Author Topic: Phillip Bernards Journel.  (Read 2242 times)

Offline Delta1116732

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Phillip Bernards Journel.
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:35:39 AM »
Bernards Journel~

Chapter One: Appearences.

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Well...where to begin? I walked out of the train station this mornning..I was inside trying to find a lost item of mine. I frogot my comb in one of the lockers, but as I walked out I heard a unit shouting. He yelling "11-99 Office needs assistance!" I ran over to see what was the cause, and a man had jumped onto a units back when he wasn't looking. Another unit just comming out of the nexus ran up attempting to kick him off. I stood there with fear of what would happen...I really wish I did something to help, but I didn't want to get involved. The m- *The writing scribbles out.* Yeah...the man was bald, and covered in blood he was soon knocked out..the units dragged him into the nexus, but before they did a unit yelled something about this as a warnning of what could happen. I waited for the man to return to see if he was okay, but....he never came out. I'm worried about that...though I've been hearing gun fire more, and more, and more. Well...this is all for today I suppose.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:44:26 PM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Phillip Bernards Journel.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 06:24:29 PM »
Chapter Two: Broken Bones.

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Well it's around the next day since I last wrote in here. I woke to hear my room mate "James Churlane." He is quite nice really.. I also have a another room mate "Devin."  We are currently in apartment A1 atleast thats what we were assigned you see it was after writing the journel I went to the stairs for some thinking. On the Combine, and what they do what they want from us. About ten minutes in I heard beeping from the doors of UCH, and saw three units entering. I just walked upstairs to my apartment I didn't want to get in trouble. As I opened in walking in I heard a unit coughing behind me. One with a spaz-12 pointed at me, and a another with a MP7 and some other girl behind them. She claimed I was dealing drugs of course I wasn't as normal I told the units I didn't have anything. They searched my place finding nothing. Soon they left and I just took a nap on the couch for a bit. Dispatch was broadcasting something about a search. Mid way in my nap I heard a shotgun shell open the door, along with the door come flying at me from across the room. A unit came up to me, and began bugging me to get downstairs thus I did. Once doing so I lined up, and they all searched me. One of the units said to move to apartment A1. It's my new assigned housing. I did, and met Devin, and James. Seems to be an event every day now...every day is a new day..

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:23:14 PM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Phillip Bernards Journel.
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 02:56:41 AM »
Chapter Three: Gods

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Not much as has happened. The city has seemed oddly quiet, and I suppose it's been nice. Though my room mate "Devin" has seem to been missing. As for James he is gone somewhere though I am not sure where he his though I have not seen him in three days. As I've said in my previous journals people seem to go missing into the nexus. I've reached about two rough sketches of where they may be, or at least going. The Combine Civil Authority is killing them inside though I'm not 100% sure on that. If they kill then the bodies must go somewhere, and James says nothing is inside, but a bunch of empty cells. So these bodies must be going somewhere right, but where? People constantly missing never to be seen again. James asked me a question a few days ago..he asked if I was loyal to the Union..or was a rebel. I answered that I just wanted to live my life though i'm starting to question the Universal Union. Sides I've come up with a plan. I go see the "detainment" my self or leave....leave as in go to the out-lands watch units as they travel. Though i'm wondering if it's worth it all to give up? Should I move onto another life outside or stay in? I want to change what happens though I am not one to play god.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:19:14 PM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Phillip Bernards Journel.
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2012, 10:43:01 PM »
Chapter Four: Other Sides.

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I woke up today in my bed with James beside me, and Devin gone as normal. I stood up from my bed glaring around the room. The couch with newspaper all over it, and the door locked with some water split on the floor. I walked over to the fridge grabbing a can of supplements, and sat down on the couch brushing some of the paper off. I began eating slowly as half of my supplements were already gone. I never liked these rations they call them..they do not feel right or at least like food. I finished off my food setting on the table walking to the door, and stopped for a moment. Thinking on what to I went outside, and sat on the UCH stairs. I thought for a long time...units passing, and other humans drop ships flying over head. I glared over at the P3 HAP of which was being guarded by some units. One was at the top of it with a gun out, and another guarding the front. About three citizens standing in front of him. He was wearing a different uniform green, and part of the gas mask was missing. I thought about my to find out what goes on, and to see what really happen inside the nexus. So I went up to the unit mentioning how I had resistance information, and details on all that. He quickly forced me to the wall holding my hands behind my back. With a quick zip-tie my hands could not move. He searched for some items none were illegal. He grabbed onto my shoulder with his left hand pushing me to the nexus. In his right hand he has his stun stick glowing a blue color, and making a flickering sound every second. He brought me to the big doors sliding them open, and I walked in with him to the lobby. It was plainly solid concrete, and a few windows up to what looked like a break or storage room. I turned to walk to it, but the unit yelled at me, and stopped me dead in my tracks. I turned around to see him at a different door across the room so I followed. He took me to a room of which James has described, and it was bold, grey, and a little bit depressing. I looked over to the side to see some sort of furnace like thing I knew I didn't want to go in or find out what it did. I saw the cells, but the unit turned me to a different room. One with a big window viewing the cell, and a hard cold desk inside. He pushed me inside, and just as I went to ask him a question on why I was here he slammed the door in my face. I turned back to the table walking over to a chair, so I took a seat on it. I sat there waiting for a good 10 minutes hearing clicks every know, and then. I was just sitting there until I heard the door being unlocked, and a unit stepped in. He told me to tell him everything. So I made up stuff random names, and they understood well. Though he got to more difficult questions on where was I, what time was it. I was unable to answer those so he stood up from the desk walking over to me. He grabbed onto me tugging me out of the room, and further into the dark hallway. I saw a metal door that slid into a bright room. Computers, switches, and everything was sitting inside as I walked in further I began to hear a slopping sound. I looked down to my feet seeing a big pool of blood, and looked up to see what was causing it. A man sitting on the chair strapped in...he was missing his eyes. I turned around going to walk out of the room, and I wanted out. I stumbled right into the unit, and he said "Find out more or this will happen." I stopped in dead silence nodding slowly. He laughed a bit bunching his hand into a fist, and struck me across the face. Everything went black.., and when I woke up I was outside the nexus. Leaning to a barricade with two other people around me. One with a white shirt holding a cloth to my head, and another he appeared to be bald. He was male too, and seemed concerned so I stood up. After stumbling up the man in the white shirt asked me if I was alright. I just nodded my head slowly, and began to walk away. I know what has to be done now, and I won't stand by watching in the dark as innocent people are killed. There is a time to fight, and that time is now.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:45:22 PM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Phillip Bernards Journel.
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2012, 12:43:26 AM »
Chapter Five: New Worlds.

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I've escaped the city, and it wasn't easy though it was done. I walked straight into P3 after getting out of detainment. I walked straight in, and right up to the walls. Glancing up on those walls made me feel different. A whole new world was beyond those simple walls, and what was to stop me? About a 100 plus units with MP7's, and good chance Over Watch too. I stepped in nervous beginning to walk through P3, or what they called the "Rebel Area." It seemed dead, and life less even then to my surprise what did I see down that tunnel from the hard point? One man, and a woman couples probably..face first in a pool of blood. I also saw bullet holes in the wall, and I turned around frightened to see what was there. Luckily no one..I hope, so I began to go further into P3 the canals even. Nothing, but papers, and the wind flying. I saw a man, and another man leaning to a rail looking down in to the canals. I walked up asking them if they know is there anything else in the city, and they said that there is a way out of this hell hole, but it's at the end of that dark tunnel in the canal. I said it didn't seem so hard a simple walk with a flashlight, and your on the home run. They nodded at each other, and pointed to a ladder across the canal saying "Go try it." So did, and once I got to the bottom of the old ladder cracking I heard a shout. Something in a lone tone said "God! God help me! Gaaahhhaaaah!" I quickly picked up a small metal pipe in the canal, and walked forth with my flash light armed to my side. I shined it inside to see it was just a plain tunnel nothing more than a few pipes, and a sewer system. I stepped inside for a closer look, and heard that low toned voice again. "Vraaag!" I turned around quickly hearing it behind me then again, and again from all sides. I shinned my flashlight into a corner of where I heard foot steps, and there it was..the more disgusting thing I've ever seen. It was what these people call a "Head crab Zombie" a head crab that has mounted a humans head to take control of it's body. I quickly yelled "Help!", but to my glance down the tunnel I only saw darkness. I must have wondered further than I though, and I turned back to the zombie to see it right in my face as it took a under hand swing with it's right arm. I quickly jumped back, and fell stumbling to my back on the wet dirt. I grabbed a hold of my metal pipe, and jumped up a bit shooting the pipe straight through the zombies body. The zombie just fell, and I knew it was my chance to run like hell. As I got up looking back as the zombie on the ground I looked to my front seeing the long sewer tunnel. I didn't really care how long that pipe was all I wanted is to get out. It was a good five minutes of running until I had to stop then I just started to walk. After that it took a good two or three hours of walking just to even see sun light. Though the moans in the tunnel still haunt me, and I don't think they will ever go away. So I got to light at one point, and saw this bright shinning light down the tunnel. I slowly walked towards, and stood on top of the sewer that lead down to a big river that lead to what I've never seen before. The bright big blue ocean, and I assumed I was in the coast by now. I looked down to see a road leading up to a big valley hill, and connected to that was a bridge to the other side of the valley. I  slowly began to climb down grabbing a hold of some vines, and over grown plants. I soon reached the bottom of the vines touching down on the soft sand. Stood there for a few minutes looking around, and felt the soft cushion of the sand under my shoes. I turned back to the road, and looked up the steep hill, and began to climb up slowly. Once I reached the top I found a couple small houses, so I decided to check them quickly as the sun was nearing heading to night. I reached the first house, so I looking inside the window to see a light still on though no one inside. No one was inside though I saw blood splattered against some furniture that was pushed over. I assumed it was used for cover from something, so I turned around to see the door has been shot down by something that didn't look normal. Being that it was a good 5 Inch hole in the door so I turned around the corner glancing in. There was no bodies around though I saw bullet holes everywhere, and along with that something shinning under a bed that was in the corner. As I walked in I turned around to see my surroundings, and they were grim. No signs or life, so I bent down sliding my hand under the bed, and grabbed onto something cold, hard, and big. I pulled out a crowbar that looked in good shape, and slide my hand back under to see what else was there. I felt a big hard case with a handle so I pulled it out, and it read on the side "SUPPLY BOX #7264" with a Combine symbol labeled on it. I lifted the small hatch up on the top looking inside to find four nine millimeter clips inside. Along with a couple of ration packets full of  goodies that were ment to go to the Combine. I suppose whoever was here got to them first. I turned around, and faced the wall pulling out a journal from my backpack. I began to write, and wri*The words end with a long thick pen line swerving across the page.*

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Phillip Bernards Journel.
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2012, 01:55:46 AM »
Chapter Six: Contact

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I woke up in the late morning around ten or eleven in the morning, and I noticed that I had fell asleep against the wall as I was writing in my journal. It was a busy day yesterday I cannot deny that, so it was only natural. I woke up too a loud, and deep sound going over head along with shouting across the bridge. I shook my head just waking up, and folded my book into my backpack grabbing the mags slipping them onto my belt. I looked down at them, and turned around to a clean mirror looking at myself with a smirk. Ammo, food, resisting the Combine damn have I ever felt alive. Though within a matter of seconds I heard a gun shot that was none other than I've heard before, and it came flying through the window. The glass went flying all over the room, and some splashed on me as the round went straight into the mirror breaking it into a million bits. I went flying to the floor quickly as the round hit the house as-well with several more pounding through the wall of the house like it was just paper. When it was over I heard more MP7 shots along with a pistol shot, so I slowly kept my head down crawling to a near by hole in the wall. About two inches wide, and long it was. I peeked through the hole glancing across, and there I saw a Combine gunship dropping off a squad of Over watch soldiers. Five units all armed with AR2's, and MP7's, so I continued watching as they all ran into cover taking fire from a small hotel on the other side of the bridge on a cliff. I watched as a unit got shot through the head as he ran out of the drop ship, and then the units begin unleashing AR2 rounds all in the house. I watched as the gun fire from the small hotel sudden stopped, and the Over watch made a quick advance. They gathered up at the door, and as they ran up they shot the windows throwing two grenades inside. As they were at the door they yelled three quick commands, and blew the door down at the same time the grenades detonated. I heard screams of pain, and multiple AR2 rounds being fired so I watched for three minutes wondering what was going on. I looked over to see the gun ship remaining there, and the units walked out with a man in a resistance uniform tied behind his back. As they ran back into the drop-ship I saw them pick up the AR2, and the unit who had died as he ran out, and they soon flew off into the distance. I ducked back into the house as the drop ship flew over breathing heavily. As the gunship flew over I stood up brushing whatever bits of glass remained on me, and bent down grabbing the crow bar I found under the bed. I stepped out of the house slowly taking foot steps towards the house. As I reached the house I walked up to the door raising my crowbar scared of what may lay inside. I stepped inside over the blown down door to see a lunch room with three tables. One of the tables was flipped over being used for cover, and a dead man was behind it with no weapon. I continued on upstairs to hear a small moaning sound, and saw a man on the floor slowly trying to drag himself to the radio. I walked up, and bent down beside him as he gave up resting his head on the wooden floor saying " more.." I replied saying it's fine the Combine are gone, and are you going to make it at all? I set down my crow bar beside the man as he fell spoke a last few words "Upstairs...34-13-1", and fell limp on the floor. I looked up to the floor above, and stood up grabbing my crowbar walking upstairs. I looked around the room to find two more dead citizens both with oddly no weapons, and looked over to the side to see a small locker that was shot open. I walked up to it bending down, and picked up a small lock looking at it then back at the locker. I glanced inside to see nothing, but what looked like a wrapped up sandwich. I looked questionably at the object picking it up, and un wrapping it. My eyes widened as I found a small 9MM pistol, and reached down to my belt loading a clip in, and help it up. I gave a slight smirk knowing of what to do next.


Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL


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