Player SectionSteam Name: Lone Wanderer[GU]
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): ~Five years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: ~Two and half years
Character SectionAuthorization(s):*Functioning bow and arrow.
*Thirteen arrows tipped with carved rock.
*Quiver for storage.
Name: Jennifer Hanson
Age: Twenty-Two
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.After many a days attempting to hunt various animals using her axe and knife, Jennifer came to the conclusion that she needed a way to hunt better. After considering the use of a firearm, throwing knive and the like, Jennifer came to the conclusion that a good old bow & arrow set would do wonders. But where to come upon one of these? After searchinf around through local buildings and the nature around her, no sign of any functioning bow could be found. She decided making her own would be the best option. So, she began to go to work.
First, she would need to gather the proper materials. She headed out into the forests outside Belle's, her trusty woodcutter's axe in hand. She began by looking for suitable stocks for the arrows themselves. After carefully inspecting many potential contenders, she gathered around thirteen suitable sticks, cutting them down to the same size, thirteen inches to be exact. She already had a formidable string for the bow, but she required the actually wood to form it! After looking through the trees, she finally found a proper tree, cutting out a piece measuring about fifty inches in length and about one inch in width. She returned to Belle's, heading to her workshop.
After sizing out the arrow stock properly, she set them aside and tended to the bow itself. After getting the wood wet, she began the vigorous process of bending it. She slowly went about this process to prevent snapping the wood, ever so carefully adding water and presure. Finally, she got to the position she wanted, carving tiny holes in the wood with her knife so she could string the string through it and tie it off. Finally, she had constructed the bow itself. She now set it aside to solidify and tended to the arrows.
She went to the nearby roads, collecting various weak stones. She started the process of sharpening and sizing the rocks. She went to work at chipping the rocks into shapes resembling triangles, then finishing each of them off with shaving along a concrete ledge to add sharp edges and defined tips. Returning to her shop, she matched the dimensions with the arrow stocks, taking pride in her work so far. She carefully carved divets in the bottoms of the stocks, one divet for the string, and the others for the guiding feathers. After using some glue she'd found lying around and the remainder of her string to tie off the rocks on the tips of the stocks, Jennifer again went out scouring the countyside, accepting whatever form of feathers she could. Managing to kill a few birds succesfully, she returned to Belle's yet again. This time she went to work finishing the arrows.
Using the glue as well as some sap from a neaby tree, Jennifer began to attatch the feathers and then form them into proper guidance systems. She repeated this tedious process with all thirteen arrows, setting each aside to dry once complete. The only remaining problem was how to store the arrows and carry them around! Surely she wouldn't be able to cure any leather, let alone have an easy time finding any. She went to work looking for anything that could resemble or develop into a quiver. After an hour of searching, she gave up, disapointed. Then she had an idea!
The canister she'd been using to carry around antlion stew! It was the perfect thing to use! She cleaned out the interior of the canister, ripped off the labeling and such. She took some old ragged boot leather, glueing it on the outside to add more rustic appearance. She then used the remainder of the poor boot's leather to create a small strap from which she could hang it over her shoulder. Finally, it was all set and done! The thirteen arrows, all created. The strung bow, and the quiver to go along with. Hunting would surely be easier now, if that's all she intended on using the bow for...
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?Perks*The ability to have and use a bow & arrow.
*Thirteen arrows along with quiver for storage.
Defects*Due to the type and condition of the supplies used to make the varous objects, they would all have the possibility to break.
*The arrows would easily chip, snap, etc.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?I plan to use the bow & arrow combo to do quite a few things. For one, I plan to implement my huntin and cooking authorizations a bit more with this bow. However, given how the bow and its arrows are in no way professional grade, they would bviously be prone to breaking, being inacurate, etcetera. I do also plan on using these in potential conflicts between people as well.
I would also like to add that I plan on doing this construction ICly if this is approved.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))No one else will need auths unless they somehow take my stuff.
Which server does this apply for?Outlands
Extra Notes (optional): -Application or construction skills and such.