Author Topic: Johnathan Garrison - Days  (Read 2564 times)

The Mysterious Stranger

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Johnathan Garrison - Days
« on: August 24, 2012, 08:01:11 AM »
 Day 1
 Location: Australia. In the middle of nowhere.
 Time: 12:32 PM

 The red rusty sign entitled "STOP" was hanging from it's hinges before landing onto the desert sand. The cement road was filled with cracks and some light stands went down the dusty road. A rusty car was seen on the side of the road which was a car incident involving a singular man. Inside that vehicle was a skeleton head but the skeleton body was missing. The stars glowed beneath the strip of desert land only to leave behind... silence.

 The barren wastelands was now cold and dark as the man himself adjusted his grimy, camoflauge trenchcoat before looking down the iron sight, hoping to sight anything that moves in such a eerily environment. Although, he wasn't the only pupil in the desert before him, there was also a friendly dog that was actually a German Shepherd type. A wise decision to bring his dog, he thought as he used his freehand to roughly scratch his head before returning his grip upon the scope. The dog laid down beside him, he looked around like a security camera in hopes of finding anything that moves. The wind was the only sound in the wastelands but aswell as the tongue moving about from the dog.

"Shush dog, I'm tryin' to fuckin' find that animal aroun' here. Hope that guy back in the town actually told the truth about that animal aroun' here." Johnathan responded as he adjusted his position into a much, comfortable and steady area.

 The dog reeled his head to the side before letting off a gasp, noticing his unfriendly response. Time was already passing by the dog was indicating minor boredom, often laying down on his side and keeping his eyes peeled, his eyes looking around the area. That one moment suddenly changed as his ears perked up, dashing up on his fours and looking around the environment before him. The barking echoed through the air afterwards as he dashed down the hill, his fours doing most of the work while dust scurried behind his tracks.

"What is this dog doing this time?" He mumbled as his eye looked through the iron sight, keeping track on the dog. In his eyes, a kangaroo appeared infront of the dog. "Wow, nice. A actual kangaroo that is wild too." The iron sight was shaking abit due to the cold effect that surrounded John due to the large amount of time he has sat in the position for half a hour. Although, the animal was kept in his tracks. He laughed abit as he kept track on the bouncing kangaroo. "Hold your horses you little fuck. I gotcha' this time." Obviously in excitement, the man knew he should atleast hunt down a kangaroo. Although, Australia wasn't just all that. Johnathan was a uhhh... a decent criminal. He thought that hunting without listening to the rules would do.

 He whispered, pulling back the trigger steadily before hurling a polished round towards him. The round penetrated through his chest and it flew forward, falling onto the ground before dust appeared around such a animal on impact. John got up onto his feet and left his rifle on the ground, approaching the animal at a fast rate while his feet pushed into the desert sands. The German Shepherd stood near the deceased kangaroo, sniffing around his area. Only half way running, a aircraft was seen in the distance hovering over the barren strip of land. Although, it had a blue glow on the bottom. He froze in position, looking at the aircraft hover above him - which his own hat flew off his head down onto the ground near his feet - and rushing down the cement road and actually crashing into a light stand before recovering. The sound quivered through the air itself before silence was heard but only the sound of wind and the dog barking.

 "Probably a UFO or somethin'. Got to talk to my friend through the phone." He whispered before returning to the vehicle, retrieving his weapon and whistling to the dog. "Aye', over here! Come!" He yelled which commanded the dog to sprint right towards him and into the passenger seat. He shutted the door close and made his way around the vehicle before hopping into the driver seat. Igniting the engine to power, he pushed down the accelerator and went down the road, the stars above his truck glaring down at every action he had did. He felt guilt for how he left such a animal to rot in the desert but it's how nature works, right?

 Day 2
 Location: Australia. The gas station.
 Time: 2:39 AM

 John pushed down on the brakes and noticed the now recently abandoned gas station. Blood was splattered over the window of the glass door which he opened before looking at the desk. A deceased man with flies surrounding him. Looking through the hole in his forehead, there was no sign of a penetration that actually resulted in the bullet tearing through his firm muscles. "Strange..." He whispered, looking around the small square room. It was totally a tragic mess and he went outside. Returning to his vehicle, a few gunships flew over his vehicle once more but luckily, they didn't see him. A APC also went down the road but stopped before continuing to travel down it. Like everyone else, John was exactly scared to death before raising himself up. His dog was hiding under the seat, his whimpering was now heard in the vehicle.

 The phone rang as he grasped ahold of it, putting it to his ear. "Whose this?" "It's me Dave and I think there is something strange. On the news, a recent report hesitated that... that a town was devastated by a unknown force. You have to get outta' there John. Oh s--" The phone hung up. He tried responding but it didn't work, only the sound of a dead phone. He threw the phone onto the seat beside him. Pushing down on the accelerator while the engine was powered up a few seconds ago, he traversed into the middle of the desert without actually going down the road.

 A few minutes have passed and he stopped down the road. He set up a large tent and a fireplace near a shack. Inside the shack was shelves attached to the walls, treasury on the ground and a carpet. Just a ordinary shack. He laid down inside the sleeping bag, allowing his eyeslid to close before zipping down the tent. Wrapping his arm around his dog, he knew he was safe.... but not for long...


« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 06:37:06 AM by STALKER »

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Johnathan Garrison - Days
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2012, 02:12:51 AM »
Day 2
Location: Australia. In the middle of nowhere
Time: 4:36 AM

 The sun glared and shined through the tent in a blurry state. Although, John was on his other side already and it appeared that a dog was sitting outside, looking around the dusty environment before him, slowly surrounding him, the tent and the shack. It wasn't a nightmare or anything but it was covering them from being sight in the middle of the desert from the... visitors that came to Earth. The dog barked, scurrying back into the tent to greet John. John raised his hand and slapped the dogs raised paw before scratching him on the head, digging his fingers into his head and itching it about.

 John groaned before crouching and walking out of the tent, hesitating "Ugh... good dog. Let's go check out that shack we uhhhh..." John stopped, instantly checking his scratched watch. He adjusted the time limit before nodding, "...we discovered two hours ago." He whispered before adjusting his sturdy, brown hat. Approaching the door, he kicked it down and off it's hinges before looking around such a claustraphobia area. There was a chair infront of him stained into the cracks of the wood with blood and some loose string was around it. The shelves were filled with old, vintage pictures and novelties. Near his feet was a stained piece of paper, although it could be readable. Picking it up whilst adjusting his scratched glasses, he read it while whispering:

 To anyone who reads this, please read this note carefully with high priority.

 I am someone that you are not allowed to know. You are in grave danger my friend and this area - including the whole country... or even Earth - is in grave danger itself. Everyone is and it's about a game of hide and seek. You are the mouse, they are the cat. They are from another planet and appear to have technology that outsmarts ours through years and years of research. They are HERE for something but I don't know why they are here but you my friend have to run and defend yourself. I built a shack in the middle of the desert through miles and miles of running or driving where canyons and dust come often. Under your feet are openable floorboards which is covered by a carpet. You must open these floorboards by searching through those dusty pots. I put a lot of props around the place so it may get confusing but you'll figure it out.

 Alright, good luck!

 John pushed the thin piece of paper into his pocket before approaching the pots, he searched through each one until he found a small red button on the bottom. Clicking it, he noticed a door automatically open along with the carpet.

 "Well, what is this?" Slowly looking down the automatic door, they noticed a long staircase going down to a door. It was cleaner than the environment around them.

 That door.... was labeled "WARNING"


The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Johnathan Garrison - Days
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2012, 08:32:34 PM »
 Two ranger vehicles strived down the barren wastelands with a wind of dust behind them. Their image grew bigger and bigger. Seemingly though, their lights turned on before the echoing became much more louder and louder. It sounded like a siren attached to the roof of the vehicle, letting off a warning to anyone around the environment. Really? There was only him, the dog, and the two caps remaining in the barren wastelands but all of a sudden. The cop cars suddenly flew into the air and crashed into the desert ground, colliding and twisting around and around like a tornado smashing it upon the Earth. The remains of a glowing plasma round had hit the back of the engine. The second police vehicle drift to the side before landing on it's back. A police officer pushed open the door, appearing to reach out his hand at himself with blood trickling from his head. Johnathan luckily whispered, "You'll endanger me and I'll endanger you. No can do buddy." The other vehicle which had be devastated by the environment was already on fire, most of the damaging effects were seen a mile away as more smoke arised from the vehicle. Something was in that vehicle but... what was it?

 A gunship flew over the two vehicles before staring down at John with it's tiny eyes and weapon. It shot off a plasma round before bursting upon impact on the desert ground, shocking both John and the dog before blasting them away. The two individuals collided into the wall before falling on their sides. Johnathan slowly got onto his feet before grasping ahold of his dog, noticing a trail of plasma rounds coming their way. Going into the shack once more and going down the staircase, he slammed on the button before letting the floorboards above him along with the dog close. The shack above them ruptured, some of the cracks on the floors were also penetrated. "Get the fuck outta' here you damn... things!" Johnathan shrieked at the beginning of his sentence while whispering, obviously strained with exhaustion and fearfulness explained by his sober stuttering.

 Two units bursted through the door with their AR2s raised, looking around the small room. "<:: Continuing sweep." "<:: Uh, copy that. Search for the suspects. He must be in here."

 They went down the staircase and slowly opened the door before letting themselves in, noticing a small bar, some tables, and a somewhat glowing retro to it with a sign entitled "Welcome to the bar." Squinting with eager before looking down at his dog, hesitating before sliding a bottle of beer from the desk, "Well, probably a secret bar that used to be populated. Not a great place to store in the desert." Although, he couldn't remember what to do really but there was a entrance heading to another doorway. Going inside, he noticed a woman on the bed beginning to write in her diary before she looked at John. "Who are you?" "I'm John... and there is intruders on the front door." "Oh, I see, lemme get my Spas-15 that is in the closet here."

 She grasped ahold of her Spas-15 before pushing some shells into it. Then nodding towards John before giving him a UMP-45. "Uh, you mean I am going to fight too?" "I can't fight alone." She smiled pleasantly before looking at the dog. "Oh, handsome dog you have there." The German Shepherd reeled his head to the side before saying, "Aroo?" John smiled and scratched him on the head softly before saying, "Stay here. I'll be back in a minute. I gotta' do some business with those fuckin' creeps up at the entrance."

 The dog jumped onto the bed before immediately looking at John with a saddened look, his ears drooping like a busted balloon. "Wish me luck mate." Johnathan said before pressing a magazine in the slot and walking out to the bar, only to disappear.

 End of Chapter 2...
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 03:17:39 PM by STALKER »

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Johnathan Garrison - Days
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2012, 10:23:21 PM »
 Day 3
 Location: Australia. In the middle of nowhere.
 Time: 5:03 AM

 Dust particles soon filled the air and contaminated the oxygen around the two young survivors as John kicked open the door. The stars above them were already sticking out like a sore thumb and it appeared that the stains of the destruction that the Universal Union left behind were beneath their feet, sometimes on the wall of the canyons, caves, and even the shack behind them which was literally teared to pieces, although intact at a medium condition. A high trail of smoke soon filled the air above the two ranger vehicles with the deceased and rotted corpses of the ranger police.

 "Hey, look over there." John pointed towards the vehicles. "Yeah, that's the police that sometimes go to one city to another. Let's check that place." She hesitated before sprinting towards the vehicle along with John on the move.

 Approaching the vehicle slowly with catiousness and high security, the two pushed over the vehicle before noticing the damage. The engine was on fire, although it was slowly dying out. Using the stock of her weapon, she pushed open the trunk like a crowbar before looking inside. Some police clothes, ammunition, weaponry, cash, food and that's about it. It was the resources for the police department by the looks of it. "What are these?" John said, looking over the woman's shoulder. "It's department resources. I seen a bunch of police cars in the desert go through every single day. Apparently, it's outta' control since most of the police men and women are scarce on resources." She said, continuing to pick through the back while John stared at her for a few minutes before nodding, then looking around the darkened desert itself surrounding him.

 Patting John on the shoulder, she smiled. "Help me move the vehicles, will you?" John nodded once more, looking over at the visible, glowing object nearby before lowering his weapon wielded in his single hand. The two rotated the vehicle before pushing it towards the shack. The wind glistened as the object disappeared in the corner of his eye. Not bothering to question about it, John himself continued to push the vehicle near the shack, putting more effort into it then the woman. After a few minutes of pushing the vehicle, John looked over at the other vehicle nearby.

 "Leave it." John put his arm infront of the woman as she stopped in her tracks. "Why?" "It's because there is a object coming right at us. Put most of it in the bag and rush as fast as you can." Slowly putting the resources into the large bag. Johnathan did the same too. As the object trailed closer and closer to their position, Johnathan finally took the last bag and seized it. He threw it into the other pile of bags and sealed the hatch before closing the other barricaded door shut.

 Three Overwatch units stepped out from the gunship and proceeded down the desert trail with their AR2s raised. Continuing to look around the desert, they advanced to the nearby shack. <:: Alright, move in. ::>



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Re: Johnathan Garrison - Days
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2012, 03:36:50 AM »
I don't know if you haven't realised yet but you need to stop basing him off a fucking Australian stereotype. We don't all speak like Crocodile Dundee and all kangaroos are wild, do some research before you make foreign characters, for fucks sake.

Some police clothes, ammunition, weaponry, cash, food and that's about it. It was the resources for the police department by the looks of it.

We don't have police departments, we have police STATIONS. That of which are state police and not national.

"Who are you?" "I'm John... and there is intruders on the front door." "Oh, I see, lemme get my Spas-15 that is in the closet here."

Spas-15s are illegal and would be extremely rare to have in Australia, so no.

Also, Overwatch units weren't on Earth before the seven hour war.

Offline Dallas

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Re: Johnathan Garrison - Days
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2012, 03:32:43 PM »
I don't know if you haven't realised yet but you need to stop basing him off a fucking Australian stereotype. We don't all speak like Crocodile Dundee and all kangaroos are wild, do some research before you make foreign characters, for fucks sake.

Some police clothes, ammunition, weaponry, cash, food and that's about it. It was the resources for the police department by the looks of it.

We don't have police departments, we have police STATIONS. That of which are state police and not national.

>Implying that this simple error spoils this genuinely enjoyable piece.

"Who are you?" "I'm John... and there is intruders on the front door." "Oh, I see, lemme get my Spas-15 that is in the closet here."
Spas-15s are illegal and would be extremely rare to have in Australia, so no.

Also, Overwatch units weren't on Earth before the seven hour war.

Just because a weapon is illegal doesn't make it impossible to obtain.
But yes, can't fault you on the second point.

On topic; grand tale, rather enjoyable, I like the style because of the rate it flows and how smoothly. Good job.

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The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Johnathan Garrison - Days
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2012, 03:41:02 PM »
I don't know if you haven't realised yet but you need to stop basing him off a fucking Australian stereotype. We don't all speak like Crocodile Dundee and all kangaroos are wild, do some research before you make foreign characters, for fucks sake.

Some police clothes, ammunition, weaponry, cash, food and that's about it. It was the resources for the police department by the looks of it.

We don't have police departments, we have police STATIONS. That of which are state police and not national.

"Who are you?" "I'm John... and there is intruders on the front door." "Oh, I see, lemme get my Spas-15 that is in the closet here."

Spas-15s are illegal and would be extremely rare to have in Australia, so no.

Also, Overwatch units weren't on Earth before the seven hour war.

 All characters are different and plus, he is Eastern European now which makes him different. The story itself is different from a australian's perspective because some of the story is from his diary and from through his eyes.

 I don't know what is with one simple story and character that causes most users to cuss and bitch at just one thing. I don't bitch when someone talks about lumberjack, igloos, coca-cola, riding polar bears, being eskimos, etc etc.

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Re: Johnathan Garrison - Days
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2012, 01:47:07 AM »
I don't know if you haven't realised yet but you need to stop basing him off a fucking Australian stereotype. We don't all speak like Crocodile Dundee and all kangaroos are wild, do some research before you make foreign characters, for fucks sake.

Some police clothes, ammunition, weaponry, cash, food and that's about it. It was the resources for the police department by the looks of it.

We don't have police departments, we have police STATIONS. That of which are state police and not national.

"Who are you?" "I'm John... and there is intruders on the front door." "Oh, I see, lemme get my Spas-15 that is in the closet here."

Spas-15s are illegal and would be extremely rare to have in Australia, so no.

Also, Overwatch units weren't on Earth before the seven hour war.

 All characters are different and plus, he is Eastern European now which makes him different. The story itself is different from a australian's perspective because some of the story is from his diary and from through his eyes.

 I don't know what is with one simple story and character that causes most users to cuss and bitch at just one thing. I don't bitch when someone talks about lumberjack, igloos, coca-cola, riding polar bears, being eskimos, etc etc.

But that's because people don't roleplay as fucking Eskimos and can't ride polar bears. Just because he's as you say 'Eastern European' that doesn't change the fact that you're being a -snip- and again, you need to do some research before going off and making characters that are based in Australia. Also, I'm not sure how an eastern European sounds like a stereotypical Australian, but you must be retarded enough to do so.

5% Forum warning issued for this post - flaming. Don't. ~Khubajsn
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 02:01:42 AM by Khubajsn »

Offline Dallas

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Re: Johnathan Garrison - Days
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2012, 10:58:56 AM »
I don't know if you haven't realised yet but you need to stop basing him off a fucking Australian stereotype. We don't all speak like Crocodile Dundee and all kangaroos are wild, do some research before you make foreign characters, for fucks sake.

Some police clothes, ammunition, weaponry, cash, food and that's about it. It was the resources for the police department by the looks of it.

We don't have police departments, we have police STATIONS. That of which are state police and not national.

"Who are you?" "I'm John... and there is intruders on the front door." "Oh, I see, lemme get my Spas-15 that is in the closet here."

Spas-15s are illegal and would be extremely rare to have in Australia, so no.

Also, Overwatch units weren't on Earth before the seven hour war.

 All characters are different and plus, he is Eastern European now which makes him different. The story itself is different from a australian's perspective because some of the story is from his diary and from through his eyes.

 I don't know what is with one simple story and character that causes most users to cuss and bitch at just one thing. I don't bitch when someone talks about lumberjack, igloos, coca-cola, riding polar bears, being eskimos, etc etc.

But that's because people don't roleplay as fucking Eskimos and can't ride polar bears. Just because he's as you say 'Eastern European' that doesn't change the fact that you're being a stereotypical faggot and again, you need to do some research before going off and making characters that are based in Australia. Also, I'm not sure how an eastern European sounds like a stereotypical Australian, but you must be retarded enough to do so.

4. Do not flame in a thread. This also applies to making threads as a form of attacking the person, this will not be tolerated.

Just going to leave this here...

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