Military RP sounds kind of like a Call Of Duty mixed with RP. To that I say no..though if there was going to be another RP server I would have to think it would be L4D RP. Whatever it's really called Servence, Servnce something like that. Sides I believe I saw in a post by Roflwaffle some time ago that said "If we are going to open a new sever. It won't be a RP one." Though yes some servers could be removed....CSS, Spacebuild, HaloCE. Never see anyone on those.
This is what will happen if we decide to replace any non-populated servers.1. Non-popular servers gets removed.2. Some new servers with different gamemodes come in.3. Servers will get between 2-7 days of activity.4. These servers will then die.5. Cycle repeats itself.Seriously, that is what will happen, though I do say get rid of the servers that have been offline for ages such as CSS and Spacebuild.
CG doesn't have the active playerbase required to open another server and keep it popular, not without severely affecting the other servers - and no the "but it will bring more players" argument doesn't work if our entire already-active playerbase flocks to the new server
We don't want more roleplay, at least for the time being. Roleplay causes a lot of drama and we've already got three of the most popular roleplay servers in garry's mod. We simply don't have the administration power to handle any more.