Author Topic: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.  (Read 8162 times)

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2012, 02:05:53 PM »
Did you know...

- In Canada Nova Scotia it's illegal to ride a tricycle over 12 miles per an hour?
- In USA California you can be charged a 500$ fine for detonating any nuclear device within city limits?
- In Colorado it's illegal to ride a horse drunk.
- In Florida it's illegal for a single person to parachute on Wednesdays.
- In Florida it's illegal to skate board without a license.
- In Washington lollipops are banned.

(Note some laws may not be in effect though some may.)

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Globey

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2012, 04:04:15 PM »
-Approach speed in a glider is 1.3x stall speed + winds.
-Wingtip vortices move down and out.
-The Vne in a 2-33A is 98mph.
-To recover from an insipiant spin: neutralize the controls, apply full opposite rudder, gently start to nose up, and apply spoilers if approaching Vne.
-The international distress frequency is 121.5MHz
-Most ELT's broadcast on 406MHz.
-The commonwealth military distress frequency is 243MHz.
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline NykezTV

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2012, 09:56:30 PM »
Did you know this thread is completely useless and will end up having everyone trolling each other about facts no one really cares about

Did you know the The Illuminati controls all social networks and killed MJ? interesting...

Offline A Dark Tree

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2012, 01:17:34 PM »
Did you know that life will in fact not end in the year 2012?
Add me on steam, the name is Saaaaaaaaaaaan.

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2012, 01:32:33 PM »
Did you know this thread is completely useless and will end up having everyone trolling each other about facts no one really cares about

To that, I must reply with stupidity
Spoiler for :D:
\\r\\nWe live in the explosion of a bomb that has not yet finished exploding. You and everything you love are debris. Have a good day ^_^\\\'\\\'\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: Who is talking?\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: They sound hot\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: The background\\r\\nDegtyarev: They are 11 :l

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2012, 05:58:23 PM »
Did you know this thread is completely useless and will end up having everyone trolling each other about facts no one really cares about

To that, I must reply with stupidity
FOr five facts that is a lot to read.

Offline Rory

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2012, 03:21:05 PM »
Did you know this thread is completely useless and will end up having everyone trolling each other about facts no one really cares about

To that, I must reply with stupidity
This thread should be put in spam

Spoiler for Hiden:

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2012, 04:06:36 PM »
Did you know:
-Canada burned down the whitehouse
-The blackberry was created by Research In Motion, a Canadian company in Waterloo Ontario
-The Canadarm is the most sophisticated piece of space technology to never fail, once
-Its possible to start a 5-speed standard moving in 3rd gear without the assistance of gravity
-The X-Box 360 had a fan that actually heats up the system when it engages, rather then cools it down
-Emergency vehicles can run red lights and crossing intersections, but must watch for vehicles who have the right of way and ensure they're paying attention
-When EMS is not on call, they either run errands around town in the ambulance, watch tv, or have a nap.

Offline Psycho29388

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2012, 05:16:40 PM »
Did you know?

The Playstation was originally going to be a CD attachment for the Super Nintendo, However, a day after the announcement at CES, Nintendo announced that it would be breaking its partnership with Sony, opting to go with Philips instead but using the same technology.

Both Gabe Newell and Notch (the creator of Mingecraft) are bronies.

Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2012, 10:23:08 PM »
Did you know? Hitler only had one testicle!

Offline Jimbow0512

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2012, 10:55:31 PM »
Did you know in New York that Women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business.
James Healey- Alive, Loyalist

Offline MrVolker

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Re: Did you know? Post amazing facts that you have learned here.
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2012, 11:12:50 PM »
2. Did you know there is a glitch in evolution? (It is a long story of how

You mean the Trials: Evolution game, right?
No, I actually mean evolution. A mans subject challenged him in evolution and the man searched to see if there was a glitch in evolution. As you know, a humans nose is connected to their mouth, correct? Well whale's noses are not connected to their mouth, all animals that have a nose, their nose is connected to their mouth. If your nose was not connected to your mouth you would die. suprisingly whales have not died from this.

Whales live their lifes underwater, do you not think evolution caused that rather than it being "a glitch" - it seems almost like proof in its self.

Did you know that the XXX Olympiad marks ten Olympiads after the Munich games (40 years) where a massacre occurred in which 11 Israeli players were killed by German neo-Nazis.

They were not Neo-Nazis nor Germans. It was a Palestinian Terrorist Group called "Black September" that did the killings.


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