Hey there,
My name is Rigruften, I'm here in interest of the HL2RP server and, that's pretty much it. But, from what I've seen the community seems really nice, and HarborRP has been pretty fun in the short amount of time I've played it. Now uh, I guess I can tell you my background?
2010, I bought Gmod. I found this thing called DarkRP, and it was truly the funnest thing I'd ever played at the time. I got some friends to buy it, and it was great. We played the #1 server on Gmod now, ThatDarkRP. It was cool, and I played there until about 2012, I got Server-Admin, and the players began to hate me. Stuff happens, if I hadn't left TDRP I would've never found HL2RP. In spring 2012, me and a good friend from TDRP moved to his server, VortexRP. It was good, we were about 32/32 every night for a few months. I was a high ranking admin, but the server was brought down by a corrupt Co-Owner. Me and Drew[The Owner] had our differences and split. Around December-October of 2012, I met one of my best internet based friends, Brandon. Who is here now. We played different games for awhile, DayZ, Arma 2, Arma 3, Indie games, Greenlights, a
lot. of Synergy. And it was great, and one day we found our way back to Gmod.
In July, 2013 I joined my first HL2RP server, Littlenerd Gaming. It was great, the community was awesome, but...the owners were sub-par. Yet again, a corrupt Co-Owner stole all of the server's money and left. From there, we just lingered for awhile. We hopped different servers for a LONG time, until we found HIVE-RP. Man, this server was perfect. Great RP, great community, and great staff. The owners allowed us to continue our Char-Dev from previous servers which was good. This was the place where I learned to RP, and it was good for awhile. Skip to October, it was interesting. I got OP, which quickly went to Community Manager. Me, Brandon, and a good friend of mine Plat were all put in high positions by the 'Council'. It was still OK till November. In November, donation's opened. PAC3 whitelist, Necrotic and Headcrab whitelist. The MPF began falling apart with a new ranking system put in place. In December, I made the decision to leave and make my own server. A lot of the players followed, besides my intentions to make sure they didn't.
December 31st, 2013. Disembodied Gaming opened. 32/32 for the first month. 15-20 for the second. And then, tragedy. The most respected member of my community left, it was my fault but he took everybody with him. It began to fail, and it went downhill. I decided to take a look at HIVE, which was now know as Citadel-Gaming. Horse mask, Golden AK-47's, Terrible new staff, and a absolutely revolting new playerbase. Minges, Minges everywhere.
February 28th, 2014. We shut down. I came to Catalyst, because it was apparently one of the best servers ever created for HL2RP, and I'm here now. Hopefully for awhile.
Thank you for reading, I suppose. I hope tommorow when HL2RP launches it'll be good. I can't wait.