Author Topic: My Dog  (Read 17399 times)

Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: My Dog
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2013, 10:59:08 AM »

It is medically referred to as anger management. It is psychological, like all mental problems... So, yes, it is in your head...

But controlling it isn't easy, it's not just like "Brain, stop" it happens too fast. So please anyone who says anger management isn't real or is ridiculous and not actually a issue, please know what you're saying before you post.

My dog is a bitch, she deserves to be beaten. She almost bit off my fucking finger.

Your dog doesn't deserve to be beaten.Nobody does for that matter, and that sounds pretty sick to be honest. Normally pets help kids develop a tolerance to certain things and help them to grow up. I had a dog that I lived with for 13 years before she died of cancer that barked for no reason almost 24/7, bit people, growled, was a giant pain in the ass when I was younger. She was pretty messed up mentally if I recall from what the vet said, yet I still loved her. The point is that just because it makes you upset the dog may be a challenge to deal with doesn't mean you should resort to it being a bad thing and wanting to inflict pain on it. Helps you grow out of certain habits and attitudes.

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Re: My Dog
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2013, 11:52:00 AM »
 If my German Shepherd doesn't behave properly or does something that is wrong, I yell "EH, EH, NO" and approach him close up. I don't hit him but he's a good dog.

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Re: My Dog
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2013, 05:58:21 PM »
If my German Shepherd doesn't behave properly or does something that is wrong, I yell "EH, EH, NO" and approach him close up. I don't hit him but he's a good dog.
I've got a pit boul.. you have to be forcefull with him, just saying no does not work... I have to hit him every once in a while, I don't like doing it but he behaves.

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« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 03:20:40 AM by garry :D »
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Re: My Dog
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2013, 09:32:51 PM »
So we got my current dog about a year after my previous dog passed away. My previous dog was very big but loving fluffball. He was a Norwegian elk hound and German Shepard mix, but still very loving. He was my first dog so I don't really have that much knowledge about all dogs except what I read, and I never read about viszlas... So, we tried getting a black lab from a rescue place, but they had someone else and denied us, so we went to another place and drove 7 hours to get this red lab. We went to the house and met her and fell in love, she was very cute and she was very playful. They told us she was mixed with something else but they didn't know what. We took her home and a few weeks later we start to see her bad traits. She was very possession aggressive, like if we took something from her she would get snarly and bite us, and she bites very hard, she had many other bad traits, but the main ones were that and she was very hyper, and she has anxiety from being alone so she barks when someone isn't near her, she also gets aggressive when she does something she doesn't like. So we went to a trainer and they taught us some things in the class, and said those bad traits were just because she was a puppy. Well, we were just looking at other dogs and we came across that she looked very similar to a short-haired German pointer. Then about 5 months later when she was aloud to be outside with other dogs, we went to a dog park and met a lady with a dog that looked just like her. She told us her dog was a German Viszla, and we discovered ours was too. Like I said earlier she has horrible traits and another is that she likes to tear up the house, so we can't leave her alone unless she's in her crate. Anyways, I just need some advice to deal with her because I'm about to go crazy, I have anger issues and I almost killed her once.

If you're dog bites you in a mean way (like its not being playful like most dogs do, my little chiwawa will nibble on my fingers and stuff when I play with him) then you should just put it down. I had a mastif (those things are huge) and it would play rough as a puppy, but not try to actually harm me(mastifs were actually bread to kill/fight lions, like 3v1, look it up). It's your dog but if my dog was trying to harm me/others on purpose then I would have to put it down, no matter how much I loved it.
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo


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