Author Topic: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)  (Read 87462 times)

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #135 on: November 04, 2012, 03:17:26 PM »
Keiji is busy alongside Beans, fending off Antlions that manage to pass by him. Twice now he's had to axe those things through the head, and it wasn't a clean job.

"We need to kill that big motherfucker if we want even a small fucking chance at survi-"

And just like that, a window pane smashed open, followed by an Antlion flying in and barging straight into Keiji before he could get a swing off, knocking him backwards behind the counter underneath the indoor balcony, his axe sliding a good 4 feet from him and clattering against a wall.

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #136 on: November 04, 2012, 03:28:45 PM »
Glares through her scope, spotting fairly movement inside the inn, near the counter under the balcony, which was where she was aiming. Seeing the slight movement, her aim is locked onto it, the blue laser pointer following her aim to lock onto the side of the antlion, which stroke onto Keiji. Seeing the size of such a creature, would be enough for it to be merely enough visible to put in a clean shot.
She holds her breath, once more, lightly pressing the trigger of her sniper pulse rifle in, keeping her aim locked. As the trigger is pressed in to the max point, the large blast of the pulse rifle echoes through the valley and the bullet would hastily leave the barrel of the rifle, striking into what would be the side of the antlion, effectively penetrating the scales of it and buries into the flesh beneath them.
Due to the distance and the obstacles before, the bullet would have lost enough force, as it breaks through the window and strikes into the antlion. She shot itself wouldn’t be deadly, but enough to injury the antlion.
As she sees her shot strike into its target, she lowers her aim to start checking up on her ammunition, yet she has only shot twice. Neither the less, she starts checking up on the magazine, to check how much she got back, before she lets the magazine slide back into the rifle and aims back up, towards the inn. The blue laser pointer would still follow her sight, as she holds her breath to look for a new target.

Offline Dixon

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #137 on: November 04, 2012, 03:33:09 PM »
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 03:42:32 PM by Texas »

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #138 on: November 04, 2012, 03:41:02 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:
I'll go by what Challenge said, since it was posted first

Upon falling onto his back, he struggled with the Antlion only for a matter of seconds before he saw it get hit with the bullet and stumble sideways. That gave Keiji enough time to land an uppercut on the insect and flip onto his stomach, beginning to push himself up and try to make a run for his axe.

Offline Elions

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #139 on: November 04, 2012, 03:49:09 PM »
Eli groans in pain, getting back up and looking at his arm for a moment, on closer inspection it seems it was dislocated rather than broken, something he quickly remedies by pulling hard on his arm to pop the bone back in place, not without making a loud snapping noise as it happens

Grah-!... God dammit... That's it. Now i'm pissed.

Eli quickly takes the 5 flaregun nets that he had in his satchel, figuring he could combine the gunpowder in all 5 to make a powerfull enough round to kill the thing in one shot.

Keep the damned thing busy! I'm going to blow it's head off

It takes him a minute or so to put the entirety of the gunpowder into one round, pushing what would usually be the main ball-bearing of one of the flaregun net-rounds just in front of it, jerry-rigging one very lethal slug round.
Eli exits the Inn for a moment, figuring that the easiest way to attack the guard will be from it's back, but the Antlions outside protect the back of their "leader", One of the antlion quickly scurries towards Eli, though he uses the momentum from it's dash towards him to kick him right in the head, pushing the Antlion back just for enough time for Eli to pull out Joanna's 9mm, firing at the creature and killing it quickly. The storm seems to make the Antlions outside dash back in fear to their old shelter, leaving only a couple of them helping the trapped Antlion guard. Eli keeps moving towards it, loading the jerry-rigged round onto his flaregun.

Need some cover out here!-

The Antlions outside (the few that do remain) seem to try and focus on finding Eli through the confusion that is the storm to their senses, Eli needs to get close enough to the Guard's back to actually fire the round into it and kill it off, but he cannot do it alone.

The Antlions inside the Inn are barely holding themselves up, The storm's thunder echoing outside makes them confused as to where they are being attacked, causing them to attempt (fruitlessly) to exit the Inn. Despite all logic, it appears the people in the Inn may actually have a chance at survival, as long as that Antlion guard is taken care of

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #140 on: November 04, 2012, 03:59:43 PM »
Keiji managed to reach his axe, turning to find the same Antlion that pounced him trying to take another dive at him. This time it wasn't successful. After finishing with the carcass, Keiji's attention lured him down the Inn's hall, peering outside. He saw Eli out there, and his first instinct was to help. He rushed down the hall, booting open the door inside and rushing towards the middle of the street; Axe in one hand and Pistol in the other.

"HEY! HEY, you mutated fucks! Over here!"

Keiji did his best to make noise over the storm, even firing a couple bullets towards a group of Antlions near Eli. To his surprise, it worked. A good deal of them began heading his way. He almost began to feel proud about his accomplishment, until he realized he now only had one option: Running. And that he did, sprinting down the hill, luring enough of the incests away to /maybe/ give Eli a better chance.

Offline Dixon

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #141 on: November 04, 2012, 04:00:51 PM »
Snatch looks around and sees everyone doing something to help, Snatch looks at Eli, Nods a couple of times, Then looks at  the pistol takes out the mag, And sees he only has 15 rounds left.

"Eli! If i can get the big guy to turn around and come after me, Do you think you have a chance of killing the bastard?"
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 04:02:44 PM by Texas »

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #142 on: November 04, 2012, 04:07:44 PM »
Aims over the scene, the blue pointer following her aim as she spots the single male standing outside with some sort of a gun, fending off an antlion. She keeps her aim locked onto his body chest for a moment, before she follows his aim with her own to aim towards the smaller group of antlions, now for the first time, seeing the single trapped guardian. Assuming the guardian isn’t of much trouble, seeing it’s trapped, she aims towards one of the antlions standing merely in the background.
She takes a deep breath, before pressing the trigger and fires a single bullet towards one of the antlion, heading for Eli. A loud blast of the sniper echoes throughout the valley yet again, followed up by the thunder storm. The bullet would rip open the scales of the antlion, easily penetrating the flesh beneath to majorly injure the antlion, yet not enough to kill it.

”I feel like I’m duck hunting here…”

Offline Egf_Adam

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #143 on: November 04, 2012, 04:08:48 PM »
Beef hears Beans asking for help and quickly gets to his side.

He checks his mags and pops up every so often firing at antlions that Beans doesn't get a chance to kill.

 he exclaims,

Eat this you fuckin' maggots!

The combination of withdrawal and adrenalin lead to Beef becoming infuriated.
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Offline Elions

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Re: The Outlands\' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #144 on: November 04, 2012, 04:35:10 PM »
Eli barely has much time to respond to Snatch, barely being able to hear him. As the Antlions go towards Keiji, Eli takes the oportunity, rushing towards the trapped Guard. The creature is still flailing it's legs in an attempt to free itself, making Eli's work harder as he attempts to get on the creature's back, having to dodge whatever it throws at him. He quickly stabs at it with the hidden blade in his right hand, making sure he won't be tossed away so easily like the first time, taking his flaregun onto his left hand and aiming at the back of the Antlion guard, trying to make sure the trajectory the slug will follow will destroy it's head.

Lights out for you, friend.

Eli fires the gun, the noise is tremendous as the weapon is not created to fire rounds like these, the recoil breaks part of the mechanisms inside and inevitably breaks Eli's wrist. However, the round he jerry-rigged seems to have worked, as it passes through the Antlion guard's head in a clean fashion, leaving a gaping hole in the front of it's head as it gives out one last screech of pain, ceasing to fight back.

As the Antlion guard cries in agony, the rest of the Antlion grunts hiss at the humans, not in a manner of agression but in a manner of fear as their biggest creature is slain, they quickly scurry away from the town, attempting to go back into their burrows as the storm slowly starts to let up. The few Antlions that remain are too hurt to make any kind of threat, dying off due to bloodloss or simply giving up to be killed by the other residents of Beles.

As the Antlion guard ceases to struggle, Eli retracts his blade from the creature, sliding off of it with his back against the Guard's dead body. It's unsure wether he actually got hit by the guard when he got on top of it or not untill someone actually checks on him.

Inside the Inn, everything moves to quietness after that loud finall gunshot. Joanna uses the radio to make sure what the shrieking was

Anyone out there? What the hell was that shrieking noise?...

Post Auto-Merged: November 04, 2012, 04:38:58 PM
Out of Character for OOC:
I had forgotten to include this. Song for the end of this little combat situation :3
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 04:38:58 PM by Elions »

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #145 on: November 04, 2012, 04:39:29 PM »
Keiji began walking back only a few minutes after the Antlion Guard died, his Pistol holstered and his Axe weakly-gripped in his right hand, resting it on his shoulder. Keiji's breathing is slow but heavy, and he walks up next to Eli, peering at the dead Antlion Guard as he lowers his arms, holding the axe in both of them just below waist height.

"Damn...that thing got fucked up."

Offline Dixon

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #146 on: November 04, 2012, 04:41:29 PM »
Snatch runs up to Eli, Passing all the rubble and broken glass, and begins to talk to him.

"You......You are a crazy son of a bitch! You ok?"

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #147 on: November 04, 2012, 04:45:57 PM »
Eli's breathing heavily, holding his left broken wrist as he looks up, some blood over his face, left side of his reflecting glasses broken, which makes him keep his eye closed as to not scare Snatch, it looks like the Antlion guard managed to take a swing at Eli's right leg, leaving it bloody and bruised heavily.

Heh... I get that a lot...

He jokes lightly to distract himself from the pain, with the adrenaline of the moment gone he's starting to get the feel of just how bad he got injured, trying to get up but unable to due to the wounds on his leg and wrist

Fuck that hurts...

Offline Zail

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #148 on: November 04, 2012, 04:52:30 PM »
Glares over the scene, remaining from the battle against the antlions. She sighs lightly, as she saw the antlion guard fall, aiming towards the “hero” who killed it, flicking the safety off slightly after. Her aim is locked onto Eli for a small amount of time,  the blue laser pointer being locked onto his chest, clearly visible, before she seeks towards the antlion guardian once again, the blue laser pointer following her aim over to it. She shrugs slightly impressed by the massive amount of damage, such a single small gun he were carrying, gave the guardian.

”That was one… Hell of a shot.”

She slowly scouts over the area nearby, watching the antlions flee back into the forest chuckling lightly, watching their chicken like escape, before she shifts her aim back towards the inn, aiming towards the windows to see, what’s inside of it and what’s possible to be seen.[/b

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #149 on: November 04, 2012, 04:52:51 PM »
Beans grabs his radio, speaking into it after setting his shotgun on the bar. Eli killed the guard, but fucked 'imself up. Might wanna get here an' help out Violet with the injured people.

Beans clips his radio back onto his pants, and jams more shells into the tube of the shotgun, sliding the forestock forward and flicking the safety on. He walks around the bar onto a stool, spinning around to look at Eli and the others. Whose gonna clean this shit up? What the fuck do we do with a giant ant lion?
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