UNIT: 017
CLEARANCE: Officer Enter Password: ************
Connecting to Network
New Log Opened: **A fully fitted unit with a red-lensed mask moves into the view of the camera, she reaches forward and types into the console.****The background of the feed is a dull wall lined by bars of intense purple light, the bars play across 017's mask and uniform, making her look like a surreal, almost dream-like figure.****She moves several papers from her desk as she sits down, clasping her hands on her lap. She speaks slowly, in a calculated manner like she has been planning this moment, her Czech accent becoming apparent immediately.**<::|| Hello again.
**She stretches out her arms towards the ceiling before she lowers them to clasp behind her head** It's certainly been a while. According to this
**She gestures to the console** it's been nearly a year since my last entry. My how time flies. Let's see... I've done more stuff than I could -or am allowed to mention- since my first day in ZEALOT. What I will say is that I'm now Officer. A lot of things have changed but I get the feeling that sometimes things are very much the same. Allow me to explain. I feel as if I have become the very thing I feared when I joined the Civil Authority... No, not
exactly like them. They are gone for a reason. ||::>
<::|| Now that I sit down to make this, I realize how pointless this whole thing is- I can't talk about anything. We got Slater, that I can mention seeing how I released a notice and everything...
**She rolls her eyes behind her mask** I feel saddened by that, the fact that he's dead signals an end of an era.
**017 waves her gloved hand in front of her mask in a dismissive gesture** Enough of my rambling. I have a feeling this log was made just to remind the database that I'm still alive. I've seen a lot of units die in my time now- perhaps too many.
**She pauses, correcting her posture and pausing as if she isn't sure to continue.** A lot of my friends are dead. The fact I joined ZEALOT didn't change me in that respect, I still had friends. Now they're almost all dead. ||::>
**017 rests her head on the desk, tapping thrice on the table with her right hand, she mumbles her words slightly away from the camera.**<::|| I'm going to cut this short, better to say too little than too much. ||::>
**The feed snaps to darkness as 017 shifts her right hand along the desk and behind the camera.**Saving File As: Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File SavedDisconnecting serial number here
Console Shut Down.