Yeah, but it's a bunch pressed together and OH GOD YOU MAKE A GOOD POINT. Time to find more metal in the canals..
(Remade the knife as it was broken in a small "roughing up. This was made so I could remember the exact appearance and what the knife is comprised of.)
Length(Blade)-8.3 inches
Material(Blade)-8 metal rods/rebar-Tempered.
Tempering Method-Inserting metal rods and/or rebar into hot pistons path in Precinct 3 generator room.
Blade Creation Method-Using rebar and metal rods, inserted into Generator's piston path, held together at the handle by an aged bandage.
Handle material-A single Medical Bandage.
Appearance-Blade has a dark grey and silver color, the silver section is noticably shinier than the grey. The Bandage on the handle is very dark due to wear-and-tear.
It is, I drag the edge of the blade against concrete/stone, anything harder than itself really, sharpening it.
A nail is attached to the bottom to create a new choice of attack.