Author Topic: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application  (Read 4350 times)

Offline Kevin

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Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« on: October 24, 2012, 07:22:10 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: bowser93
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About 3-4 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3 Years.

Character Section

-Leather Vest (Mongols Motorcycle Club)
-Tattooing kit. (Requires electricity and a proper electrical outlet.)
-Extra tattooing needles.
-An ample amount of tattooing ink (Multiple Colors)
-Collapsing Nightstick/Baton.
-Knowledge on how to tattoo.
-Hand to hand combat skills.
-Single handed firearms skill.
-Fanny Pack full of various narcotics. (Oxycontin, Crack, Methamphetamine)

Name: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Grover pulled the needle away from 'Chains' arm, smiling at his work, "All done, brother."

Grover gently placed a bandage over the upper arm tattoo, strapping it on with some medical tape, "Keep that bandage on for a good while now, don't want that beauty gettin' infected, know what I'm sayin', man?"

'Chains' nodded, standing and grabbing his 'Mongols MC' vest and slipping his arms into it. Grover walked out of the musty room with him, patting his back. 'Bubbles' burst through the front door, "Angels of Death incomin', boys, look alive!"

'Chains', 'Bubbles' and Grover walked outside, regrouping with about ten other Mongols. One of the larger group nodded to Grover, tossing him a Glock, "In case shit gets ugly, Scruffy."

Grover, better known to his comrades as 'Scruffy', caught the pistol. He was called Scruffy mainly because of his rather stumpy figure and thick beard. He wasn't the thinnest of people, and his beard was his most prominent feature. As the roar of the motorcycle engines drew closer, the group of Mongols began waving baseball bats, batons, chains, tire irons and wrenches in the air. The ambassador for the Mongols hopped off his Harley, approaching the group, "Chapter President ain't happy that you been stealin' our business, assholes."

'Fanny', the Mongol's chapter president approached the ambassador, "Tell him that Florida belongs to US, a'ight?"

Grover's hand was inside his vest clutching the Glock. The ambassador turned, throwing his arms in the air, "Angels of death, ready to protect your own!?"

The larger group of Angels began waving chains, knives, and various other blunt weapons. 'Fanny' turned around, "Let's do this! Show these fuckers what it means to be a Mongol!"

Everyone who was on a motorcycle hopped off, and the two groups charged, colliding into each other. Grover was near the front lines. An angel swung a chain at Grover, who ducked under the blow, but in turn fell on his back, as he was rather top heavy. The Angel reared the chain back, swinging it down upon Grover's left leg, who cried out in pain, pulling the Glock out. "Heater! He's packing iron!"

Grover took aim at the retreating Angel who was struggling to shove through the defensive line of the Angels. Grover fired several shots, one of which struck the Angel in the back. He fell forward into the arms of his brothers, blood spurting from the hole in his vest and back. Grover was pulled up with the help of 'Bubbles'. "They're pulling gats, get the fuck in cover!"

Grover shuffled to one of the stray motorcycles in the street, a gun shots broke over the shouting and yelling of the battle. Grover flinched as a few shots sailed past where he was cowering behind the motorcycle. As the roar of the Angel's bike's engines faded in the distance, Grover got up, about three deceased angels were strewn in the street, including the one Grover shot. Compared to everyone living for the Mongols, it was a good battle. As Grover got up, the dark sky grew darker and explosions echoed in the distance.

'Fanny', 'Chains', and 'Bubbles' all made their way to their bikes, 'Fanny' nodded to Grover, we're going to go check it out, watch the clubhouse with the soldiers. And so he did. He made his way inside, piling his tattooing equipment into a backpack, listening to further gunshots and explosions in the distance. "Bullshit..."

He pulled the gun from his vest, mumbling and tossing it aside for later- though he would forget to bring it where he was heading. He opened up one of the drawers of a dresser, grabbing medicine bottles and checking the labels, "Oxi..."

He jammed the bottles in his fanny pack, looking back in the drawer and grabbing multiple more dime baggies full of white crack rocks and foggy blue crystals. He jammed them in his fanny pack with the Oxycontin, zipping it up, "God I look like a tool with this thing on..."

He pulled out one of the drawers from the dresser as gunfire edged closer to the clubhouse. He pressed down a button on a baton, flicking his wrist, letting the baton flip out fully, "Sweet."

He pushed the button, collapsing the baton again, jamming it in his pocket, letting it poke out so he could reach it quickly. Ignoring the gun, he grabbed his motorcycle's keys, jogging out the door after stuffing a duffle bag full of food, just in case. Among the rows of bikes, he found his Harley, hopping on it, and turning the key in the ignition. He sped down the street among a few other cars. Explosions occurred all around, and projectiles impacted all around.

Grover eventually got out of Florida and up to Virginia, getting fuel by siphoning it from abandoned vehicles. On the Atlantic coastline of Virginia, he was able to board a survivor's ship towards France in hopes that things were better across the Atlantic- it was much, much worse. He had to abandon his Motorcycle and take multiple civilian survivor buses through countries like Hungary while dodging OTA patrols and shellings until he finally reached the Ineu pass of Romania where he decided to settle down.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-Knowledge on how to handle single handed weapons.
-The ability to tattoo the outlands population (Within reason)
-The ability to protect myself and others with the baton.
-The ability to be able to handle myself in a brawl or fight. (Within reason)
-A sweet looking biker's vest.

-Addiction to various recreational drugs makes him unpredictable.
-Anger problems make him out to be unsavory and unfriendly.
-The baton could make him a possible target.
-The tattoo gear could make him a possible target.
-The drugs could make him a possible target.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan on tattooing those who want it (for a price) and causing a bit of trouble for the average outlander (Within reason)

IE- Threatening them, chasing them.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I can elaborate more on the backstory, I just felt it hard to explain his very long travels in order to reach Ineu.
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline Zail

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Re: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 07:48:29 PM »
Sounds like a bit of a "troublemaker" / "bully" in my ears! Due to what you plan on using this character's auth to. This does not mean I dislike it, it's more likely I'm a bit.. Uncomfortable of having such a character rule Outlands.
The background is interesting enough, seems a bit hurried in the end, but gives enough reasons of, why he does have the items you're asking for.
For now, I'm a bit neutral, yet it isn't that much you're asking for. I did like to hear other people's opinion of this before I'll vote myself.

Offline kmp

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Re: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2012, 08:00:51 PM »
-Leather Vest - Okay, that's fine.
-Tattooing kit - It will probably be rusted or old, so maintaining it will have to be done. As long as you do the RP, I don't have a problem.
-Extra tattooing needles - Okay.
-An ample amount of tattooing ink - How many colours?
-Collapsing Nightstick/Baton - You could find these easily, to be honest. Okay.
-Knowledge on how to tattoo - Not hard to do IRL, if I'm not mistaken. Okay.
-Hand to hand combat skills - I'm a bit iffy on this. Due to the characters age, I'm sure it would be slightly hard to constantly keep up his stamina. Other then that issue, tis fine.
-Single handed firearms skill - Even I can shoot a pistol easily after three hours, so yeah.
-Fanny Pack full of various narcotics - I think three is a bit much. Perhaps only one?

Offline Kevin

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Re: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2012, 09:21:21 PM »
I can agree to those circumstances, he is a bit old and such, so I understand the fighting tactics area, as for the narcotics stuff, I'd rather have as much as possible to RP with, but I can give some wiggle room.

And I have black ink, blue ink, red ink and green ink.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 03:58:50 PM by Cpl. Tray [22nd AB NA] [MP] »
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline kmp

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Re: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2012, 10:17:59 PM »
I give my +support for all things, except add lower stamina to the weaknesses.

Offline Kevin

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Re: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2012, 10:37:47 PM »
I give my +support for all things, except add lower stamina to the weaknesses.

Agreeable. I didn't expect to tank around with him, he's a rapidly aging somewhat overweight biker.
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline Kevin

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Re: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2012, 12:41:24 AM »
Four days since the last admin reply, and the app really isn't that contraversial. Just asking if we could speed up the process?
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Re: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2012, 12:48:40 AM »
-Leather Vest - Okay, that's fine.
-Tattooing kit - It will probably be rusted or old, so maintaining it will have to be done. As long as you do the RP, I don't have a problem.
-Extra tattooing needles - Okay.
-An ample amount of tattooing ink - How many colours?
-Collapsing Nightstick/Baton - You could find these easily, to be honest. Okay.
-Knowledge on how to tattoo - Not hard to do IRL, if I'm not mistaken. Okay.
-Hand to hand combat skills - I'm a bit iffy on this. Due to the characters age, I'm sure it would be slightly hard to constantly keep up his stamina. Other then that issue, tis fine.
-Single handed firearms skill - Even I can shoot a pistol easily after three hours, so yeah.
-Fanny Pack full of various narcotics - I think three is a bit much. Perhaps only one?
Black, blue, red, green inks, and lower stamina as a defect.

Consider accepted then. Can't move cause not home

Sent from my Thundertalk using TapaBolt 2

Offline Kevin

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Re: Grover 'Scruffy' Palmer's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2012, 12:51:34 AM »
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties


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