Author Topic: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!  (Read 13853 times)

Offline Elions

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2012, 04:28:58 PM »
Scavenging... You do know what it is, correct? It doesn't require some kind of superior knowledge to do. Let's look at the dictionary definition shall we?

1. To search through for salvageable material: scavenged the garbage cans for food scraps.
2. To collect and remove refuse from: The streets are periodically scavenged.
3. To collect (salvageable material) by searching.

Well gee... That sounds like something anyone can literally do, doesn't it?.
As for authing for these kind of things, i said if it really bothered you that hard that people find certain items you could maybe ask if they need to auth... Thing is, people have authed for such things before. They've authed for finding fuel, for finding specific items, knowledge to do certain things, finding certain important items like medical supplies or crap like that, but the thing is fuel is necesarily something so simple to really find considering all the previous factors i gave you that it doesn't Necesarily require an auth, unless they got enough fuel to fill up an entire fucking gas station. Which no one has done.

I mean... If you want me to auth for literally knowing how to search through rubble with my bloody hands i can do so, but it seems silly to do something like that, after all, anyone can do it. And as long as i don't just pull something out of my ass (which no one has done at any point when it comes to vehicle fuel) then it's not really a big deal now is it?

As i said before, you're reading too hard into this, and you're not helping RP, you're just being a dick.

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2012, 04:31:45 PM »
Good sir, I am merely saying that the way things are today ei: asspulling jerry cans to power our improbable consumption rates are simply unacceptable without an explanation and so far you've been throwing excuses at me. I honest couldn't give a damn about a shotgun, answer my question, where are we getting this fuel?

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Offline Elions

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2012, 04:38:47 PM »
That's the thing. You could be getting this fuel from several different locations. I could give you one spot but you would criticize it no matter what i say. And as i've been trying to also point out, no one has been ass-pulling jerry cans at any moment in time.

There are a thousand possible explanations for this as there are a million possible criticisms for it. We could be bickering about this for a very long time or we could both concede that it does not truly affect anyone since both

A) People are /not/ just pulling it out of their asses and are trying to make some concious effort into explaining this sort of thing, perhaps without much professional knowledge but this is understandable

B) This is not actually hurting RP, but helping it, as it creates more interesting situations, or it gives people an aid to travel or to show-case what knowledge they have on certain matters.

I've not been throwing excuses at you, i've been trying to show you that this is a moot thing to talk about in the first place. And the reality is that if you're going to bicker about the fuel, you HAVE to bicker about the shotgun, you HAVE to bicker about the dark fuel, and you HAVE to bicker about the 7 hour war. You cannot pick and choose what you want to be anal about, you're either anal about everything, or you understand that you have to leave a bit of elbow room for people to create the situations, places, items, etc. that a healthy, fun RP server requires.

That said, on a more personal note don't call someone "Good sir" and then say they're throwing excuses at you and put "I don't give a damn", either be formal or not.

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2012, 04:45:06 PM »
While I agree we could argue for literal hours on this as it is a very complex issue I have to say that I'm not ready to drop this yet.

While I do enjoy RP- I find it rather flawless in some respects- I do think we're from two very different schools of thought on Serious RP. While I can see there is no pleasing you on this issue, I will offer a compromise.
The Compromise: Prove to me that (As you said in " Point A") people are making an effort to find it ICly and I'll be satisfied and we can all move on, and at least try to ration your gas, please try to pretend there's some form of scarcity.

Side note: Ever seen Gone With The Wind? Was more of a nod to that tone but I can see where your confusion came from.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 05:04:43 PM by The Doctor »

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Offline Kevin

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2012, 06:23:30 PM »
Guys, just cut it the fuck out. Vehicles have not been abused thus far, with the simple threat of having V flags removed, thus removing their abilities to spawn their assigned vehicle.

It's quite simple, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

There's no flaws in Violet, Beans, or Skyler having a vehicle because they certainly aren't abused. I'll admit, I usually take fuel out of the equation when in an intense RP situation, but to this point, you're the only person to complain about it.

I RP looking for fuel, I RP refueling and repairing my car with my friends, I RP turning the keys in the ignition. I RP every aspect of my vehicle pretty much 100% of the time.
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Offline Elions

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2012, 06:58:10 PM »
I'm pretty sure IF required Tray could post you how he RP's the situation but like i said, moot point.

Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2012, 08:49:23 PM »
I tend to only use my car to transport wounded and get people in/out of places where they're needed ASAP(Like war zones).
Fuel for me even then wouldn't be that big of a deal, seeing how the pass isn't even really a mile across and quite a bit of it is down hill, and its not like I'm(I'm saying I'm due to the fact that I don't know what the hell beans is driving) driving a big ass V8, I'm driving a little V4.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

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2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
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2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

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Offline Kevin

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2012, 09:04:26 PM »
Beans drives a V6, but it only sounds loud and mean because of a somewhat torched muffler and the fact that the engine isn't in it's prime condition.
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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2012, 09:54:59 PM »
Stale gas doesnt work. Gas sitting in tanks underground or in cars would stop being effective after around 6 months and would basicly be toxic sludge after a year or year and a half

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RTLK is right on this. If you take old gas that has been sitting around for a year or so, it will smell like turpentine. Anyways, after the years of combine ruling the earth and no one producing fresh gasoline, there would really be little to nothing left.
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Offline Scratchie

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Re: Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2012, 10:03:28 PM »
Stale gas doesnt work. Gas sitting in tanks underground or in cars would stop being effective after around 6 months and would basicly be toxic sludge after a year or year and a half

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RTLK is right on this. If you take old gas that has been sitting around for a year or so, it will smell like turpentine. Anyways, after the years of combine ruling the earth and no one producing fresh gasoline, there would really be little to nothing left.
Not to mention the generators. A standard maintained generator can use upwards of a gallon an hour. Unmaintained probably makes it a gallon and a half an hour. Basing 6 hours a day every day, and 3 generators that's 27 gallons a day, 182 a week, and upwards of 10,000 gallons a year. With the small size of the gas station I'd estimate a 2500 gallon tank there. So a quarter year on the gas station, maybe another 2 weeks on the cars gas. And that's still only the generators

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Offline Kevin

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2012, 10:11:55 PM »
Because there's definitely no gas stations in the vicinity of the valley and nobody ever ventures out there to get gas. Bullshit.

It's simple, just make people auth for gasoline every week or so from gas station outside the valley for whatever they may need it for. I don't see the reasoning in this, but if it's that big a deal and it's ruining roleplay so much that you need us to apply for it, then so be it..

Because, y'know, three cars in the ENTIRE outlands is just such a burden on roleplay.
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Offline rBST Cow

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2012, 10:14:46 PM »
Because there's definitely no gas stations in the vicinity of the valley and nobody ever ventures out there to get gas. Bullshit.

It's simple, just make people auth for gasoline every week or so from gas station outside the valley for whatever they may need it for. I don't see the reasoning in this, but if it's that big a deal and it's ruining roleplay so much that you need us to apply for it, then so be it..

Because, y'know, three cars in the ENTIRE outlands is just such a burden on roleplay.

All that gas would go bad, 1 or 10000 miles away from the pass, it would still be bad.
abbot common stop bad for you if u watch anime all day nigga u fuckn weaboo

Offline Kevin

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2012, 10:24:04 PM »
Because there's definitely no gas stations in the vicinity of the valley and nobody ever ventures out there to get gas. Bullshit.

It's simple, just make people auth for gasoline every week or so from gas station outside the valley for whatever they may need it for. I don't see the reasoning in this, but if it's that big a deal and it's ruining roleplay so much that you need us to apply for it, then so be it..

Because, y'know, three cars in the ENTIRE outlands is just such a burden on roleplay.

All that gas would go bad, 1 or 10000 miles away from the pass, it would still be bad.

Even being kept in those tanks at the gas stations? Well, boy... Maybe you're right... but you're pretty much saying that all of our favorite post-apocalyptic or similar games have no roleplay value simply because the fuel is overpowered, in a way.

Fallout New Vegas, when the bombers use that plane? OH GOD, THEY SHOULD'VE DIED UPON LIFTOFF, THE FUEL WAS BAD!

Gordon Freeman? His car should never have gone anywhere, the fuel was bad.

All those Severance servers on Garrysmod? After a time, all their cars should just go kaput!

Dead Island? Oh Lord, where are they getting all this fuel!


Well. It seems there's a giant hole in the gaming community. It puts such a burden on me that my favorite games aren't realistic to the very hundredth of a percent, we should ruin roleplay for those in outlands who use vehicles!
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
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Offline Scratchie

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2012, 10:38:37 PM »
Just so you know, this is only a discussion and a way to try to encourage a group to do more scavenge rp. Vehicle's won't be restricted (for this reason at least. They will be due to the game mode change for a while)

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Re: Ineu Pass Fuel supply!
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2012, 10:56:06 PM »
Quite frankly I think this really should be locked, all it's doing is pissing people off and is rather pointless. we all do scavenging RP, While we don't RP every step and often just say we're doing it when we d/c. I think its really nothing to cause a massive issue about, such as this.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass


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