Author Topic: A Few Things on CCA Unit Personal Logs  (Read 6619 times)

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: A Few Things on CCA Unit Personal Logs
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2012, 12:21:07 PM »
Gestapo informatives dealt with information regarding senior command of the wehrmacht officers without the rest of the third reich knowing about it. Same system here. Regardless of their rank.

Those were adults with their lives possibly on the line if they messed up their job. The level of maturity those men had was high enough to handle such a job. This is a HL2RP server where the majority of the population is between the age of 12 and 17. When you give that same sort of responsibility to someone of that maturity level, they easily get out of hand and it goes to their head. Give a 14 year old IC information on their superior officer and the next time that officer reprimands them, they'll throw something they know up in their face in an attempt to intimidate that officer.

With the elitist attitude I see coming from the majority of ZEALOT ground units, and the blatant disregard of respect for ANY HC unit, and the James Bond 007 attitude almost 24/7 with everything, don't be surprised if there is suddenly a large number of ZEALOT units in the Med Bay with gunshot wounds. Many of your units need a good, long talk about their actual place in the CCA. Most of your ground units believe that their division holds them higher than any other units, including HC of other divisions. Its almost like they believe they're separate from the CCA, and don't have to answer to HC or follow any orders that aren't given by their ZEALOT superiors. If they were in OTA or COTA, I'd understand, but they're not. They're in the CCA before they're in ZEALOT, and we're all on the same team here. Division doesn't put you above anyone, rank does and your ground units need to have that concept explained by words before its explained by 9mm SCIP rounds. I'm not the only one who is getting very tired of ZEALOT ground units insisting they know what's best in just about every situation.

Offline raged

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Re: A Few Things on CCA Unit Personal Logs
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2012, 04:23:20 PM »
Then by all means try and shoot one. I won't stop you.

My units don't do the James Bond attitude, and even if they did then complaining in a thread like this isn't going to get you anywhere. PM me their digits if it's really that much of a problem.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 04:28:28 PM by raged »

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: A Few Things on CCA Unit Personal Logs
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2012, 04:37:07 PM »
Then by all means try and shoot one. I won't stop you.

My units don't do the James Bond attitude, and even if they did then complaining in a thread like this isn't going to get you anywhere. PM me their digits if it's really that much of a problem.

I'm unlikely to actually shoot one of them, or any unit unless something were to get extremely out of hand or something. I got carried away in my post. However, I can't speak for other HC units.

If I have any other incidents I think you should know about, I'll PM you the units digits and an explanation of what happened.

I'd rather not get off topic anymore on other issues such as ZEALOT elitism. I didn't make this post to talk about ZEALOT, I made it to talk about many of the IC logs I see that contain things I personally feel go too far.

Re: A Few Things on CCA Unit Personal Logs
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2012, 04:42:48 PM »
Alright... I've just sat here not giving a fuck for long enough.
Where is this ZEALOT ELITISM? Are you confusing Units taking the initiative to lead with elitism?
Because I simply don't understand, I've spoken to, role-played with and watched every single current Zealot unit and I just can't seem to follow up on your accusations. I can understand if there's a problem that you want fixed, but you are ALL providing GENERIC reasons WITH NO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE AT ALL WHATSOEVER. EVERY Zealot unit has kept the same attitude since they've been brought in, I've seen no change. So please you all clearly want something fixed, provide logs, an example, just give us something to work off of. All I currently see is mindless bitching about elitism with NOTHING AT ALL to back it up. You don't see me oocly ripping at Shield, Vice and Jury without any rhyme or reason. As a closing statement, we're all open to suggestions, we won't just shoot your suggestions down without considering them, so PLEASE get to know us before just going on rants about things you may or may not even completely comprehend.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 07:07:04 PM by He Who Grills Bears »

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Re: A Few Things on CCA Unit Personal Logs
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2012, 07:29:25 PM »
I agree with bears. Every complaint towards ZEALOT in regards to how we interact with the rest of the CCA has little or no merit followed by only generic accusations.

If you want me to take you or this complaint seriously you should PM me and confront me directly if your issues are with me (717). And if it isn't me, speak with the other person directly.

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Re: A Few Things on CCA Unit Personal Logs
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2012, 09:16:46 PM »
 Well, all I can see is here is the complaining about elitism and ZEALOT issues. All I have to say is that elitism isn't what we want amongst a low-ranked unit such as oh-four. A oh-four is a unit who is a former pedestrian and has slight muscle, training and better weapons, therefore no elitism is in there but the attitude of a oh-four is what I am talking about. The attitude of a unit goes into that elitism state and therefore they act like it and that isn't what we want, right? The Half-Life 2 canon doesn't have Civil Protection units simutanously acting like it and that's what Half-Life 2 Roleplay should be about. Atleast I give out my opinion, Airbornst does rightly give out a direct suggestion that all units shouldn't do.

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: A Few Things on CCA Unit Personal Logs
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2012, 09:18:59 PM »
I agree with bears. Every complaint towards ZEALOT in regards to how we interact with the rest of the CCA has little or no merit followed by only generic accusations.

If you want me to take you or this complaint seriously you should PM me and confront me directly if your issues are with me (717). And if it isn't me, speak with the other person directly.

This post isn't about ZEALOT elitism, its about units logs reflecting them thinking far too highly of themselves because they're in X division, or because they're friends with so and so, and them admittedly breaking CCA laws and rules in their journals.

Regarding issues that SHIELD, and I personally have had with ZEALOT, I've already spoken with raged, and the units involved in that situation, and its been resolved.

I don't know why people keep wanting to get off topic on this and get on the topic of ZEALOT elitism. That's why I didn't want to touch on that subject at all in this post. If you guys wish to discuss ZEALOT elitism, make a separate post for it.


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