abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo
the republicans are so out of touch with america... nothing about economic inequality, climate change, citizens united debt, they just cant see the big picture and all they believe in is sink or swim, Whos going to do roofing? Who is going to be your handyman? WHO IS ACTUALLY GOING TO BUILD THE WALL THAT DONALD TRUMP WANTS TO BUILD, yes people rape white women but its not just them, they are not stealing anything? Have you seen the jobs they have? They earn every penny of it. Im sick and tired of everyone hating on illegals, they came here for a better life than they had in mexico, and they deserve equality just like all of us. They help us with doing jobs that most americans would not do. They work hard and deserve to be called Americans, even though they came over here illegally. Give them amnesty, they just want to provide for themselves and their family. Don't let anyone sink, cause where are the UNITED STATES of America and we are UNITED and don't let anyone sink. You think its yours cause you think you are Self made? Who was the driver that brought the goods to your store? Who worked the front desk? Who made the truck that sent the goods to your buisness? Who ran the postal service bus? Nobody is self made, and we all contribute to each others lives. Nobody gets their on there own, and we should work together as the UNITED States of America. I suggest that you take your ego-centric, RACIST, STEROTYPICAL, Opinions out of here and actually respect the life of a person and others. The Rs are only focusing on them selves, and are selfish, and think that they earned all they have, which is completely wrong, people don't make it on there own, and some other individual in any scenario, helps you get to where someone is.
There isn't any issue with canadians crossing the border, i'd rather you keep it professional as i have and not try to throw insults, people don't spend years, cause if they can't get over here on their first attempt it usually doesn't happen, I don't like hillary clinton that much and favor joe biden or sanders, and also, im not a liberal.Donald Trump employes thousand of mexicans? I bet their working conditions are very poor and are payed minimum wage. Do you know how hard it is to actually get a green card and amnesty? You have to learn english, learn about the US government, and lots of other nonsense that people that actually live in america probably don't know. He is not leading in hispanic vote as the polls are takin amongst most big corporations such as FOX news, a extremely republican company, and averaged together. Lots of colleges take the polls to, its not the whole nation who even takes the polls. Have you see the outlast of hispanics towards him? Donald Trump might start the next war, and our generation is going to have to fight for his stupidity thinking that you have to use force to win, and not using his words. Its cause all his life he has had money, and just uses that and not his words. He doesn't know how to use them. Look at which company did that poll, and also the state. Nevada, not many hispanics even live there, and i bet the people that took the poll are wealthy hispanics. Gravis Marketing took that poll. Did you hear about what trump said? He said ALL HISPANICS ARE RAPIST AND STEALING OUR JOBS. He says that mexico SENDS people over here, which is completely untrue. That country is so in debt and needs help. basically just demoralized all of them. He will probably get 0% of the election if he actually gets past the GOP, which i highly doubt he will be able to cause that whole party hates him. His fellow republicans don't even like him. The only reason he is leading, is cause they ask people to take polls, most people don't follow politics closely, they see Donald Trump, he is a billionare and famous so they are just like, "Oh i know him, il just pick him." Most people dont even know the other candidates. Trump has no experience in political affairs, and even says he gets his foreign policy and military ideas off watching TV. I'm not a liberal, im more of a conservative democrat, and i honestly dont like hillary clinton. But if you all actually think Trump is the anwser, you are wrong. I'd be fine with Bush or walker, or even Rubio, Id rather have a democrat, but I know they might actually be able to help aswell. also napal monkey, you literally sound like a texan redneck who only believes in guns and bibles and deporting all illegals and arresting all blacks. Please use better vocabulary, as this is a serious INTELLIGENT debate.