Would you like some 3.14(something long shit.)Does Bean have the authorization for advanced firearm and melee skills? If so, please link it.Eitherway, if he does, I'd like to also see it rp'd out on the server so it also would take a few OOC days to have it fully advanced. I dislike people magically having the ability from one day to another.Beside, where are you getting the ammo from, as I know it's scavenging? Possible training without?Please report back to me regarding that.Basic survival skills? Sure.The ability to leave OOC? On circumstances: If you decide to leave OOC to scavenge, your character is going to be away ## amount of OOC days. So if you head to scavenge for 3 days, you may not use the characters for fully 3 OOC days before you may return with your character. If you agree on this, then Sure.
hockeygoalie5Would you please add if your skills were basic / advanced / expert?If so, I'll report back later to your scavenging / recycling.Beside your perk:Klaus can be trained to operate and repair Combine technology You can ONLY be trained in the Combine Technology by the CCA. Therefore, you can't have this perk.+ Combine technology is alien technology. Some is earth-like, but not everything.