Author Topic: Price Masterson's Authorization Application  (Read 4036 times)

Offline Reaver

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Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« on: October 24, 2012, 01:24:16 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Reaver/Binders Full of Reaver/You all know who I am
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Several years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Several years

Character Section

An established Trade Route between the Outlands and Price, within the city. This will never amount to anything major, and if it was anything controversial, I will post another authorization application. This will be food and other items such as radios occasionally and Every other week, a very small piece of weaponry, this could be anything ranging from a small knife to a shovel.
This is also an OL Appeal, for Price to re-enter the city. As it states, he also possesses one 9mm pistol with one magazine within. This was obtained ICly, and I do in fact have it in my inventory.

Name: Price Masterson
Age: In his twenties
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Price rolled over off of the boxes that he had meticulously laid out in the basement. Rubbing his eyes, he looked down at his otherwise naked torso. The red blotches that irritated the pale, usually clear complexion of his upper body were easily visible in the dull, artificial lighting of the room. They were incredibly itchy, but he had grown to the point that the feeling could be ignored after a bit of concentration. With a deep groan, one over-exaggerated in order to see if he could raise a reaction out of any of the possible early-wakers, he lazily raised himself to his sore feet. The only sound from above was the lonely pitter-patter of some stray creature scampering acrossed the rotting floor-boards of the Inn. Using his arms as leverage, he took an uneasy step forward, the Vertigo haze from standing up too quickly still obscured his vision greatly. Taking half a moment to lean to either side, weighing himself against his pelvic bones, he released a long sigh of pleasure as each pleasant pop sounded from his achy back. Slinging the bags over his shoulder, Price stumbled into the other room, tossing the more cushioned of the two in the corner, the one which housed his gun, wrapped carefully in several articles of clean clothing. The other he laid down with a greater sense of care, this was full of bottles, and other such delicate items. Sadly, it was lighter than it used to be....and his stock was running low..
-Insert some segway here for a transition from flash-back to present day-
Price had met a few men soon after coming to Belles. Apparently, they were from some sort of organized resistance a border over. They explained that for several months, that had been attempting to make contact with those within the city, and establish a sort of trading route, one that would involve the trade of goods for information. Unfortunately, they confided in Price that they had no way to hold contact with any of those inside. Price explained to the men that he had every intention of moving back into the city, and he would be more than happy to discuss a deal. Besides, receiving tangible objects in exchange for verbal communication was by far one of the better deals he has ever made. They promised him that every other shipment, something special would be added, to sweeten the deal. An odd book, small electrical appliance, perhaps a medical item or two, even minor weaponry(Although Price assumed he meant things such as pipes and shovels [Which is right]). Naturally, with any deal there is a catch, and this one was no different. The trade would be conducted weekly, on Fridays at the dead of night, at the turn of 11:00 PM. The supplies would be left just within the pipe that people used to escape and re-enter the city. However, it would be difficult, as the threat of location and detection were at a peak. Was it really worth it?...
[Another booby segway, something that flows]
Price shook his head, sighing as he slowly slipped into his darker suit, seeing as the journey ahead of him surely was to be a dirty, long and hard one. Wrapping the tight cloth of his covered fingers aroudn the white balaclava, Price tugged the ends over his crown, brow, and then his head, successfully concealing his unshaven mug.

The newly suited man took an easy stride when he exited the door, clearing his throat in order to catch the attention of the four men clustered around a small cart filled to the brim with a wide assortment of supplies. At the head of the recepticle was a green, bipedal craeture goraning quietly. It looked noticably more content upon the arrival of Price, as that signaled the time for departure. Price wasted no time, striding toward the creature to pat it gently on it's bony shoulder. Moments later, they were pulling the cart forward, moving back to the city...

It was quite awhile before the cart arrived at teh outpost; which naturally was abandoned. The others were keen to check the structure for supplies, while Price fancied staying behind to catch his wind..and he couldn't help thinking back to the altercation with the men again...
[Another fucking segway I need to think of]
"There's plenty in it for you," Arron mused, staring Price dead in the eye, "You know the offer, and all we ask for compensation is information. You get a shipment weekly, along with a little something-somethign every other time. We fully understand your reluctance, fella. Climbing in and out of that sewage pipe or whatever every week isn't going to be a cake-walk. Especially so often, and in the cover of night. But the mutual benefit? Woooooowee! Not to mention what those poor bastards in City 45 get to reap...the advantage is substantial, man."
Price scoffed, rolling his eyes beneath the cloth that masked his unpleasant features,"Right, and what happens with Overwatch becomes privy to our little 'operation', eh? They kill me, and end up shoving their hands up your asses, working your mouths like puppets to make you talk."
Stevenson hopped off teh wagon, shaking his head,
"It'd be the price we have to pay then, iddn't? The interest of many over the interest of few, ye?"
Price released an exasperated sigh, chuckling lightly,
"I want one more thing."
"Ain't got no ladies, fella," Arronguffawed, offering a warm smile.
"No," Price waved a hand, chuckling, "Four months from now? Ye...I'm coming back with you."
[Yay! Another segway I need to think of!]

They were finally back on the road, Price at the head with the Vortigaunt. It would only take roughly one day more, and they would be at City 45..

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
The ability to sell contraband within the city, as well as give myself Passive Roleplay.
Also, the gun will only ever be used for protection Price has no motive for killing, and will not. The gun is a last resort

It will become dangerous to move in and out of the city regularly to get the supplies, also, if a Loyalist sees the gun somehow, I'm basically fucked.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Create passive RP for me and others by having resources and food, drink and occasionally, more tangible items

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Admin edit: Editted after speaking with Reaver. You may ask him or me, over pm / steam. -Challenge.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 07:23:06 PM by Challenge of death sex?3 »
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Offline Zail

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2012, 06:54:07 PM »
Good enough background, I would say.
I wonder if you were tired, when you wrote this story, since I find a few small spell mistakes in it, which usually isn't laying within you.  :P
Yet, I doubt you can abuse those authorizations, but I'll let a SA judge on the pistol + ammo.
I would gladly support this authorization, but I want to hear other administrators opinion too.

Edit: Changed something on Reavers app. Feel free to ask him or me, why I did so as I'll not explain it here.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 07:00:13 PM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2012, 08:27:45 AM »
No -supporting or anything but, doesn't G.I.T.V already have a trade route?

Offline turhral=S=C=

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2012, 01:52:12 PM »
Now, I do not know if it is /my/ 9MM pistol you have, but if it is, (The one you made a deal with him for h is 9mm, in exchange for some stuff in the other Black-Skinned character.) then I am a witness for the pistol to be obtained ICly, as Price made a deal with Ori, my character.
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Offline Scratchie

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2012, 04:30:10 PM »
No -supporting or anything but, doesn't G.I.T.V already have a trade route?
This has no relevance?

Now, I do not know if it is /my/ 9MM pistol you have, but if it is, (The one you made a deal with him for h is 9mm, in exchange for some stuff in the other Black-Skinned character.) then I am a witness for the pistol to be obtained ICly, as Price made a deal with Ori, my character.
Not really relevant tbh.

As for the app, I want other admins to comment on it.

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2012, 11:44:13 PM »
Knowing Reaver, I would obviously give +support this auth is for something that is needed to increase the nill amount of and Criminal RP. Not saying that supplies should be rapidly given, but to regulate it and to actually have the Citizens not be victims of nutrient deprivation and starvation every single day. It would also provide some growth RP and some Exercise RP which all stems from Passive RP, which is like a Diamond in a coal mine.

Offline Monkey with a gun

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2012, 10:08:22 PM »
Reading over this, the idea itself is perfectly fine, the backstory is okay (could use a little more work). My biggest concern with this authorization is that if over-used, it could potentionally flood the city with weapons (script and non-script). I would say in order for this to be accepted when attempting to use the supply chain to bring in weapons, you would be required to get approval from atleast a BA+. But before I accept this, I have a few things I would like to see changed, as listed below.

  • Touch up the backstory a little. For example finishing up the segways.
  • Travelling to and from the outlands is quite the trek, it'll require a somewhat large stockpile of food and water to make the trips frequently. I would like to see a small section within the backstory dedicated to this.

That's pretty much all I could think of for the time being, I will update it if anything else needs to be changed. For now (considering the servers are down), i'll be leaving the thread open for admins to discuess it or make any comments that feel need to be brought to attention. The authorization (once full terms have been met) will be "offically" accepted within 3 days, or as soon as the server comes up if sooner.

If you need some more time to touch up on the authorization, contact me over steam and I can extend it.

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2012, 10:10:58 PM »
I'd rather it not have any weapons in the supplies, and if so it would have to be even more rare, like only once a month for like one or two knives.

Offline Reaver

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2012, 11:31:57 PM »
That's fine. I wouldn't actively sell weapons. This is for contraband, I'm not planning on being a weapons dealer.
How about this, once a month for a knife of some kind.
Any other weapon I will add an auth app for, meaning if somethind out of the ordinary would be sent, something had would happen to Price, perhaps near detection, OTA having visual on him, him being wounded. And those would still be basically minor weapons, just mlsomething other than a small knife.
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Offline Scratchie

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Re: Price Masterson's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2012, 03:35:54 AM »
Sounds good.

Authorization accepted for a trade route of contraband with a small knife (under 5" long in the blade) every month.

Outlands appeal accepted.


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