Author Topic: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players  (Read 10745 times)

Offline [ACS Cpl.] Midnightspy007

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A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:41:34 PM »
So I thought about this one long and hard. What type of gamemode would appeal to the Serious rp'er, then the Dark Rp'er *shudders* then the hardcore action-inst. Along with those types of people that feel the need to feel like they accomplished something. Now I present to you Hardcore-Serious Military Role-play. In this game mode there will be four faction. The US, Russia, Chinese, and the Germans. Those four factions will all start out with say 10 territories, so there would be forty capturable territories. Territories will have great importance in the game. Different territories give you different things, one may have an airstrip, one may have a weapons factory, one may have a tank factory ETC. So the objective of the game is to hold your territories and also capture the ones you want/ need. However this is where the serious RP kicks in. This is not an RDM game mode. Your faction will also have a political side to it as well, so this means that your faction cannot just go capture a territory for no apparent reason. Well they can but think of the political repercussions that go along with that. So there will be political meetings(Kinda like the UN) that discuss current in game issues. So now back to the military side of things. For any of you that played HL2RP the ranking system would work kinda like that, except with real life ranks (Private, PFC, Corporal, ETC.). So in order to keep the power in balance, three parties will have to agree to go to war, The political adviser(The one who attends the meetings), The CO of the faction, and 50% or more of civilian votes.). Now in this game mode will also be civilians. Civilians spawn in the designated territories. They may only leave those territories if they ask for permission from an admin,( This would happen if they spawned in a different town then there friends ETC.). This keeps the player balance for each army in check, so you spawn at the same spot every time. You may only apply for the faction whose territory you spawned in. Now in the event you do go to war, you need to make sure you are prepared, you arm your officers form weapons made at the weapons factories, you can get tanks that are made at that factory, ETC.  Once you are ready your Political adviser "signs" the declaration of war and your army may begin attacking. So to break down the army there are five main branches. Ground/shock units, Mechanized, Air, Intelligence and Strategists. Each one of these will have a DvL who commands them. Intelligence gathers intel on the enemy. The strategists are the elite rankings who have shown great combat skill. They are handpicked by the CO to join him in his planning. That is basically the gamemode, this is where I talk about the rules. You must perform every action with a /me. You must type, with correct grammar and capitalization. Thats for the Srs rpers. For the dark rpers is the action shoot it up type of deal. Then for those that like to feel accomplishment you can rank up in the army. I know that this would take a lot of coding, but I think it would be well worth it in the end for you guys?

Questions or Ideas?

Offline Tyrex

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2014, 02:46:32 PM »
I personally appreciate you trying to better the community.  However, reading over this, it seems like this would need a lot of active players to operate, which is unfortunately a no-no to my knowledge.  If a new gamemode was created, the only reasonable theme behind it would be that it could be played independently, with low population, and high population.  A great example of this is Underdone, TTT.  It would also have to be extremely easy to get in to such as the previous gamemodes.  I'm not even sure how HL2RP itself became popular.

Offline [ACS Cpl.] Midnightspy007

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2014, 03:02:20 PM »
I personally appreciate you trying to better the community.  However, reading over this, it seems like this would need a lot of active players to operate, which is unfortunately a no-no to my knowledge.  If a new gamemode was created, the only reasonable theme behind it would be that it could be played independently, with low population, and high population.  A great example of this is Underdone, TTT.  It would also have to be extremely easy to get in to such as the previous gamemodes.  I'm not even sure how HL2RP itself became popular.
That's the point of the game mode, it gives a role for all types of players to do, so it would allow for more openness to a bigger player base, and it would also give way to a larger forum usage. This game mode (If done right) would give all players from all different communities and game modes to centralize into a single game mode. So it would lead to a bigger player base if done right.     

Offline [ARK]Legion of Darkness

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2014, 03:24:47 PM »
I'd play this I like this idea

Offline rBST Cow

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 04:24:13 PM »
Good luck trying to fit all of that onto one map. Statua would have one hard time trying to do this. You'd either have to remove air vehicles and stack the maps onto one single map, or get a bunch of servers like GMT has and string them together. The only way to access them is via teleporter.

It's a good idea and /could/ work, but it would take a lot of time and the rules would have to be very careful. You really, really think the average HRP player could listen to the rules of HL2RP? I remember they would always cry in the shoutbox "WHATS THE ANSWERS TO THE JOIN QUESTIONS"
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Offline [ACS Cpl.] Midnightspy007

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2014, 12:20:37 AM »
Good luck trying to fit all of that onto one map. Statua would have one hard time trying to do this. You'd either have to remove air vehicles and stack the maps onto one single map, or get a bunch of servers like GMT has and string them together. The only way to access them is via teleporter.

It's a good idea and /could/ work, but it would take a lot of time and the rules would have to be very careful. You really, really think the average HRP player could listen to the rules of HL2RP? I remember they would always cry in the shoutbox "WHATS THE ANSWERS TO THE JOIN QUESTIONS"
Those were the good old days lol, but back to the topic I think if they actually wanted to try the game mode they could learn. Think about a map the size of gm_flatland, that's what I was thinking size wise and the factions would be in the four different corners. However that's if statua is good enough  ;)

Offline Anzu

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2014, 01:13:28 PM »
Good luck trying to fit all of that onto one map. Statua would have one hard time trying to do this. You'd either have to remove air vehicles and stack the maps onto one single map, or get a bunch of servers like GMT has and string them together. The only way to access them is via teleporter.

It's a good idea and /could/ work, but it would take a lot of time and the rules would have to be very careful. You really, really think the average HRP player could listen to the rules of HL2RP? I remember they would always cry in the shoutbox "WHATS THE ANSWERS TO THE JOIN QUESTIONS"
Those were the good old days lol, but back to the topic I think if they actually wanted to try the game mode they could learn. Think about a map the size of gm_flatland, that's what I was thinking size wise and the factions would be in the four different corners. However that's if statua is good enough  ;)

Click to see the original size.

that kinda shows that the HRP playerbase could very likely not keep up to any more advanced rules..

Sure, there are some that could, and you could always try, but it would most likely not end up very well.

Seems like an interesting idea anyhow.

Offline rBST Cow

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2014, 04:12:03 PM »
Good luck trying to fit all of that onto one map. Statua would have one hard time trying to do this. You'd either have to remove air vehicles and stack the maps onto one single map, or get a bunch of servers like GMT has and string them together. The only way to access them is via teleporter.

It's a good idea and /could/ work, but it would take a lot of time and the rules would have to be very careful. You really, really think the average HRP player could listen to the rules of HL2RP? I remember they would always cry in the shoutbox "WHATS THE ANSWERS TO THE JOIN QUESTIONS"
Those were the good old days lol, but back to the topic I think if they actually wanted to try the game mode they could learn. Think about a map the size of gm_flatland, that's what I was thinking size wise and the factions would be in the four different corners. However that's if statua is good enough  ;)

It's not a matter of "is statua good enough", it's a matter of how big hammer will let him make the map. There is a limit on how big it can be. Unless we didn't have flying vehicles, then it /could/ work if statua just stacked like 3 or 4 maps on top of each other(but then again, the brush limit so it wouldn't exactly be very full). But, who the fuck doesn't want apaches and shit in a war gamemode? The only way to do it is to do what GMT does with it's servers, connecting them all together.
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo

Offline Statua

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2014, 10:51:35 PM »
The map is plausible. The HRP map right now has a little less then half max z space for flying and I never have problems flying around it. The idea of teleports is already in the works for the HRP2 map however needs some guidance to get working completely. Flying wouldn't be an issue.

The game however, I really don't see how it will grow and tbh, doesn't sound appealing in the first place.

Offline [ACS Cpl.] Midnightspy007

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Re: A Garry's mod Game Mode for all types of players
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2014, 11:19:58 PM »
The map is plausible. The HRP map right now has a little less then half max z space for flying and I never have problems flying around it. The idea of teleports is already in the works for the HRP2 map however needs some guidance to get working completely. Flying wouldn't be an issue.

The game however, I really don't see how it will grow and tbh, doesn't sound appealing in the first place.
I agree that there isn't much room to grow this, it's sorta a linear type of game mode.


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