Steam name: Lone Wanderer
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:23860145
In-character name: McKayla 'Flower' Withers
Reason my character should be transferred to the City:
IC Reason.
Detailed back story explaining my escape from the Outlands:
Following the disaperance of Beans, the man Flower designated as her protector and idle in the Outlands community, she spent many long hours traveling throughout the countryside, looking for her lost leader figure. She wandered for days, through storms and sunshine, cold and heat, snow and rain. She traveled through deep forests and steep hillsides, eventually coming back to Ineu Pass just in time for the Overwatch raid.
Following the Overwatch raid on the Pass, and the general refugee population's move to the Valley, Flower wandered off into the wilderness once again, this time, without a definate home to return too. She, again, traveled in a similar fashion to her search for Beans, but this time, looking for a place to reside.
One day, Flower managed to stumble in a dimly lit, dirty sewage tunnel. She decided to follow along it, with the hopes that she might find some form of refugees hiding within. After a few smelly, damp hours wandering through the sewers, she stumbled across a crudley made sign, stating "". She tilted her head aside, looking down the tunnel. She shruged, following along the path. She eventually came to an opening, and seeing the night sky, pulled herself out onto a street. Looking up, she saw buildings in the immediate distance, maybe a half mile away. A large citadel loomed in the distance. A dispatch voice echoed through the surrounding area, saying, "Welcome, welcome to City 17."
Time when it happened(if misclick): -N/A-