garry's Mod Racer:
Garry's Mod Racer is an old (but still very fun) racing gamemode made by Hunts and developed by multiple people over the past few years.  In it, you race to gain money, upgrade your car, and (on some maps) go full out deathmatch style.  Newer players, while at a slight disadvantage, will easily make their way up the upgrade ladder with some quick thinking.

For more information, visit:
Garry's Mod Racer Boards - Most information you could want is in these boards.  If it isn't, ask!

Catalyst-Gaming also offers two other servers:
Harbor Roleplay
This roleplaying gamemode is based around a ocean/harbor style play.  You can choose to become criminal and smuggle shipments, or become coast guard and catch the criminals.  For more information, visit the forums for Harbor Roleplay.

Sandbox (Wire Build)
Our sandbox server is just what is needed to build what you need, and nothing more that causes general derp.  We have Wire, Builder STools, and a good map.  Join and start building.  See anything we could add?  Visit the forums for Sandbox.

Offline Adam S

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 05:38:12 PM »
We also have minecraft :(

Offline Suff

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2011, 06:03:36 PM »
Welcome to catalyst-gaming, Krax! We certainly hope you enjoy your stay. :)

Offline Pirate Robot

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2011, 06:31:14 PM »
Cool its Ditto.

Yeah, Welcome to Catalyst Gaming whoever you Are!

Offline JF

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2011, 06:36:47 PM »
Heya ^_^

Welcome to CG Krax. Enjoy your stay.
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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2011, 06:45:44 PM »
Welcome, and might I add to what others haven't, don't troll anybody that falls into a "special" kind of category.
"Groovy", "This, is my Boom stick".
"RoflWaffle: Servers are going to be down for at least 12 hours as I locked myself out of the box again"."RoflWaffle: :c I need to stop doing that".Justin Newton AKA Jay killed RTLK using "weapon_copgun_ocrp "I've now killed all the admins and dev's at least once."- Justin Newton AKA Jay".
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Offline TheKrusader

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2011, 09:26:52 PM »
Welcome to Catalyst-Gaming. I honestly look forward to roleplaying with you in the future, as you seem to have plenty of experience and generally seem like a nice person. In Character I am most likely on one of two characters.
1: Thomas Radinello
2: Unit.935(CCA)

Offline alaskan thunderfuck

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2011, 09:27:41 PM »
Welcome to CG!
Please don't PM me regarding bans or anything having to do with in-game situations. Only PM me if you've been told I am the only one who can solve your issue.

Offline cookiesofamerica

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2011, 11:53:16 PM »
Welcome to catlayst gaming be prepared to post a lot of ban requests in OCRP minges often appear but we the communitry post ban requests in order to stop them. Hell, Strangeman helps us to get rid of minges when admins are developing (most admins check for more minges on hl2rp anyway but none or very little give time to check if they're minges).
I Am The Living Coookie!
C17.S4L.04.864 Does projects I guess
UU.OTA.VANGUARD.56294- Does OTA stuff I guess
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Calvin Dufresne- I have no idea what he does

Offline Krax i

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2011, 01:56:27 AM »
It's great to meet you all, thanks for the warm welcome and heads up. :)

"Cogito ergo sum -- I think therefore I am."

Offline SkeptiK

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2011, 10:22:59 AM »
Welcome :)
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Offline Krax i

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2011, 10:31:28 AM »
Thanks! I'm also really impressed with how Civil Protection sound on this server, the radio and the baton are excellent, very much like Half-Life 2. :)

"Cogito ergo sum -- I think therefore I am."

Offline Uubucks

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2011, 07:47:50 PM »
Welcome to catlayst gaming be prepared to post a lot of ban requests in OCRP minges often appear but we the communitry post ban requests in order to stop them. Hell, Strangeman helps us to get rid of minges when admins are developing (most admins check for more minges on hl2rp anyway but none or very little give time to check if they're minges).

aww thank you for mentioning me, lol

Welcome krax.

Offline Krax i

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Re: From Taco N' Banana, Digital Soul Roleplay, etc.
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2011, 08:40:11 PM »
Thanks again, guys.

"Cogito ergo sum -- I think therefore I am."


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