Author Topic: HL2RP Authorizations Applications [TEMPORARY]  (Read 68239 times)

Offline [CG]shadow_wolf360

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #90 on: October 03, 2011, 08:04:27 PM »
Denied; and I will not deny it again.  If you simply remove my verdict again your posting rights will be removed.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 11:03:57 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline Lewis

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #91 on: October 04, 2011, 01:07:27 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Lewis
Age: Thirteen years of age.
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Probably about a year and a bit.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Around six months.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt Slave.

Name: Rhial'Kar
Age: Ninety-Three.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Captured 'refugee', now a Conscript/Slave.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

In spoilers is the back-story of my application for the Vortigaunt while it was a refugee, after the spoilers is after the initial escape to the canals. I honestly thought rephrasing and rewording the back-story would be utterly retarded, so I just used the previous back-story.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Part I

Rhial'Kar was feeding on some of the Xen fungal growth, when everything turned to confusion and chaos momentarily.
Large electrical-like arcs of bright green crackled and zapped, and Rhial'Kar no longer saw the friendly and growing-familiar Xen environment of his 'home', but rather he saw a large slab of concrete, meeting his obscure shaped face, his unblinking eyes. There was a large thud, as he hit the ground, rendering himself unconcious, perhaps fatally.
Unbeknown to Rhial'Kar, the "Portal Storms" had begun.
He lay for months, perhaps even longer, at the accidental end of the sewage pipe. He had drifted down the sewers, unsighted by anyone, until he was beached on the mud and dirt. As he awoke, the first thing Rhial'Kar felt was an emptiness in his stomach, followed shortly after by a throbbing headache. Confused, dazed, hungry, he stumbled along, unsure of where he was, and had no idea what happened. Looking around, he tried to learn something from his environment, gray concrete walls, muddy liquids and stainless steel rods implemented into one of the walls, a ladder.
Pulling himself sneakingly up from the muddy liquid; up to the last rung of the ladder, the first thing Rhial'Kar noticed was that the road was almost empty; only a few large trucks driving down and up the road every now and then. Upon further inspection, he noticed that these trucks were packed to the brim with people on the way up the road, and on the way down, there was none.
Rhial'Kar decided it was too risky to send out a flux call, hoping that the other Vortigaunts, if there were any in the same position as him, would hopefully rendezvous with him; giving them all a chance to find a way back.
Living off the strange life-forms and vegetation; Rhial'Kar waited out for a long, long time. Eventually, the trucks stopped going by, and the roads were empty now, he decided to send out a flux call, hoping for another Vortigaunt to respond.

"Aah gong churrr, galan?" he chanted, the sounds echoing.

There was no reply, not even in an hour. He was alone. At least he thought.
Rhial'Kar plodded along, down the seemingly endless motorway, now desolate. After a while, he saw large structures of concrete, glass and metal, civilization, but not as he knew it. There was an immense pain in his head, and once again; he collapsed in a heap, lying in the middle of the road, unconcious.
He awoke with a start, about ten masked figures in a room with him, he was out-stretched on a rather sophisticated operating table, And instead of bare concrete walls, he saw a blue-tinged metal, with a futuristic look about it, surrounding him. He heard a hiss of air as a door opened, sliding to the roof, more of these figures entered, and Rhial'Kar's instincts kicked in. He jumped up from the table, the same electrical-like arcs of green light emitting from his hands, about to strike one of the masked figures, when he was hit on the head multiple times with something blunt, cold, and electrifying.
This time, Rhial'Kar slowly came round, being dragged by two of the figures, out through the large complex. He tried to use the Vortessence, attempting to strike the figures. It wouldn't work, he tried multiple times, but it just wouldn't work. He was shackled around his waist and stomach area, large metallic cuffs were around his wrists and a painfully tight and uncomfortable collar around his neck.
He felt a rush of air as he was dumped outside, and the large figure kicked him, speaking in a monotonous voice.

"Pick up the brush and start sweeping." laughed the figure, smirking beneath his mask at the struggling Vortigaunt.

Rhial'Kar was unsure of what he said, but he guessed it had something to do with the object he was thrown. He held the broom and scooper in his hands, staring at the figure; his large orange eyes blinking.

"Sweep the ground, now." commanded the figure, speaking slowly as if he was talking to an infant; making a sweeping motion with an invisible broom.

Rhial'Kar repeated the figure's motions, and moved as he was directed, brushing up debris from the ground and depositing it in a bag attached to the shackle on his stomach. After a few tiresome hours, he was cuffed together again, and escorted to a blank room, about 3 metres in every dimension. He sat in the room, unsure of everything that had been happening; eating the sludge dropped through a slot in the door, plopping to the metal basin in the ground. He drifted off to sleep, tired from trying to use the Vortessence, and to Flux Shift.
Another masked figure came in the morning, armed with the broom and cleaning items, pulling him up from the ground.
Once again, he was brought outside, with the figures making sure he didn't try to do anything they didn't want him to do, with some "humans" in blue outfits watching him; stunned by him. He swept his little brush, listening to the background noise, looking up at his surroundings briefly. The unique way of writing, the sleek, blue tinted architecture, the huge structures. It finally hit him, much like the way that stun-baton hit him the other day.
The Combine had struck again.

Part II

The days, weeks and months passed slowly and tediously after his recent 'discovery'. He had been beaten regularly for stalling; but he was not stalling for any reason, he was not stupid. Rhial'Kar was attempting to pick up on the local language; English. Looking around with his large, dark orange eyes, he watched as two humans argued and barged each other; presumably fighting over the tin of food lying on the ground. Sighing, the masked figure watching Rhial'Kar jogged over to the figures; who had moved down an alleyway, into the darkness. There were a few shouts, and one of the men emerged again, running down the backstreet towards Rhial'Kar. One had apparently 'stolen' a stun-baton from the masked figure, and the other was trying to break the chain to which Rhial'Kar was bound with his foot. After a few minutes of irritating noise and confusion, the other man ran towards the chain, fiddling with the padlock. After a few seconds, it came lose, and the man threw the key into a bush. The men quite literally dragged him to the alleyway, where the masked figure was lying motionless, a dent in it's helmet.

"Jonesy, get that hatch open; the CPs ain't gonna' be long..." whispered the man, as Jonesy struggled to lift the manhole cover.

"Hurry up Rufus!" shouted the man as the cover gave way, revealing the ladder.

Rhial'Kar - whom had not spoken a word yet - slid down the ladder, landing with a 'splodge' in the sewage. Rufus flicked on a flashlight, and Jonesy readied the stun-baton, as the all ran down the tunnel. The men exchanged a few words, as they pulled back a wooden panel, revealing a rather long sewer pipe; just big enough for somebody to fit in. They all squeezed in, one after the other, and began to crawl slowly; the painstakingly long journey beginning. After a few grueling hours, the tunnel stopped suddenly, and Rhial'Kar toppled out, the two men stopping.

"Shit!" shouted Rufus, desperately trying to grab him as he toppled out.

The ground soon became visible, and he landed in the water, the beams of the flashlight barely penetrating the darkness. The men flashed the light down on him, annoyed as there was no way to reach him.

"We'll try and find you later, we're going to have to climb up, I'll throw down some supplies!" he shouted, his voice echoing loudly. There was a flash of light from the top of the storm drain, a few loud banging noises and the screams of help.

"Fuck, move back Jonesy, they're going to sh-" shouted Rufus. Seconds later he was dead, his body toppling into the canals. Jonesy was nowhere to be seen, Rhial'Kar only hoped the best for him. He examined the body of his late friend, taking the few supplies on him, before he set off. He caught a flash of the masked figures at the top of the drain, and decided to wait it out. After a few hours of waiting, he began to climb out of the drain, the long journey to the top hindered by the mud and water on the ladder. By the time he got out, he found Jonesy sitting on a rock, twiddling with a handgun. He stood up, and fiddled with the collar and the wrist guards on Rhial'Kar; which he had completely forgotten about. For the first time in months, Rhial'Kar spoke to him.

"This... Vortigaunt shows sorrow to the loss..."

Jonesy looked up at his unmoving, rotund orange eyes, before speaking his last words to him.

"You're on your now, buddy." whispered Jonesy, pulling the trigger of the handgun. He collapsed in an almost graceful sense, and Rhial'Kar watched him for a few minutes, before trotting off; into the vast expanse of derelict warehouses, fields and motorways.

"You're on your own now, buddy..." the words still echo in his head to this day.

Part III

Rhial'Kar woke with a start, his breathing unsteady and spontaneous. He scrambled up from the mash-up of mattresses and tarpaulin, and looked around - something didn't feel right, his instincts felt like they were about to kick in. His breathing settled, but his senses were awake, and thriving. Reaching up, he pulled himself out from the bank of the sewer, and looked around warily. He heard a soft footstep, and a rustle of material, and turned round frighteningly fast, to see a group of trees rustling in the wind, the leaves flying around. Rhial'Kar watched the trees, perhaps out of boredom or curiousity, and his eyes fixated on something, a humanoid figure of sorts, it was there, but it wasn't, in a way. Once again, much like the stun-baton months ago, it hit him.
He turned round, breaking into a sprint, as the three figures in the trees uncloaked, the grey armour, blue eyepieces and large weapons running after him. Rhial'Kar leapt over the railing in front of him, landing on the side of one foot, he let out a shriek of pain, and made a few clumsy steps, before falling onto his front, holding at his foot. The three figures were right behind him, and they took the safer route down, using the Vortigaunt's injury to their advantage. The figures slowly walked down the stairs, before they all towered over the Vortigaunt. Out of instinct, Rhial'Kar let out a quick, and particularly harmless blast of Vortessence at the 'main' figure. The target didn't react, only stepping forward, and bringing his weapon down with a crash on the head of the Vortigaunt.
The shaking woke Rhial'Kar, followed by the immense noises. He looked around, dazed. The dim red light gave no clues to where he was, and he could barely feel the rest of his body. Looking down, he saw that he was encased in a metal pod of sorts, and moving done no good to getting him out. There was a large hiss as the brakes halted the train quickly, and the shaking and noise lowered, only a slight hum audible. Light blared in, as the door to the carriage opened, and the pod started to move on a rail, and out of the train. The train hovered above the concrete platform, and he looked up, seeing a large sign with the words -


- painted onto it. His sightseeing was cut short, as the pod opened suddenly, and he fell the two metre drop or-so onto the platform, landing square on his face. Groaning, he struggled to get up, giving up when he realised his hands and legs were bound with some sort of chain. Two of the large figures picked him up, and he felt a horrible pain as a metal collar was placed around his neck, and another sharp pain as a similar device was bound around his stomach. Risking a look to his left, he saw that other Vortigaunts were being unloaded from the train, all going having a similar procedure to what he was going through. The chain was taken from his legs, and he was beaten until he could barely stand. The figures, presumably with a dark sense of humour, then asked him to stand on his own, and waited a good few minutes until he was up on his feet, before they pushed him along, with threatening jabs to the back with weapon muzzles. He was forced towards the City Nexus, a sense of déjà vu arising. The people in blue uniforms stared at him with curiousity, and he stared back equally, but was met with a few fierce hits from the masked figures. He was pushed to the floor outside the Nexus, and another sense of déjà vu came to him, when a masked figure much like the one months ago walked outside with some cleaning equipment, and threw it to Rhial'Kar. Knowing the procedure, he stood shakily up, and swept at the ground, much to the enjoyment and humour of the figure. The figure was armed heavily, unlike the last one. It looks like the Combine had learned from their mistakes, and were being cautious this time. Rhial'Kar had given up hope the instance he was captured, from his experiences, he learned that it was just as bad outside the City, if not worse.
And so it was, the young Vortigaunt without hope, without contact to his Kin.
His Kin; the one thing he went in search of; the one thing he never found.


What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Fun new RP, for myself and others.
Gets treated worse than dirt.
If he talks, he'll probably get punished.
Shackled/Chained up to something sturdy.
No contact with his Kin.
Powers in the Vortessence were almost completely gone before the restraining device was placed on him, now he has no usage of it.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
About the Vortigaunt being captured: no, I don't want an Outlands event, it's just that ICly the Vortigaunt was captured, and sent on the RAZOR Train to City Eleven, the nearest City to where he was.

If anyone witnesses unsatisfactory roleplay, notify an Admin on the City Server. (Bring screenshot evidence of the console [No cropping])
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 08:46:31 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline [WB] Dixon ^___^

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #92 on: October 06, 2011, 02:38:54 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: [WB]Dixon
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? For about a year, including a lot of starship troopers rp.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP? For a years time.

Character Section

Authorizations: Finding three not so rusty knifes IC. And knife throwing skills that will take place in a month after I rp trained them.

Name: Callum Gavintosh
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Anti-Citizen

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Callum Gavintosh's life: Callum was raised in a rebel group as a young boy, he did not always liked the way the rebels treated other people, so he decided to leave them at the age of 19. He were running from the combine, he had been reported for contraband and conspiracy, right before the combine knocked in his door he managed to escape from the back, he ran as fast as he could with the combine in his back, he tripped and everything became black. He woke up at a foreign place, a man with a mask leaning over him speaking to him, the first 20 seconds he did not hear a thing of what he said, but slowly he began to understand the words comming out of his mouth, He was saying: Hey, are you okay man? He felt a pain on he's forhead, he had a cut and it stung like hell. The next day he got enough strength to stand up from the couch, and he walked out into the living room where the masked man stood up talking with another masked man, he looked at him and said: Our guest have finnaly woke up, again. He walked over to them asking them where he were, they said: First you tell us who you are and we tell you who we are, so he decided to tell them who he were and telling them about he's life in the rebel group, they were very understanding and toke him under their wings. Short after they gave him a mask, and told him it had belonged to a very respected man, Alex Frozenlitz, he had got executed a couple of days earlier, the guys were frustrated at the combine over the execution of their friend. Suddenly Callum realized his brother that he havent seen for a long time also had the name Alex Frozenlitz, so he asked the guys if he had a scottish accent, and were high, they said yes, and he fell onto he's knees, he had lost the only family member he had left, he didnt cry, first he denied it for himself, telling himself it did not happen! But he had to face it, he had lost his beloved brother, he swore revenge at the combine for what they had done. At the age of 25 he had been caught and beaten up by the combine for selling contraband in the slums. He dragged himself back to the apartment and Franko, one of his friend treated his wounds asking what happened? He told him he had been caught my the combine. At the age of 29 Callum has grown strong mentally, evolved to a lier, afraid of only a gun pointed to his face. He is now wearing a black coat and a black mask, and have found the knifes in an abandon rebel HQ, and will learn to use them soon.

Denied; Incorrect format/incomplete application
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 11:06:40 PM by SaoulZod »
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AntiGlados222 Authorisation Application (Please Consider)
« Reply #93 on: October 06, 2011, 03:05:45 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:AntiPonies222
Age:(I never reveal my real age, so its different all the time) 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Erm... Since March
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:^

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt character
Affiliation:Captured vort, now slave

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Diary of a Vortigaunt
Day One
I was birthed into this new civilisation many eons ago. This new world is known as, Xen. The great Nihilanth promises us a peaceful life, yet I am soon to be part of this world's slavery. As a mere infant, I grow, awaiting the day I must give up my freedom and liberty. My time draws to the end, as even to the others, I appear malnourished and dehydrated. But once I have salvation, the great Nihilanth shall fall, and I shall take over as leader. Yet that is all a hallucination, a revolution is foolish, even at thought. Although there is talk going around, this race known as 'Humans' are concocting their own experiments to reach our land. If they succeed, they shall fall like the others who arrived. The orange ones have all fallen at the hands of the soldiers, it is only a matter of time before the mysterious ones return and shall perish, once and for all.

Day Fourty-Nine
My fourty eighth day of work began as the procedure would normally, yet the odd entity appears today. Our soldiers gather by the nest of Nihilanth by the millions in preparation for a 'Great Storm'. I hear from my colleagues that we shall unleash a great counter-attack unto the 'human' race. They appear to reach further and further stages of teleportation to our world, be we shall prevail. Others call me foolish for believing in salvation, they tell me Nihilanth would have us euthanized if he so pleased to. My suspicions are aroused by this, but I must stay loyal 'til I can clarify our enprisonment. They war shall begin soon, and I am yet to await my destiny.

Day Fifty
The fifthtieth day has arrived, and we are ready for this new world. The masked ones arrived and have led us to a new form of slavery, but this does not appear as oppressive. I feel a new wave of freedom has flooded upon us. Others claim the illegalisation of the vortessence is a crime no race should force unto us. This is just to prevent a greater crime from arising. My final words given to this tale of my life, before it is incinerated shall be from the poetic deity of our race, Gallum galla gilla ma...

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+The gift of the power of the Vortessence
+Citizen respect

-Universal Union disrespect
-Slave to the Union
-Weak Vortessence power

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Clearly, as a slave, I will not be able to use the Vortessence, as it would be extremely uncanon. I will be a slave, so I may be told to do ordinary tasks, such as sweeping.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Denied; Asking for your application to be checked the same day it's posted results in denial.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 03:35:12 PM by SaoulZod »
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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #94 on: October 07, 2011, 04:01:19 PM »
Steam Name:[K.L.P]S.T.A.L.K.E.R
How Long Have You been Roleplaying?:4 years
How Long you have been playing Serious RP?:2 years

Character Section

Name:Raymond Harrison
Affiliation:Expert Knife Handling/Throwing Also Carries a Baby Headcrab (it doesent attack all the time)

Write a Detailed In-Canon Back Story:Before 7 Hour War/Resonance Cascade Raymond was living a good life with his wife: Sasha Harrison. One day the portal storm opened. Raymond and sasha get up quickly and looked at the portal in air. Sasha said: "What is it?" Raymond said:"I dont know". Then diffrent creatures started teleporting to the diffrent parts of town. Raymond said: Oh my.... Quick Sasha get the car keys!. Sasha picked car keys and they went outside. They were running to the car but a man stopped them. He pulled out a butterfly knife and said: Give me the keys! Raymond said: "No way you Ho-bo!" They started fighting. The guy kicked Raymond hard in the stomach and Raymond fell. Then he started jumping on Raymond and started slicing his face. Sasha yelled: "Oh my god!" After 2 slices Sasha picked up a pipe from ground and hit the man in back. Then Raymond quickly grabbed the man's knife and sliced his neck. The guy died. Sasha dropped her pipe but raymond holstered his knife. Raymond said: "Come on! we dont have all day!". They jumped on car, Turned engine on and drived off the town. While driving Raymond took a picture which had him and his wife on it. On the way a vortigaunt suddenly appeared in front of them and fired electroshock at their car. The car flipped over and Raymond was stuck under it along with Sasha. Then vortigaunt said something strange in vortigese. He teleported himself and Raymond to a dark place. Some blue vortigaunts appeared and made a shield in front of him. The normal vortigaunt said: "We will serve the same mystery, as well we serve you...." A portal opened. It was apporaching to Raymond. Raymond backed up but it was too fast. Then he found himself hanging on a prison's iron fence.
He looked around and said: Oh thank god it was just a nightmare... But then when he saw two OTA Elite soldiers carrying her wife, He said: Sasha! and raised his hand. an OTA came up to his cell and chuckled.He thinked about the things he saw. He said: "I think that wasnt a nightmare. But if it wasnt... Oh my god". And kept looking around. People were punching on fences, Some saying like: "How did we get here?" or some people saying: "Hey get us outta here!" After several minutes Raymond Heard some noises upstairs. An OTA were saying: "Ready to amputate!" And then he heard Sasha saying: "No... please." Raymond Looked upstairs and said "Sasha? Oh my god!". Some shots were heard from upstairs. Right after then Raymond saw the dead body of Sasha falling. Raymond Yelled: "NOOOOO!!!! *tears were coming from Raymond's cheeks* Your all gonna Pay for that!!!" *The OTA on upstairs chuckled*  After that day Raymond kept practicing with his knife when theres no OTA around. After a few months everyone got located to diffrent cities like city 18, city 45... Raymond was going on City 14. He started living there. With that stinky smell of course. But one day suddenly an outbreak occured in city 14. Some Zombies grown in there. While combine's busy with it, Rebels took advantage to riot on City14. War.. Mutation... The place turned to a hell! Raymond ran quickly with his stuff. Ran as long as he can with his backpack. He saw some headcrabs on the road. He rushed past them. After some minutes of high-speed running Raymond came into a corner. He ecountered a Little baby headcrab, he backed up, but it wasnt jumping on his head, Raymond bend down and said: "Hey little guy..." The babycrab moved back a bit. Raymond quickly grabbed it and put it into his backpack and said:"I should train this little thing. Might be useful". After some minutes he realised he was out of the town. He thought town was very big but it wasnt. He found some rebels on the way. They put him in the nearest relocation train and send the people in city 14 to city 11 They were all Refugees and pretending to act like a citizen. Raymond knew it so he opened his backpack. Took out the baby headcrab and tried to train him as much as he can. While approaching to City 11, the people in train warned Raymond. Raymond put headcrab back in the backpack and progressed through city11. Still... 5 years later. He didnt forgot about his wife. He was looking at her picture everyday. And thinking about how hes gonna get revenge.....

What will these authorizations give your character in regards of perks/defects?:

Expert Knife skills: Allows Raymond to quickly slash, stab and throw knives at his opponents.
Babycrab:To scare people/hurt them. The babycrab have ability to poison enemies.

Babycrabs:They dont grow up fast. And Raymond only trained it for several things: Jumping, Fast moving. (It cant attach its mouth to people's face due to its little mouth xD)

What Do you plan with these Perks/Defects?: Improve the RP. Like everyone. But headcrab RP is a unique type but its cool. No need for ragdolls.
And slicing/stabbing doesent make me a TF2spy. Also not a n00b assassin throwing knives to everyone he see lol.

Will Anyone Else Needs these Auths?: Nope.

Extra Notes:I was one of best Rpers in SAMP:RP (San Andreas Multiplayer) so i know how to RP. Im not a Minge S2Ker like webuls. Dont Trust me? Spectate my RP skills.

Baby headcrab is not allowed.-Blt
Character was PK'd - Mat
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 08:27:22 AM by ?=CG=?Mmmaaattt94 »

Viewing character data:

Dwayne 'Chuck' Simon
Alive - City45
Hanging around slums, doing anti-citizen stuff.

Henry Parkinson.
Alive - City 45
Trying to get along with CWU, doing loyalist stuff.

Ahmed Hussain
Alive - City 45
Being the city arab avoiding racists

Jack Mikhail
Alive - Outlands
Roaming on the empty outlands, trading stuff.

Offline Zail

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #95 on: October 07, 2011, 07:44:16 PM »
Steam Name: Kenais36
Age: 15
How long have you been roleplaying? For like 3-4 years.
How long have you been playing serious RP? For 2 years, started on OCRP

Character section

Authorization: Vortigaunt slave.
Name: Sa'riquer
Age: Its pretty much unknow, only herself know it (tryed to fine Vortigaunt ages but couldn't find anything about it, if you know anything, plzz tell me).
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Captured and enslaved by the combine.


Sa'riquer was one of the vortigaunts fighting with Nihilanth under his leadership. Sa'riquer, was smarter than mostly other of the vortigaunts and was therefore one of the vortigaunts scientist.
When Nihilanth got defeated, Sa'riquer fled for safety with other vortigaunts, and decided to help the humans, to get her freedom once again. Under the 7 hour war Sa'riquer helped the humans, as mostly, as she could do in city 2. But a traitor revealed them for the combine and once again Sa'riquer were captured and enslaved, this time by the combine. After days in a cellar Sa'riquer was relocated to city 4, and there she got her first collar on. In city 4, she tried nearly every day to flee from her prison, but everytime she got caught and beaten. She tried to call her race, but got no response and she began to loose faith. After a few months, she got relocated to city 19, to help the cp's and hold the streets clean. Sa'riquer were afraid, cause she couldn't contact her race, and she knew nobody in the city. It didn't help, that, she got beaten everytime she made the smallest mistake. After several weeks in city 19, she got relocated to city 11, and now she was now broken, afraid and had lost all hope. She obeyed everything the cp / combine told her to, and didn't even try to resist anymore, in that believed she would get beaten again.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards of perks/defects?:
P: She is really smart and know what to do in a hard situation.
D: She obey every order without resistence, are nervous and are mostly afraid of the combine.

What Do you plan with these Perks/Defects?: I plan to make a nice roleplay, acting as a captured vortigaunt.

Will Anyone Else Needs these Auths?: Not what i know.

Extra Notes: Im a seriously roleplayer, and hates when people runs away, not roleplaying, breaking rules, and breaks FearRP Pretty much: I hate when people fucks up the game, and won't do it myself.

Denied; multiple grammatical errors
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 07:34:11 PM by SaoulZod »


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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #96 on: October 07, 2011, 10:13:57 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: ~Resist?
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 2-3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2-3 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortegaunt character

Name: Nouk'Tar "Mi'rek
Age: 217
Gender: male
Affiliation: A captured slave

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

(First person vort experience. Please put on your 3-D glasses)

   For it was indeed a negative experience regarding the combine. For we were not as fortunate to experience the freedom we wish to feel. Perhaps a year before this time, we were a free soul, dwelling the outlands. We kept out of visual track of the humans to avoid unnecessary contact. One day as everything was normal and we were hunting for food, demons wearing dark shells exited from flying crafts and descended upon the land. We his in the dense vegetation and waited for this assault to come to its end. To our fortune it did, for we believe we were seen by one of these demons. perhaps 200 days passed in our life as we continued to hunt for food and hide. Once again the flying craft came to the lands and emitted a storm of new demons. We ran into the forest, trying to avoid capture. We believe 4 days have passed since hiding, for we still hear the shots of the combine weaponry. We shall see what is happening with the human. As we realize now, this thought was of the negative effect. When we squeezed our head out, our vision was blinded by the corpses of multiple humans and a squad of the demons. In shock, we retreated making a fair amount of noise alerting the demons. We ran but were not fast enough. When we reached the end of the vast forest, we notice more demons awaiting my arrival. We were not quick enough to turn ad we were captured by the white demon and his minions. They loaded us into a metallic contraption and delivered us to what the call a 'city'. Upon us was placed a metallic slave collar and other metal accessories, limiting out vortessence powers. We are helpless to fight this binding and are now forced to work as a slave in this 'city' known as eleven.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ Challenging RP
+attention from humans

-inability to use vortessence
-slave to union until death
-beating if speaks
-no free choice/ freedom of speech

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

Work as a vort slave and promote further RP. I will not be able to escape unless assisted by rebells and cant use my vortessence

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))


Extra Notes (optional): Sorry for the fail RP on my old slave, I am ready to do better RP and show that to the community. Thanks

If anyone witnesses unsatisfactory roleplay, notify an Admin on the City Server. (Bring screenshot evidence of the console [No cropping])
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 08:22:44 PM by SaoulZod »

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #97 on: October 08, 2011, 08:33:33 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Blt/ Darthslaker
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 5 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years or so i think

Character Section

Authorization(s): A synth/hunter. You may say these aren't allowed, but look in extra notes;

Name: UU.OTA.SYNTH-01820  (If its still like that, dont really know it now)
Age: N/A
Gender: Synthetic.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
After it was made, it was immediately transferred to City 12, where it went through the uprising. It was one of the first 'units' to be pulled out, and was sent out to City 18, where it was then moved to the outland sector by one of the SeC's. It has since then served in outlands, moving about and helping with patrols, and generally scaring the living daylights out of people. It is not seen that often, but always seems to be lurking about, somewhere.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+I am a synthetic/hunter, I get a flechette wep and gain extra skills which make it jump higher and run faster(Not a lot, more stamina as it runs a lot)
-Can't speak, and you can't rp with it an extreme amount.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Act like a synthetic, and I also plan on rp'ing with fear to add more to his anti citizen spectre saga storyline.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
Quote from: Statua via PM's
You'll unfortunately have to reapply for it. Sorry.

-No authorizations for Stalkers, Vortigaunt Slaves, Synths, NPCs (such as zombies), or Black Mesa employees.

So why do people have vort slaves and synths then? When that rule was in place and I asked rofl, he said apply, of which statua asked me and others to reapply.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 04:05:49 AM by Blt »

Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #98 on: October 08, 2011, 09:25:09 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: YouHaveReadMyName
How long have you been RPing?: 1-2 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 1 year.

Charactor Section

Authorization(s):Rebel armor, open access to pistol ammo.
Name:MArk Anvil
Affiliation: Citizen / N/A

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Mark was transfered from C18 about a year ago, where he settled with his mother, father, and sister in an abandoned house in the outlands. Scavengers raided their house and killed his family. So Mark ran for weeks. He decided to come back after seeking help from 3 refugees settle at the far end of the outlands. One of the refugees gave him a 9mm, but without ammo. Mark came back to the refugee camp and began scavenging the areas around the camp. He decided to search a bit farther and found an old rebel armor suit. He restored it to its potential and put it on, treasuring its duribility.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-My charactor will be able to get frequent amounts of ammo for his 9mm.
-He will have a more changed RP personality.
-My char's model can be changed to the same thing, but with rebel armor.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
-He will become more of a protector of fellow refugees, rather than a man trying to hide from the world.
-He will help resist the Combine rather than hide from them cowardly.
-His mood will be higher and have amore grasp of things.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Nobody I know of.

Denied; impractical backstory and grammar errors
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 02:02:06 AM by SaoulZod »

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AntiGlados222 Authorisation Application
« Reply #99 on: October 09, 2011, 01:04:20 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: AntiPotatoes222
Age: 999
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Since May
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:         ^^^^^^^

Character Section

Authorization(s):Family were founders of diesel petrol, From rich family, exceeds in many, many languages

Name:Darren Diesel

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Frank Dales sat in his room awaiting news on his new-born cousin. His name was Darren. Frank never really liked aunt Diesel, she smelt funny. The Diesels were always richer than normal folk, and knew more too. Being founders of a highly popular petrol might've given them an upper hand, but who knew. Growing up, Darren always bought his way through life. Travelling around the world by day, sleeping with the worlds women by night. Eventually, on his 25th birthday, Darren came home, to London. His mother was gravely ill, and his father had died whilst he was away. Sadness had grown around the family, as eventually, Megan Diesel had passed away. Darren had taken over the Diesel name, and was the final Diesel family member in existence. Darren had eventually brung his business down, after a scandal was brought out that his family were pro-nazis. This of course, was all lies, but Darren dealt with life as it came along. With his final £9 billion British pounds, Darren moved to New York and lived in the streets, yet no one could guess why. Darren said he was waiting till a salvation of the world came. And as if by miracle, the 7 hour war began. Darren had instant approval of anything the Combine had done. And so began the new life of Darren Diesel.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+A slight smidge of CP respect
+Understands any foreign citizen

-Hated by citizens
-Not as physically tough

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Well, understand foreign citizens and feel slightly better because of the respect

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):

Accepted for Languages
Denied for Civil Protection "Respect"
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 02:47:05 PM by SaoulZod »
im bach

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #100 on: October 11, 2011, 04:08:34 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: The Joke
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Around 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Around one year

Character Section

Authorization(s): A 357 Magnum with 4 boxes of ammo, And a AR2 Pulse rifle with 6 boxes of ammo (Which i will have to get a Vortiguant IC to activate for me)

Name: Zak Grant
Age: 19
Gender: male
Affiliation: Refugee/Alliance Member

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

The AR2

Zak was patrolling the Outlands with Skyler and Dave when they saw something in the distance, Skyler got her Sniper rifle out and looked down the scope, She muttered to us both "Get inside..." Me and Dave looked at eachother confused "Now!" She shouted, We ran into a office building and got to the top floor, Once there Skyler looked through her Scope again and said "Three units coming from the east.." I looked down the road slightly scared to see three units strolling slowly down the street, I jumped backwards and asked "What do we do?" Skyler and Dave smiled at eachother and looked at me "We ambush them" They replied.

I was shaking slightly as i hid behind a garage door waiting for the gunfire to start and me to spring out and shoot,
Skyler was in the top floor of the office buidling ready to kill with her sniper, Dave stood at one of the windows on the bottom floor, I could just about see him, We preped and were all saying so over the radio, I waited.....Boom! I heard something fall to the floor, Everything was quiet for a second, Then the bullets started flying, I looked out from behind the door to see one of the OTA lying face first on the gravel with a pool of blood around him, The other two hid behind a railing, I fired a few rounds hitting one of them in the head, His kevlar could only take a few bullets, But Dave open fired at him as he went to run for more cover, He fell to the floor...Dead, The last OTA was just blindfiring over the barrier, Skyler took the final shot penetrating his helmet, I saw him flop to the floor.

We ran over and saw the lot of them on the hard gravel. "Good job guys!" Dave said, I looked around at what equipment was scattered about, I spotted a AR2 next to one of the dead OTA soldiers, I picked it up and slung it round me, I searched his body and found six pulse rifle ammo boxes, we burned the rest of the equipment and bodys and walked off in the knowledge that this was only one battle, And that many more were to come.

The 357. Magnum

Zak was happy with the new rifle he had aquired, He had not unlocked it yet though and its weight was almost unbearable, But he knew over time he would get used to it. While walking down the road to the Clinic a strange man walked up to him, The man was frantically looking at different spots with speed he was almost running and bumped into me, He fell on the floor. "You alright?" I said picking him up out of the dirt, "They are after me!" He shouted and scrambled up "You don't know what its like!" He screamed, I looked at him, His face was dirty and his clothes were torn, He walked right up to me and said "I can't take it anymore...", He uncliped his holster and brought out a 357. Magnum with something imprinted on the side, He aimed the gun at his head, "No wait do...", He fired, Falling to the ground, Dropping the weapon at my feet, I stared horrified for a moment, Then focused and looked down at the ground seeing the weapon, I picked it up and read the inscription it said "The lone traveler. I searched his body for any ammo and found four boxes on him. I grabbed them and walked off still shaken up by the events, But i just carried on my course to the Clinic, Knowing that this was not a un-normal event.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+Better equipment
+More accuracy and power in weapons
+In Character the weapons are more clean and better maintained

-Bigger target for OTA units
-More weight taken up

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Use them to my advantage against any threats, But with more space taken up i will not have as much room to carry all of my equipment.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))


Edit: Thanks Saoul for the heads up. I modified it a bit to hopefully make it sound more reasonable

Ammunition count is excessive.
Accepted for: 1 box of .357, 1 .357 Revolver, 1 Ar2 (with unlock), and 4 clips of Pulse Rifle Energy.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 10:54:39 PM by SaoulZod »
Status: Alive
Activity: Following orders

Zak Grant
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to adjust to the Outlands again

Mike Harolds
Activity:Trying to stay alive in the Outlands

Zak Renolds
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to stay alive in the city

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #101 on: October 11, 2011, 04:59:39 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Dave648
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3-4 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2-3 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): A resistance outfit to hand over to a friend.

Name: Dave Woods
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Last of the original 4 of The Alliance / Outlands Field Medic.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

A long time ago, The Alliance was strong, not in numbers, but in brains and supplies. Everything seem to be coming along very nicely, and we got what we wanted. We worked together as a team, surviving in the outlands, tracking down Combine material, and raids. Saving lives, and ending them. Though The Alliance had to use some force, to make people understand the world they live in isn't easy, and we can't help everyone. with everything, we were loved by some.

Sadly, during a fire fight, Leonard (Statua) was killed. From that moment on, The Alliance was ruined. Leonard was burried into the ground, and was well respected. Before being burried, he was stripped of his heavy kevlar, and Dave Woods put it on himself, removing his old vest. His weapons also went to Dave Woods, and the rest of the group.

From there, Doc took over, making things seem possible, until he dissapeared. Now feeling more alone then ever, Dave, Skyler and Zak keep what's left of the Alliance alive.

Zak was aceepted into the group, even though it was mostly dead. Zak took part in a lot of things, helping Dave and Skyler both in multiple fire fights. This fact, reminded Dave about his old Kevlar, the one he traded with Leonard as he was laid to rest.

Dave offered the kevlar over to Zak. The outfit wasn't the best, and was slightly beat up, with some scratches, but it would save his life none the less.

Now, the three of them, Dave, Skyler, and Zak, attempt to make the best of their lives, as they might soon come to an end.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? Nothing, this is for Zak Grant, not really for myself.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? I plan do hand the outfit over to Zak. The outfit isn't as good as others, and may need to be repaired, but it will still function for the time being. It also STINKS very badly, as it was used, abused, and the age of it's time.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) Zak Grant/The Joke

Extra Notes (optional): Keep in mind that this is mostly for Zak Grant/The Joke. I am applying because the vest does belong to me, and I am handing it over to him. If there is any confusion with this post, please feel free to ask. Thank you.

If it is YOUR vest that you have offhand, I do not see why you need an authorization to hand it to someone else. ~SaoulZod

EDIT/UPDATE : We stored the extra outfit, (My old one) somewhere in the Alliance Labs in outlands. To make sure, 100% that it will be protected, and I wouldn't have to carry it around. Perma prop, pass word protected crates are not a good thing to use, as anyone can use the remover tool and gather everything inside. So, to keep it safe, it doesn't exist OOC, but remains an IC possesion. I can't just say I own one IC to an admin, I need to apply in auth to get something I already IC should have. Reading this over, it does seem confusing. In short, I have it IC, but not OOC. I need this Auth to confirm I have the right to gether one from an admin. Or for Zak Grant / The Joke, to ask for one in game.

 - Thanks.

As long as you have it ICly, I do not see a problem with giving it out.  Find an admin that can give you what you already have. ~SaoulZod
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 07:56:50 PM by SaoulZod »
Dave Woods - Field Medic

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #102 on: October 12, 2011, 02:24:27 PM »
Player Section
Steam Name: =ExG= Sexy Frog
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): I've been roleplaying since the 7th grade, im in 9th now.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Since my 8th grade year.
Character Section
Authorization(s): Vortigaunt Slave
Name: Renar'Kek
Age: Seventy-one
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Conscript Vortigaunt Slave
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Spoiler for Hiden:
“Larrrrr laaaaaa glummmmmm ah gonggggggg…” is what Renar’Kek chanted, seated on the floor he repeated this for hours, totally concentrated, body and soul when his state of mind was suddenly broken by an unexpected call.“Rah, gong a la?” called a raspy voice, as Renar’Kek craned his head around to see who spoke the view of his small but comfortable shack in the village he called home was all he saw. Seeing as no one was within his home he figured they must have called from outside, as he lifted himself to his hooves and began to exit to greet the visitor, his hooves clopping on the floor when he walked.  It was Denok’Alar, the eldest and wisest Vortigaunt in the village dressed in near antediluvian Xen formal attire. Renar’Kek knew the moment he spotted him that it was time, time for his rite of passage as some would call it, for the full secrets of his village and their advanced and unique manipulation of Vortessence. He followed Denok’Alar away from the front of his house, toward the traditional grounds as he walked by he met the faces of his fellow peers and brothers, their bulbous red eyes following him as he walked by them. All nodded to him when he passed as a way of showing him their congratulations. As they reached the grounds, Xen undergrowth meshing under their hooves with each step Denok’Alar turned to him, his wise orange eyes resting contently and proudly upon Renar’Kek as he himself had watched Renar’Kek grow from an infant. He opened his aged mouth and began to preach the ceremonial words, “Gala gol, henok gong tar amak,” he shouted, his raspy, ancient voice echoing throughout the grounds, all villagers listening attentively. “Dagok atag ga magoi-“his sentence was abruptly ended by a vast tear, rippling open in the sky above. The villagers gawked up, wide eyed in a mix between wonderment and horror as the tear widened and widened making a sound much like that of a million Headcrabs screeching the ballad of attack all at once. The tear had finally been opened entirely; its image was odd and displayed what appeared to be almost like….another land! It began to suck everything within range into this other dimension, from villagers to the fungal growths rooted tightly to the ground. Renar’Kek was holding onto a sturdy species of Xen foliage with one claw, and onto Denok’Alar with the other. Shortly after he began to slip, but before her was loosened he shouted to him, “Lar la glum ah gong…” the very words Renar’Kek was chanting before he was visited. As Renar’Kek stared on in shock his grip he had on the foliage loosened, sending them both skyward into the rift. Upon begins lifted a large Xen stone had flown up and impacted into his skull, knocking him unconscious. The screaming of his Vortigaunt brothers was drowned out as all went black.      
The light of day slowly made its way across Renar’Keks’ face, his enormous red eyes opened to reveal strange ground soil, extra terrestrial foliage, and odd organisms and a cold white powdery substance cascaded from the heavens never before seen by him. He felt strange, he could not recall where he was from or for that matter, who he was. Renar’Kek looked about, nothing was in sight, but odd hoof prints leading due north. He decided to follow them as maybe he can find someone to help him, as he ventured his hooves crunching the snow he came across a half frozen over body of water in which he saw his reflection, nothing out of the ordinary…he may have forgotten who he was but not what he was. When a second figure, looking like him only wiser, older, and in a tattered regalia. He spun around hissing, unsure if this creature of his species was friend or foe. The older vortigaunt kept his composure and simply asked, “Renar’Kek, agen tar amat? Nodor Denok’Alar.” Renar’Kek eyed the vortigaunt who called himself, “Denok’Alar” warily for a moment before deciding he was no threat. He asked in his native tongue who this Renar’Kek he spoke of was and where he was. He was answered, and in time grew to understand his predicament. He was Renar’Kek and upon being sucked out of Xen by a mysterious rift he was struck by a flying boulder and suffered from amnesia! Upon the days that passed by in their unfamiliar environment, they barely survived off the foreign plants they deemed edible and the very few animals about as Denok’Alar slowly re-taught Renar’Kek of the ways of their people. One fateful freezing morning there was crunching in the snow made by humanoids not of the two Vortigaunts, the figures crept about silently and stealthily their silhouettes suggested they were heavily armed. They invisibly made their way over to where the two had set up their temporary shelter and pounced. A flurry of white powder enveloped Renar’Kek, temporarily blinding him as the loud hiss he recognized to be Denok’Alars; followed by the zapping of electricity. A radio call went through the air in a tongue Renar’Kek did not understand and as his vision was no longer blinded he saw one of the figures on the floor slain, his blue armor had a large scorch in its center. Its weapon was in the snow, the labeling written in Xen and read: AR2 model 21334. The air then was split by a loud mechanical discharge of the other figures “AR2” and Denok’Alar, the wise and near ancient vortigaunt fell making a soft thud in the crisp snow. Renar’Kek simply sat there, frozen; the shock that the only one of his species he had ever known since his loss of memory was now dead, leaving him entirely alone. The figure strode up to him and the back of its weapon met Renar’Keks’ face with much force, knocking him out cold.
Upon his awakening he was in a small space, made entirely of a strange metal he did not recognize. The only light came from a vent in the ceiling and the glass of the odd doors in the rooms’ front. The room was bare, all except for a small trey with a grayish sludge on it. Upon seeing it, his belly ached from hunger and he got to his hooves in hopes that whatever it was, it was food. It seemed of no danger and he ate the substance, ignoring its seemingly bland taste as a white masked humanoid figure dressed in a black and white uniform approached the glass. The humanoid pressed a button on the other end and the glass slid open. The figure strode inside, a blunt metal stick with zaps of electricity hungrily lapping at the air in hopes of tasting flesh and tossed a rag at Renar’Keks’ hooves. It spoke; its voice shrouded by a radio like tone and spoke in a language Renar’Kek had heard earlier upon the other figures death but still did not understand, “Pick up that rag and start wiping down the Nexus, dog!” Renar’Kek simply tilted his head in confusion and opened his mouth and repeated, “D-do-g?” he looked on expecting to be corrected but he was horribly wrong. The figure chuckled and swung the stick at him with great force, he jerked to the side, his flesh trembling as the shock of the blow and charge coursed throughout his body. He looked up at the figure, he wished to lash out and strike it with all his might but upon moving his arms, only the jingling of chain was the response; he was bound. “Pick up the rag!” the creature repeated, this time he gestured to the cloth upon the floor as if he were picking it up. Renar’Kek reluctantly copied his action, picking up the rag. “Good.” The figure walked up to him and unbound his chains, but before doing so it forcefully placed a collar around his neck, along with a waist collar and cuffs. It kept a steady stance, as if should Renar’Kek try to run it would result in his own demise. He began to leave, gesturing for Renar’Kek to follow; they walked out through a couple doors until he was out in the dark, musty air of a city. City 11 a giant sign above read, not that Renar’Kek could read the language. The humanoid pointed to a wall and made a gesture as if it were scrubbing the wall with the rag, Renar’Kek complied and scrubbed with a short raspy sigh as the other creatures walking on two legs in strange blue clothing walked to and fro staring in awe. This was his fate….alone, remembering little to nothing, and abused.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perk - New form of RP.
Perk - Possibly able to pick up some english as ICly progression
Defect - No respect from anyone
Defect - zero usage of Vortessence
Defect - Not knowing english at all
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Use them to roleplay to my fullest potential. I will try to use them as much to my advantage (or disadvantage) as possible.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) Nope.
Extra Notes (optional):
This application was written before the City45 change.

If anyone witnesses unsatisfactory roleplay, notify an Admin on the City Server. (Bring screenshot evidence of the console [No cropping])
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 07:29:47 PM by Monkey with a gun »

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>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #103 on: October 12, 2011, 06:37:47 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Nomad
Age: 23
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): July 21st, 2011
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: July 21st, 2011

Character Section Leon Manchester

Authorization(s): White refugee shirt model.

Name: Leon Smith
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Refugee

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Leon is planning to start a HUGE black market buisness in the slums. One day as he was looking around the slums, he noticed the sewers door open. He entered, wind went through his head like a nail. He looked around at the flickering lights, and proceeded to run fowards, as he heard some CCA units boots. He ran and ran untill he almost fell off his own feet from loss of breath. He heard the footsteps fade. He dropped to the floor, tired. He fell into a deep, heavy sleep.

The next day when he woke up, there was a paper left next to him. The paper read: "Meet me in the back part of the Foto shop as soon as you can." As soon as he read this, he went as quickly as he could to the shop. Thinking it might be a trap, he looked inside one of the holes in the wood. He had no idea how to get inside as it was covered in wooden boards. He looked behind the area, where people were talking. They greeted him, and knocked on a map. The map opened up the back. He looked around, there was nothing to see. The shop was empty, with some holes in the walls and floor. He was given some items there. He went back to the sewers to sleep after he was given the items, as he was quite tired.

The next morning, he woke up and rubbed his eyes. He got up and walked around the City, soon entering the shop again. No one was there. There he saw a white shirt. He put the shirt in his backpack, and walked away.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? PERKS: White refugee shirt DEFECTS: Apprehension of CCA units

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? More roleplay such as people asking me where I got it, ETC

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No.

Extra Notes (optional):
This is my first app, please tell me if there is something wrong with it.

Denied; unconvincing story on how you got the shirt.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 10:39:52 PM by SaoulZod »

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #104 on: October 13, 2011, 10:33:13 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: shadow_wolf360

Age: 13

How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3-4 years.

How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:1-2

Character Section

Authorization(s):a 1, .357 magnum with 4 boxes of ammo

Name: Will Gruns

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Affiliation:Neutral, citizen.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
              The .357 Magnum
   Well it all started one day when Will was walking down an alley in what is now City 8.  When he was walking he decided to go to the country side for a minute.  So he was at the country side when he heard some one speak to another.

  "Give me your money!,Dammit give it to me!"

He peered through the bushes and decided he really needed to help. He sprang out at the man who was carrying a .357 magnum in his hand.The pistol fired off once while Will was holding the mans wrist. Will, with a sharp movement of his hand snapped the gunman's wrist. The pistol dropped.

"It's none of your buissness! Get off!"

Will brought his right fist across his face.

"You tried to kill, and rob him!" Will cried.

He grabbed the mans head and twisted his hands, unsure of his actions, pumped on adrenaline. There was a sickening snap as the vertebrae broke in his neck. His body went limp.

The victim said, "You've killed him!"

Will looked back and said "I did what I had to."

He searched the man and found four boxes of ammo. He aimed the gun at the other man.

"No witnesses my friend."

Before he got to say anything Will fired on accident, spweing his brain on a nearby tree.

He hid this pistol in his coat pocket until he got home. He looked over the weapon carefully to find that it was a shiny silver sheene to it. He knew that he would have to run. So that's exactly what he did.

                A New Life
     Will went to City 11, he was given a jumpsuit of the color blue. The magnum and it's ammo were safely packed away in his clothes. His brow started to sweat as he entered the gates from the train station.  The Cp commanded "Apply". Will gulped and said, "W-Will Gruns 58971". The Cp looked at him, squiiinted then longly replied "Clean..." He walked through the other gate.
     Will let out a sigh of releif when he got out and quickly went to the most deserted spot he could find, the sewers. He was wondering around when he met another man down in the sewer. As much of a crappy coincidence as it as he had the magnum out and was looking at it and the man was a lost loyalist. Will knew what he must do.

"Wha-What are you doing?!" he screamed

Will brought the gun up and aimed it shakedly at the loyalist's body. He fired once. It hit him in the chest cavity breaking many arteries and breaking bones. Will dropped the gun, shaking. He was panting. When he finally stopped shaking he picked up the gun and wiped it off. It smelled of hot powder.

"I'm sooo going to hell." he said to himself.

He dragged the body to one of the lower drains, pulled of the grid and dumped the body down the pipe.

He still lives in the sewers today hiding, and waiting to make his next move.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? A .357 magnum with 4 boxes of ammo
He has murdered some one inside City 11 which may arise suspiction from his friends and peers.
He killed the other men in the country side.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? Enhance roleplay, protect myself, and to hide out in the sewers and wait for some one else.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No, no one will.

Extra Notes (optional): It's my first time writing about a weapon so I understand if it's not that good.

Denied; poorly written and unconvincing backstory. Also: No authorized weapons inside the City
Well, for starters if you look above me there are accepted weapons so thats crap. Second I had modified my other post so.
None of those other applications have weapons coming into the City.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 07:52:05 AM by SaoulZod »


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