Author Topic: Suggestion to read for the HL2RP community (wasn't sure where to put this)  (Read 9246 times)

Offline [RRP-O] The Cyberrabbi

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This is a "I am upset at you guys and here is why" thread. I'd appreciate you reading. PLEASE put it where it belongs

First and foremost I am certain this is the wrong section, but I needed to address this at some point because this is seriously starting to...well...kind of upset me. Yes yes I know, "cry some more", "it's the internet", but nonetheless what I'm about to address is important to me. Mainly because the friends and members I roleplay with matter to me. So, forgive me for caring about y'all's opinions.

1) Yes I realize IC is IC. If people hate on Amanda Romano or Catherine Blackstone icly that's fine. Maybe UED doesn't like her unflappable optimism and respect for them. Maybe they interpret her attempts to be friendly as flirtation. Heck at some points maybe she IS downright flirtatious, or at least was. What is ticking me off is the apparent, as far as I understand it, reputation of her being a "whore/slut". So much so that I hear questions in local ooc about "how did someone who cybered half the server" get CA. To be honest the only person I've cybered has been Blackstone's in game love interest, and that was once. No one was on so it was on the server yes. "What about when Amanda and Fate were bothering Racknet?". That was trolling really, because the entire point was to freak out Racknet and make him uncomfortable. Was it legal? Nah. But girls in REAL life tend to tease guys who have no idea what they're doing, just because they find it cute when they blush. Does that make her a -whore-? A -slut-? Does that make her an anti citizen? In my opinion no. I have literally seen quotes from steam chats where people say Amanda "hardens her nipples" at people. That has NEVER happened icly with Amanda Romano, not once. Maybe I said it and then voided it, maybe it was completely and obviously ooc, maybe it was in ooc chat, regardless it was never serious. Amanda Romano is literally intended to be like a puppy dog, her "vague flirtatiousness" is actually her being icly nice, and people misinterpreting it because "omg she has boobs". I can GUARANTEE you if a -male- character did the same thing, no one would interpret him as "slutty" or "whore-like". Gay? Maybe. But most likely they'd just call him a fanboy. I'm also told you interpret Amanda as sarcastic. Unless she SAYS /sarcasm or any indicator, you should ASSUME it's sincere. Yes it may be so flattery-filled it SOUNDS insincere, but given that I have to CONSTANTLY say /me says this sincerely and respectfully, you should take my word for it that I know what she sounds like. In regards to blackstone, I will address her later.

TL;DR Amanda has never cybered, hardened nipples, or acted like a whore/slut. Not only this but 99% of the time, all of her statements are completely sincere and respectful. THAT is how I've rped her, intentionally. If you decide to IGNORE my /me says that respectfully, that is your fault not mine.

2) Quit with the OOC shit. I realize I can't stop you, but I'm sick with people mean spiritedly calling me/amanda a slut/whore. Jackal has told me to just STOP making ooc jokes about it because it encourages people, but I can tell the difference between House making a joke about boning Amanda, and people apparently talking about wanting to kill Amanda over voice chat for "being a whore". Any "whoreness" is from me making ooc jokes. APPARENTLY, people suspect I am doing that in attempt to garner ic favor by making people oocly protective. First and foremost, if people are metagaming that is NOT my fault. Secondly, I'm a guy, and even if I didn't out and say that (because honestly my gender shouldn't fucking matter), it's pretty obvious, or in the very least, you should ASSUME I am unless told otherwise. So how is me saying "oh yah house give it to mai" garnering ic favor from him? Literally that's how a good 40% of the interactions on this server are. Literally people were talking about how they ate our their girlfriends over OOC chat. And yet people have the NERVE to say I have ulterior motives by saying "oh yah beeg boi du mai hard" in ooc? It's a joke, stop getting your panties in a wad. If you are somehow offended with me personally? Stop talking behind my back and speak to me. Only REAVER had the nads to do that about me thinking some of the charges that had been said against Sectus might have been exaggerated. Did we reach an agreement? No. But I still respect him for at least VOICING it. If you don't have the balls to voice your problems with me, personally and in private, then stop complaining. Stop judging me without knowing me. It's hurtful and immature.

Tl;DR If you have a problem, tell me. Believe it or not I don't enjoy being hated oocly.

3) About Blackstone: WARNING, the following contains Blackstone's ic reason for her actions, it is likely sexually explicit and will state mentions of rape. I will try and make it quick and as ill offensive as possible, but this is why I rped the way I did.

Basically Blackstone hates most men. Or at least distrusts them. "OH LAWDY LESBIAN", yes pretty much. It's not that she isn't or can't be sexually attracted to men, it's that in her experience they have been mean. Basically I wanted to make a female character that uses her sexuality as a weapon. Yes, that is why she does the *nipples erect* thing. When females get aroused, sometimes their nipples get erect in a noticeable fashion. Thus she can force herself to be aroused, get the attention of men, and then "zomg why you stare at my chest". She has used this to get many douchebag men on the server in trouble icly. She also uses this to get the upper hand on men, reiterate, because she dislikes them. Monkey can attest to that. She took an instance where she moaned after having her binds cut by...911 I her advantage because when Monkey pointed it out it was just after getting a promotion, thus "Oh so you're subtly mentioning I 'moaned' when I actually gasped, right after I got a promotion. You think you can come on to me like that?" Literally, she has grown up being paranoid and used by men, so now she only TRULY trusts women, and thus uses her sexuality to her advantage.

How used by men? Raped to keep her grades up, date raped in college, and raped again by some guy that just fucking knocked her out. Basically in order, her mentor, her best friends, and her love interest. "ZOMG rape story, feminist hates guys, zomg so original. Disrespect women more QQ". Alright sure, except I wasn't making her a feminist. She isn't out for "women's rights", she's out for herself, and she sees men as sex-starved pigs, and since they are ESPECIALLY sex-starved, she knows how to use it to her advantage. If you don't like her? Fair. But I -did- think her through and I -did- plan this and I -know- my own character, so kindly, grow up.

"Oh yeah? Why she so aroused by women?" Because she never had a real relationship in her life, and she had sexual relations with a woman maybe a week ago. She kind of has had her sexuality awakened, and as such it's hard for her not to be aroused by women she finds attractive. Imagine the first time one masturbated. Then you had to stop cold turkey. First time one saw female breasts as a man. And then had to stop. Point is in the face of sexuality with such inexperience, it's hard to not react.

That isn't all that defines her, she's also a medic that vomits at the sight of blood. No one really cares about that apparently.

TL;DR I don't make blackstone "nipple harden" for no fucking reason. I actually did create her with depth and backstory. And yes, one time after someone was gonna report me to monkey or whoever because "zomg her nipples got erect" I overdid it and it didn't make ic sense at that instant. I was pissed off and I'm sorry, but that doesn't mean it wasn't justified later.

Basically point is Amanda is my attempt to be the sweetest, kindest, most patient, loyal person I could, and I find it odd that she's apparently so hated icly and oocly. Blackstone is controversial, that much I understand, but she is still a consistent character with depth and complexity. OOCly, I'm not that bad of a guy, so I'm not sure where any OOC hate comes from, and if I've somehow pissed you off, I'd rather we argue on steam and shake hands, then you talk bad about me behind my back. Is that so unreasonable for me to ask?

Reiterate: Sorry if this is the wrong section, but this is entirely addressed to the HL2RP people.

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Ive lost the logs I had last night and I'm not reading all of this all but you constantly make sexual jokes or references and always add a sexual twist to any sort of action you do, it may be a joke but you keep on doing this sort of thing then whine whenever people make a joke about it in return, which sort of seems silly and is beyond me why you would then keep on making jokes and relating things to sexual acts. And THEN whenever someone makes a joke instead of laughing or telling them to stop you just whine to someone such as Jackal and then he only gets your side of stuff


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Ive lost the logs I had last night and I'm not reading all of this all but you constantly make sexual jokes or references and always add a sexual twist to any sort of action you do, it may be a joke but you keep on doing this sort of thing then whine whenever people make a joke about it in return, which sort of seems silly and is beyond me why you would then keep on making jokes and relating things to sexual acts. And THEN whenever someone makes a joke instead of laughing or telling them to stop you just whine to someone such as Jackal and then he only gets your side of stuff


 Some CWU woman by the name of Catherine something kept on RP'ing sexual all the time and it is getting irritating (i.e. hardened nipples) The individual tried to make excuses about it and I couldn't fight back due to their constant bitching.

Offline smt

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Ive lost the logs I had last night and I'm not reading all of this all but you constantly make sexual jokes or references and always add a sexual twist to any sort of action you do, it may be a joke but you keep on doing this sort of thing then whine whenever people make a joke about it in return, which sort of seems silly and is beyond me why you would then keep on making jokes and relating things to sexual acts. And THEN whenever someone makes a joke instead of laughing or telling them to stop you just whine to someone such as Jackal and then he only gets your side of stuff


 Some CWU woman by the name of Catherine something kept on RP'ing sexual all the time and it is getting irritating (i.e. hardened nipples) The individual tried to make excuses about it and I couldn't fight back due to their constant bitching.

That is the OP you are talking about - I appreciate sexual references and jokes are funny but if you react like this every time people catch on what you do and make jokes back at you, maybe you shouldn't do them in the first place? Your OOC name a lone doesn't put forward a good case as it is...

Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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Raped to keep her grades up
What, did the teacher pull down her pants, start to bone her, and then was like "By the way, I'm raising your grade"?
Rape is sex without consent, not sex you didn't enjoy/shameful sex. Obviously,mid it was to 'keep her grades up,' she would have been offering it.
Using rape as an excuse to have people feel smypathy for your character and their attitude doesn't work very well when she flaunts her sex around like it's a god damn cape.

When females get aroused, sometimes their nipples get erect in a noticeable fashion. Thus she can force herself to be aroused, get the attention of men, and then "zomg why you stare at my chest"
Again, here is your character just asking for sex. This completely deludes the backstory of "poor me, I was raped." not only that, but...
Thus she can force herself to be aroused,
Do you have any idea how women work, or did you base your facts off hentai and porn.
Someone controlling if their nipples are erect is the equivalent for a man being able to control his boners, which I'm sure they would all like to learn if it was possible. If you're going to rp a woman, atleast have some idea how they work and act. You complain how everyone calls her names, but she practically screams "whore."

I'll probably have more to say later, but I'll let that sink in for now. It's not impossible to roleplay the opposite gender, and many people do as such.

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

Offline [RRP-O] The Cyberrabbi

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SMT, you apparently didn't read it very closely then. The issue is not it being a joke, the issue is people actively a) hating me in ooc for joking about it, b) being unable to separate what happens on catherine blackstone from amanda romano and c) failing to realize that things that may SEEM flirtatious are in fact not if the person in question is ignorant of it.

Truthfully I'm a bit saddened you couldn't read enough to actually get the point of the post. This isn't "d'aww, people make jokes when I make jokes", the issue is people start bad mouthing me behind my back. For EXAMPLE for the second time: "Cyberrabbi uses sexual innuendos to garner IC favor oocly because people want to be protective", that shit pisses me off.

Toxic Zombie: Blackstone was trying to get valedictorian because she you know, valued that. A teacher took advantage of that and said "I will give you a bad grade and prevent you from doing so unless you have sex with me". I am almost 99% certain that most courts of law wouldn't think it was not an example of rape, or in the least highly illegal. But SURE if you want to argue semantics. And I reiterate, you aren't listening. You expect her to go cry in a corner and say "nuuuu, don't be attracted to me, dun raaaape me". No. She instead decided "fuck it, if men are willing to force themselves on me, in this new society I can get them PUNISHED for it". You are right, she flaunts her sexuality to get sick bastards in trouble, thus the POINT.

2) Wow, that is some logic. "She's wearing slutty clothing, she is totally asking for it", that's a slippery slope. If you mean asking for sexual attention, sure, that's the point. Guess what zombie, she isn't asking for pity, she's taking control of her sexuality because others have taken it away.

3) Do you have any idea how men work, or did you base your facts off hentai or porn? Someone controlling if their penis gets erect is the equivalent of a woman controlling her nipples, which I'm sure they would all like to learn if it was possible. If you're going to RP a man, at least have some idea how they work and act.

And I reiterate, icly you can call BLACKSTONE a whore all day, even though she isn't, but heck I could see it. No one does though, it's AMANDA, who doesn't do any of that shit.

And just fyi, yes, men can get boners on queue. Women can also get their nipples erect through arousal, fury, and the damn cold, so it may be harder than a boner, but I doubt it's as impossible as you'd like.

No what you are is pissed that I didn't RP a "strong independent woman" in the way you would like, which alright sure, but this is my character and she has her own motivations and flaws. Is it "admirable" that she uses her sexuality as a weapon in revenge to a gender she feels has slighted her? Hardly. People don't always do the "honorable" thing. Funnily enough, the fact that you consider any woman that is comfortable with her sexuality, without having sex with everyone she sees, a "whore", is frankly quite sexist.

That's the whole issue, if a character acknowledges their sexuality on this server, they are demonized as "whores" or asking for it, when in fact that's SORT OF what healthy adults do.

TL;DR SMT: Read closer, I'm bitching about people whining behind my back. Zombie: You are mistaken about boners, and how exactly rape may work in the legal system. Such as "asking for it" doesn't work legally.

P.S. Smt...that was my name from fucking ten years ago, when I was -ten-. It was a joke off of a little avatar thing my brother had with a bunch of guys playing games, and someone asked "who the heck is Cyber Pope?". So since he adopted that, I was the Cyber Rabbi. The internet was referred to as "cyber space" looooong before "cybering" became mainstream, and I refuse to change the name I've had for so long because people like you and others can't seem to realize words may have different connotations. Also ever heard the term "don't judge a book by it's cover"?

In regards to Jackal, yes I agree I'm a bit concerned he keeps getting on, but I don't -ask- him to. It's more I ask his advice because you know, admin.

ADDED NOT: Pretty sure strippers are still disgusted by their customers often times.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 03:43:32 PM by The Cyberrabbi »

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And I'm saying people wouldn't be saying this stuff if you didn't saunter around cracking jokes about sexual things then no body would say this stuff, you seem to be blaming other people for disliking you when clearly nobody likes the whole "cyber lol" attitude that you do give off, whether you mean to do that that or not.

Zombie: You are mistaken about boners

« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 03:45:24 PM by Smt »

Offline [RRP-O] The Cyberrabbi

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You say "nobody" except I have plenty of people that -do-. And I'm not going to stop making the people that can be mature and take a joke, laugh, just because some people can't.

This is my attempt to meet them halfway and say "Look, this was a joke. I understand if you don't find it funny, but don't start making excuses of how I'm doing it to get people to metagame for me. A joke is a joke".

Truly SMT I am not mad if people make jokes back, or even not appreciate me making a joke in the first place. I'd say lighten up a little, but senses of humor are different. What I am saying is don't read into actions that aren't there, or start seeing things that aren't there on my characters icly, for stuff I say oocly. That's just unfair.

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I don't really see the point of this thread. If you're going to get all upset when people don't like you, you're not going to have a very good time in life. There are always gonna people bitchin'; haters hatin'. You gotta learn how to play your cards and how to deal with it. More often than not threads like these just gain unneeded attention and only kindle more distaste; people will see it as, like you said, a thread to 'get you attention'.

What do you want to come out of this? People to understand your character and stop discriminating against her? If every person wrote a thread like this every time someone bitched about them, we'd need a full sub-section dedicated to it.

tl;dr: life is unfair.

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Not really, it's more like I'm trying to address common complaints people apparently have against me and my roleplaying. I reiterate for the fifth time this isn't me "crying" and wanting people to leave me alone, this is my attempt to appease the people I may have offended by giving reasoning behind my actions.

If ONE person changes their mind about me/my characters because of my thread I'd call it a success, because I'd -like- to get along with most, if not all of the community.

And even if it doesn't work I'd like to say I tried to make peace with people. If they refuse to meet me half way, it's hardly my fault yes?

TL;DR Life isn't fair, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to even the odds a little.

Offline EmperorDisasster

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Well, I've gained an immediate opinion
Out of Character for OOC:
oh fuck no
just reading this...

this isn't me "crying" and wanting people to leave me alone, this is my attempt to appease the people I may have offended by giving reasoning behind my actions.

That is in a sense not appeasing people, it is whining and it is also giving random excuses.

The fact you claim to have not admittedly sexualised a character is contradicted in itself by the fact you have your character GETTING HARD NIPPLES AT RANDOM MOMENTS. If I made a male character who randomly got a boner everytime he thought of a female, it could be considered mingery, as most of the RPers here are considering your RP.

P.S, if you know how to give yourself a boner without thinking of anything, please report to your nearest science centre for testing, as you have discovered a miracle.
im bach

Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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Here it goes...
Toxic Zombie: Blackstone was trying to get valedictorian because she you know, valued that. A teacher took advantage of that and said "I will give you a bad grade and prevent you from doing so unless you have sex with me". I am almost 99% certain that most courts of law wouldn't think it was not an example of rape, or in the least highly illegal.
My response to that...
rape ?
rape1 ? ?[reyp]  Show IPA noun, verb, raped, rap·ing.
the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
Here are two scenarios of someone asking for sex and whether it is considered rape or not.
  • Scenario 1: "Have sex with me or you won't get this job."
    Verdict: You have the ability to walk away; it is not forced upon you. It is illegal, of course, but it is not considered rape if you accept the offer.
  • Scenario 2: "Have sex with me or I'll cut your eyes out."
    Verdict: That is situation you cannot walk away from without causing bodily harm or death. It would be considered rape if he had sex with you, since threatening to attack you is an act of force.
Blackstone being 'raped' by the teacher falls under scenario 1. She could have walked away; her life was not in danger. Even better, she could have sued. It was her choice to have sex with him, and it is not rape.

She instead decided "fuck it, if men are willing to force themselves on me, in this new society I can get them PUNISHED for it". You are right, she flaunts her sexuality to get sick bastards in trouble, thus the POINT.
2) Wow, that is some logic. "She's wearing slutty clothing, she is totally asking for it", that's a slippery slope. If you mean asking for sexual attention, sure, that's the point. Guess what zombie, she isn't asking for pity, she's taking control of her sexuality because others have taken it away.
If holding your legs open with a sign that reads "PLEASE GAWK AT ME; I AM SEX!" isn't 'asking for it,' I don't know what is. I'm not saying that wearing low cut clothing gives people the right to rape you. You are PURPOSLY making your character act like a hussy and then get offended when people call you otherwise. As you stated above, she's using herself as a sex symbol to attract men so they get in trouble. I'd say she's the humanized version of a siren (mermaid).

And just fyi, yes, men can get boners on queue. Women can also get their nipples erect through arousal, fury, and the damn cold, so it may be harder than a boner, but I doubt it's as impossible as you'd like.
The only way you can 'control' your nipples hardening is to force it, and the only way that happens is if something touches them in a way that would cause it. I don't see you rping 'rubbing your nips,' only that they harden. This completely disproved your 'she can control it and uses it against people' argument. I haven't seen you rp nipple hardening as anything but "/me nipples harden."
And by the by, I do know about erections, or atleast enough to know you cant be like "PENIS! ARISE!" and get a response out of it.
An argument that can be brought up is that they're forcefully thinking of sexual thoughts to arouse themselves. Even if you were to do that, the failure rate is way too high and it would take way too long.

Funnily enough, the fact that you consider any woman that is comfortable with her sexuality, without having sex with everyone she sees, a "whore", is frankly quite sexist.
Being comfortable with your sexuality and trying to get dicks to harden at the sight of you are two completely different things. 211 is, in my opinion, a good example of an acceptable female. She's constantly surrounded by men, often times having to be close to naked with them, but never shys away because she's one of a few females. At the same time, she doesn't use it to her advantage and shake her ass out in front of her, pointing to her asshole and asking them if they want to fuck (as far as I've seen). Not only this, but she's played by a guy, which proves that just because he's a guy, he's not going to play a horn dog who wants to cyber will everyone.

The reason that I get so aggravated by your character isn't because I can't deal with slutty characters, it's that I held you at a higher standard then that. You can obviously roleplay halfway decent, and you're quite good with words, so I'm baffled that you play the typical minge stereotype of "hur, I'm a girl model, let me show off my gender." It was my fault for assuming that someone who is obviously capable of being a great character still falls into the role of 'I AM A GIRL, LET ME REMIND YOU OF THIS FACT AS OFTEN AS I CAN!"
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 04:57:12 PM by Toxic Zombie »

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

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Offline [RRP-O] The Cyberrabbi

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Emperor: I'm saying that a woman could presumably arouse themselves to show signs of visible arousal that is noticeable. If she got her nipples erect at say, a wall, subconsciously, for no reason, yes that would be weird as hell but that is not the case. It was NEVER the case.
2) I don't appreciate you calling my explaining the reason I roleplay as "random excuses", it's called "reasons my character is that way" and that's a bit offensive. Quote a "random moment" that was fully ic and that it was obvious I wasn't making fun of stuff. If you mean the time I go /it Nipples get hardened to the sharpness of diamonds, sure yeah that was silly, but it's also the very very VERY small minority and a joke that is obviously ooc. MAINLY because everyone else is *nipple hardening* around me.

Toxic Zombie: 1) Perhaps I should mention she was under aged, i.e. in high school, though I guess I can't blame you for that. Regardless even if she wasn't, that would still make her distrust men I would guess, plus you know, other instances of rape.

2) She wears a citizen uniform and glasses, she isn't dressing like a hussy. Whenever men stare at her for doing yoga or something, she yells at them, and if they don't go away, will say they are staring at her chest. For example, lone wanderer's character "Flower" was being harassed by two men in her apartment, saying the "candyman is gonna kill her", and officers wouldn't come at the request. So she punched herself and ripped her clothing after they refused to leave, and claimed they sexually assaulted her. Is that moral? No, but it can be considered using her sexuality for "good". And sure, if she did that just for the lulz. She only does it against men that ARE gawking at her, or just being assholes and hitting on her. That hardly makes her a "siren".

3) I somehow believe woman are different, and some have an easier time getting visibly aroused then others. If you want me to do a /roll to see if nipples get erect, to compensate for the failure rate, I can, but yes a man can basically get a boner pretty easily by thinking sexual thoughts intentionally. If not they probably have ED. Also women have been proven to be able to have orgasms, after a LOT of effort, by rubbing their thighs together. You do NOT need to physically rub yourself to get erect, that much is certain.

4) I haven't played a horn dog that wants to cyber everyone, and using the law to get assholes in trouble is different than going around half naked and pointing at your asshole. Your hyperbole is unappreciated, and attracting attention to oneself and then yelling at the men for looking isn't "asking for sex", it's probably being a bitch if they did nothing to deserve it. Fact is to NOTICE the nipples through the clothes, they WOULD have to be actively looking for it anyways.

5) You won't comment on how she feeds poor and starving people using her CWU connections, or how she had created the idea for the CWU work booth, or how she ran it, or how she cleaned or did med RP. Basically you ignore everything ABOUT blackstone other than at times when guys are being dicks towards her, she will use their own horniness against them. It's not my fault that you see a woman that is slightly sexual and can't see anything else, that's your own.

P.S. to Ryan, love you too. Just fyi he roleplays with blackstone all the time, and I've yet to hear him complain about her being too sexualized. I wonder why.

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I don't appreciate you calling my explaining the reason I roleplay as "random excuses", it's called "reasons my character is that way" and that's a bit offensive.
it's called "reasons my character is that way" and that's a bit offensive.
that's a bit offensive.

Er... you say that as though you believe you character is a real person. If you're referring to other people in the world, as I said, it's a bit random for these things to happen irl, or even IC and...

Out of Character for OOC:
fuck im so confused... do you think shes real?
im bach


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