I will play with you, but I will probably just have to put the files onto a CD and put that onto my Toshiba since Mac can't run .exe (P.S. I am fucking sick of you guys saying stuff like "hurrr, mac user" or "Mac fag"). I'll do that as soon as I can, currently though I am getting a shower since I mowed the lawn this afternoon and had watched the entire Sands Of Destruction series from last night and this morning so I'll try to move as fast as I can. Also LoNe, my Toshiba sucks with internet (I tried playing OCRP once and thought that I held the mouse button for 1 second and had completely filled out an entire mac 10 clip so I'm not sure how this will work out, maybe I'll have to get rid of some stuff or something if it's too slow for me. I will use my Mac however for skype since the mac is better on skype than the toshiba and trying to have as few programs on the Toshiba running as possible to optimize the gameplay for it (I'll still have steam off though so the CPU on either laptop I use is low). I'll try and do something that other people wouldn't do like choose the hardest class to play as since I'm experienced from playing Phantasy Star Online ep. 1,2, and 3 (can't wait for Phantasy Star Online 2), Phantasy Star Universe, and Fate so I am accustomed to that kind of gameplay.