Full Name: Francis Fitzgerald
Citizen identification(CID): 6785
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH: B3
Total Loyalist Points: 1
Sex: Male
Age: 36
How long have you been in City45:
I have been in this city for almost 8 months.
Why do you want to join the CWU?:
I would like to join so I can make my life better in this city. If I could get simple work it would be better then sitting around doing nothing.
Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
I can't really remember my first few weeks in city 45 everything is just a blur. But no I have not.
(Read backstory)
Past experience with work/labor:
I was a mechanic for 5 years and I did electrical work for almost 4 years. I lived in japan while the war was going on and was put in city 8 for a very short time during this time I was given a small amount of medical training. I was then moved back here to city 45.
Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
CAN Have: Health vials, Med kits, Bandages, and Basic food items.
CAN'T Have: An illegal Radio, Alcohol, Illegal drugs, and weapons.
We can have health vials and other medical supplies because they are approved by the CP admins for the CWU to use.
We can't have "illegal" radios, alcohol, illegal drugs, or weapons. Radios are used to organize rebels. Alcohol because it is uncivil. It's just illegal and uncivil to possess (illegal) drugs. Weapons are dangerous to the citizens and the CP.
Tell us about what you can do.:
As I already said I have done a lot of electrical work and I could wire a whole house if I wanted too. I can fix cars better then most people and I know a little about how to patch someone up if they get hurt.
If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
This has already happened. I gave the man a few supplies helped him get to know they city gave him a minor summary of places where he would be ok to go such as where to collect rations, and where to sleep. Also gave him a basic run down of commands the CP might use.
~OOC Section~
Name: Zac Fitzgerald
Timezone: US EST -5
SteamID: cubexe
Roleplay Experience: Been playing gmod rp servers for a very time.
Serious Roleplay Experience: Been on this server alone for months now.
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
Well depending on the job I got I would check in at the CWU to see what plans are for the day, if I was needed, if someone needed help, ect. Then I would follow whatever commands were given to me. It's hard to say what my regular day would be as I am not sure what the CWU would like to use me as. I could work to help small medical problems. I might just be running a small shop selling goods to people. Maybe they will want me to wire up a new system at the Nexus. Whatever they have me doing I will try to finish the task to the best of my abilities.
In doing so I can make my life as well as other citizens a bit easier while this war is going on.
Character Backstory:
Francis Fitzgerald was a mechanic and electrician for almost 9 years. He knows his way around cars and almost anything that has wires. He moved to japan a few years back to help his little brother Patrick with some trouble he got in. only 4 weeks after getting there the city was part of the war. After japan fell city 8 started and he broke away from it with a few friends. He made his way across state lines only to be picked up and put into city 45. He has now been at city 45 for almost one year. He wanted to get out so he joined a small rebel group known only as The Red. The group didn't last... he was arrested with level 2 contraband and was about to be killed for his actions when one of the combine said "We should mindwash him". Now jump forward a few months. He is a respectable citizen that tries to help people see the combine as a helpful friend not an evil group here to kill everyone. However there are times that he remembers small bits of his past, it is unlikely he will ever fully remember what happend at that time or who he knew.