Author Topic: Under the Union, Under the Sheets: A Soap Opera From the Mind of Sarah Jones  (Read 6045 times)

Offline Das

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*The blank screen flickers to life*
Under the Union, Under the Sheets
*A soap opera from the mid of Sarah Jones*
*The theme song begins to play*
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

*After the screen fades to the Citadel Daily office, with Cristina sitting in at her desk typing while workers hustle back and forth with papers*

There's a knock at the door, and Cristina gets up from her desk, walking over, asking "Who is it?"
"It's Sarah." replies the person on the other side of the door. Cristina brightens, and uses her key to unlock the door. Sarah enters, and the two hug. After they stop hugging, Sarah asks "So how have you been?"
"Pretty good, how have you been doing?" responds Sarah.
Cristina sighs, and replies "Things have been tough, running a newspaper is a tough job."
"I'll bet." Says Sarah, looking around the room.
"Oh yeah, I never did have that talk with Jenifer, have you sen her?" Sarah asks.
Cristina looks sad and asks "Oh... you haven't heard." It's clear something is very wrong.
"Heard what?" asks Sarah, frowning. Cristina sighs before replying.
"Shes... Shes dead. Her train got derail on the way here." she says, looking at her feet. "I'm so sorry."
Sarah manages to choke out "But... She... I..." before bursting into tears.
Cristina puts her arms around Sarah and says "I'm so sorry." as Sarah cries into her shoulder. The Citadel workers have stopped what they were doing, and watch the two with sad looks on their faces.
"lets go someplace where we can talk. Lets go back to my apartment" Says Cristina.
Sarah slowly nods into her shoulder, and straightens, wiping her eyes.

*The two leave the Citadel Daily, and the screen fades to black*

*The screen fades from black to a standard citizen apartment, with a couch next to the kitchen counter, and a bed on the opposite side, next to the window*

The door to the apartment opens, and Cristina and Sarah walk into the apartment. Sarah has calmed down, and her eyes are no longer red. Cristina sits on the couch, and Sarah sits on the bed.
"Do you need anything?" asks Cristina, looking concerned.
"Nothing, I'm fine." Says Sarah, and looks around the room.
"Not much I know, but it works." Says Cristina, watching Sarah. Sarah nods.
"Oh yeah, I forgot something." Says Cristina, and digs in her pocket. She removes her hand from her pocket and tosses two keys on a ring to Sarah. Sarah catches them, and looks at them.
"What are these for?" she asks.
"One's for this apartment, and the other is for the Citadel Daily." Replies Cristina.
"We're... Gonna be roommates?" Sarah asks, a little puzzled.
"I don't see a problem with it, do you?" Cristina responds.
"But I'm... No, I guess not." says Sarah.
"Now we need to get your mind off of things." says Cristina. "Lets go for a walk, and head back to the Citadel Daily, I'll give you a tour."
Cristina stands, and Sarah says "Sure, anything to take my mind off... What happened."
Sarah stands, and they both walk out the door of Cristina's apartment.

*The screen once again fades to black*

*The screen fades from black to the Citadel Daily office, except this time, it's completely devoid of life*

Sarah and Cristina enter the Citadel Daily through the door, and Cristina kicks on the lights. Sarah looks around at the desks strewn with papers.
"Not the tidiest place huh?" Says Sarah.
Cristina chuckles, and says "I guess not, except for my desk." Cristina points at the one desk full of neatly stacked papers.
"Nice." says Sarah approvingly.
As Sarah and Cristina are looking at the office, behind them, the door opens, and a chiseled young man wheels in a cart of three boxes.
"Hey Cristina." says the newcomer.
Both girls spin to face him.
"Oh, hey James." Says Cristina.
"I got that shipment of paper you ordered." says James, wheeling the cart across the room. James stacks the three boxes of paper against the wall, and walks back to the girls.
"How much do I owe you?" Cristina asks James.
"It's on the house." replies James.
"No, I simply must pay you." Says Cristina, and fumbles in her pocket. Cristina pulls out a handful of tokens and presses them into James's hand. James pockets them.
"So who's your friend?" he asks.
"Oh, I'm Sarah." Says Sarah, and extends her hand.
James shakes her hand, and says "Nice to meet you Sarah."
"Well I better be going then." says James, and walks towards the door.
"Bye James." say Sarah and Cristina, as he walks to the door.
After James leaves, Sarah turns to Cristina.
"So how's life in City 18? Meet anyone?" Asks Sarah.
"Well..." Says Cristina.
"Come on, out with it." Says Sarah eagerly.
"Well I do have a boyfriend..."
"Who is it?" Sarah asks excitedly.
Cristina chuckles, and says "You just met him."
Sarah gets wide eyed.
Cristina nods, smirking.

*The screen fades to black*

*A message appears on screen*

This Concludes This Week's Episode of
Under the Union, Under the Sheets
CCA.C18.GRID-04.376 - DEAD Made one mistake too many.

Sarah Jones - ALIVE Depressed., contemplating suicide.

Steven Hughes - ALIVE Living in the outlands as a quiet badass.

Tim Roark - ALIVE Kissing much CCA ass, hoping to get into the CCA to finally be a use to something.

Offline vFear?

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I like the concept of it, it should be a fair dinkum TV show IC'ly. It'd be great to have an area in HL2RP > General Chat where people can post their scripts for TV shows and Citizens can watch them IC'ly.

On a note more regarding to your post, good job. As the Reader, I thought the start was a bit dull but I read on.  Once you get reading it starts to become interesting, and you ended it just right, making me, as the reader, want to read the next instalment. The idea of a theme song was great.

Next time, can you add a bit off a 'Hook' at the start of it. Majority of readers will read not even the first paragraph and if they aren't interested by then, they aren't going to read the rest of it. Start a bit more in the action, it doesn't have to be full on gun-fights action but maybe a conflict in-between two people, or maybe they're late for work and they're in a real hurry, worried about what will happen if they are late. This way, the Reader will want to know if, using the example, if they are late or not and what happens if they are, so they read on to find out.

The ending was done beautifully with not too much of a Cliffhanger but still a Cliffhanger, something you can possibly put into a 'Hook' at the start of the next one!

You've inspired me to make a similar kind of thing myself, and when your inspiring people your certainly doing something right. Well done!

I think I just went all engish-fag on 'ya :/

EDIT: Put Chris in too! :<
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 12:31:25 PM by Soviet »

Offline Das

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Thanks, I always appreciate advice. I'm gonna start the second episode soon. Lottie may, or may not be in it. I kinda make the plot up as I go, it's based of real events, but I warp them here and there.

(For instance, Jenifer isn't dead, she just hasn't been around. Which will make it all the more dramatic if she does turn up)
CCA.C18.GRID-04.376 - DEAD Made one mistake too many.

Sarah Jones - ALIVE Depressed., contemplating suicide.

Steven Hughes - ALIVE Living in the outlands as a quiet badass.

Tim Roark - ALIVE Kissing much CCA ass, hoping to get into the CCA to finally be a use to something.

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Cool beans das, This really is nice. I have nothing else to say really...
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline Das

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Oh, and the theme song is going to change every time to fit the episode.
CCA.C18.GRID-04.376 - DEAD Made one mistake too many.

Sarah Jones - ALIVE Depressed., contemplating suicide.

Steven Hughes - ALIVE Living in the outlands as a quiet badass.

Tim Roark - ALIVE Kissing much CCA ass, hoping to get into the CCA to finally be a use to something.

Offline Yuri Sergig

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Could i be in a Episode :D ?.

Offline Monkey with a gun

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Holy crap this is epic, it's even better then your sex education lession.

Offline [FPSN]Bokslag

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Could i be in a Episode :D ?.
Doubtful, because sarah never really met Alex. And this episode takes place after Jenifer vanished... And das, while gmod is down, work on more of these! I must have my life retold!  :P
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's not a skirt."
C45.CCA.APEX-01.725 says "<:: It's a dress."

Offline vFear?

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Could i be in a Episode :D ?.
Doubtful, because sarah never really met Alex. And this episode takes place after Jenifer vanished... And das, while gmod is down, work on more of these! I must have my life retold!  :P

She met Chris, he was there at the Sermen and went all ninja with his refugee-machette made from scraps when the fag started to get violent!

Offline SkeptiK

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This is like another sex in the city movie.
Burning Bullet: you're stupid
Burning Bullet: i was in cg
Burning Bullet: before cg

Offline Das

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This is like another sex in the city movie.

Never seen that show or the movies, so not sure if that's a compliment, or a criticism.
CCA.C18.GRID-04.376 - DEAD Made one mistake too many.

Sarah Jones - ALIVE Depressed., contemplating suicide.

Steven Hughes - ALIVE Living in the outlands as a quiet badass.

Tim Roark - ALIVE Kissing much CCA ass, hoping to get into the CCA to finally be a use to something.

Offline SkeptiK

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To lovey dovey for my liking but a good read. Good work.
Burning Bullet: you're stupid
Burning Bullet: i was in cg
Burning Bullet: before cg

Offline Das

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*The blank screen flickers to life*
Under the Union, Under the Sheets
*A soap opera fro/m the mid of Sarah Jones*
*The theme song begins to play*
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

*After the theme song finishes the screen fades to Cristina's apartment where Cristina is sitting on the couch, and Sarah is sleeping in the bed*

Cristina watches Sarah sleep. After a minute, she walks over to Sarah, and shakes her.
"Wake up, I need to talk to you." Cristina says. Sarah sits up and yawns.
"Hmm?" Sarah asks.
"It's about James." Says Cristina, looking guilty.
"What about him?" Sarah asks, still half asleep.
Cristina looks down guiltily, saying "I have a confession to make."
"What is it? You can tell me anything." says Sarah, looking concerned.
"I... I... I cheated on James" Says Cristina, starting to cry.
Sarah's eyes grow wide and she stammers "You what?!"
"I ch-cheated on J-James." Says Cristina, and breaks down sobbing.
Sarah puts an arm around Cristina and whispers "It's fine, it'll be okay."
"Nothing's fine!" sobs Cristina.
"Let it out." whispers Sarah.
"I don't know what to do, I'm so lost Sarah." Sobs Cristina, and starts crying harder.
"Tell me what happened." Says Sarah, still hugging Cristina.
"Alex... This guy... He... We-" sobs Cristina.
"-had sex?" asks Sarah.
"He rushed me!" Exclaims Cristina. "It wasn't my fault!"
"It's okay, let it out." whispers Sarah.
"What do I do?" Asks Cristina, still sobbing into Sarah's shoulder.
"You have to tell James, or you'll never forgive yourself." says Sarah.
Cristina nods slowly.
Sarah offers Cristina a white cloth. Cristina takes it and wipes her eyes.
Cristina hands it back to Sarah, who pockets it.
"I'll go get him." Says Cristina, standing.
"Talk to him here, I'll be right here if you need me."
Cristina nods, and walks out the door.

*The screen fades to black*

*And now, a message from our sponsors*

 Civil Protection is here for you! But they can't do their job if you don't let them. Inaction is conspiracy, report all counter behavior to a Civil Protection Team immediately!

*The screen fades to Cristina's living room, where Sarah is sitting on the bed, watching the door*

The door opens, and Cristina enters, followed by James.
Cristina nods to Sarah, and turns to face James, closing the door.
Sarah watches them on the bed.
Cristina speaks in a hushed voice, whispering to James.
James frowns, and nods a few times.
Cristina whispers something and looks at her feet.
"You what?!" shouts James. "You cheated on me?!"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." Whimpers Cristina.
"You didn't mean to?! What is that supposed to mean?!" Shouts James, temper flaring.
"He rushed me I-" Cristina says, breaking off as James strikes her across the face.
Cristina cries out and falls to the floor, and James looks at his hand, shocked.
Sarah stares at James.
Cristina curls up on the floor, crying her eyes out.
"I... I..." stammers James.
"Get out!" shouts Sarah, recovering from her shock rushing over to Cristina.
James hangs his head, and quietly leaves the room, while Sarah holds Cristina in her arms as she sobs into her shoulder, a red mark welling up on her face.

*The screen fades to black*

*A message appears on screen*

This Concludes This Week's Episode of
Under the Union, Under the Sheets
CCA.C18.GRID-04.376 - DEAD Made one mistake too many.

Sarah Jones - ALIVE Depressed., contemplating suicide.

Steven Hughes - ALIVE Living in the outlands as a quiet badass.

Tim Roark - ALIVE Kissing much CCA ass, hoping to get into the CCA to finally be a use to something.

Offline ???????£??Rose Nocturna???

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The Gear OfC 913 should come in to fix the printer/copier. :3

Offline Das

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The Gear OfC 913 should come in to fix the printer/copier. :3

Damn, you people will to anything to get in on the metaphorical camera.

I could throw you in somewhere, like on the Union propaganda, but most likely, any appearance made by a UCA will be unaccredited.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 09:52:59 PM by Das »
CCA.C18.GRID-04.376 - DEAD Made one mistake too many.

Sarah Jones - ALIVE Depressed., contemplating suicide.

Steven Hughes - ALIVE Living in the outlands as a quiet badass.

Tim Roark - ALIVE Kissing much CCA ass, hoping to get into the CCA to finally be a use to something.


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