Author Topic: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application  (Read 4062 times)

Offline raged

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Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:07:16 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Raged
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 5 years.

Character Section

- Characters backstory that dictates his time and career spent in the Armed Forces of the Crown (British Armed Forces), particularly after his transfer into the UKSF (United Kingdom Special Forces).

- To have experienced knowledge both theoretically and practically with the use of 9mm SCIP calibre pistols, mp7’s, SPAS-12’s and other firearms used before the Seven Hour War, including the equivalent experience in close combat of a Special Forces marine. Also taking into the account of manufacturing general household items into military use, such as the improvisation of chemical materials and household cooking items.

- The physical durability to have accepted him entry into the United Kingdom Special Forces. Although currently suffering from malnutrition as a result of the Universal Union’s restrictions on rations, having the ability to shape his body back into a fraction of what he managed to be inducted into the United Kingdom Special Forces. This would come to encompass being able to march 23 kilometres with full equipment and RTI (resistance to interrogation, taught to every NATO soldier today) training.

- Due to the complexities of his duty as a SAS marine and the emotional trauma faced, can be unmoving in certain conflicts where others would psychologically have broken down. In other scenarios he will be likely to spout into fits of incredible anger or frustration.

Name: Marcus McQuillen
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Marcus McQuinnel was born on the 16th of July 1984 nearing the end of the Cold War. Born to both a British mother who worked as a journalist and a British father - a Vietnam War veteran who now worked for the government as a public servant, Marcus grew up living amidst a time of constant warfare and the sense of insecurity from other nations. It was only rational that as the son of a veteran of war that Marcus grew up with a sense of anti-war sentiment from his parents, particularly with the Cuban Missile Crisis having only been twenty-two years before his birth as a fresh image to his parents of what war could do to the world. As a young child Marcus became fascinated with the militaristic view of the world. The uniforms, uniformed postures and the fluency of how everything worked so well together appealed to him, as well as the idea of warfare which was common to many children at a young age. It wasn’t uncommon for Marcus to play ‘Cowboys and Indians’ with his friends during school breaks with both sides attempting to kill one another using their hands as simulated weapons. Through his childhood he frequently took the opportunity to immerse himself in toy weapons and plastic uniforms to stand tall like the men he saw on TV, however like many other children Marcus also suffered emotionally during his time through school as a result of bullying from older children. Ranging from physical abuse to mental abuse (particularly over the fact that several images of his mother in her teenager years had become exposed in a raunchy magazine – which he learnt when he was older that she had done so to pay for her education) and due to the lack of comfort that his parents supplied as a result of their absence, Marcus turned to more sinister and self-dwelling concepts of how to cope with the psychological trauma. It wasn’t long before he became one of those stereotyped children who took pleasure in the suffering of others, particularly that of animals. However as Marcus’s darker secrets were to turn for the worse his passion for the military didn’t change. Determined to make himself stronger, faster and better than everybody else, he begun to exercise frequently and in copious amounts to sate his inner belief that for him to be better than others, he had to prove it. The tragedy between his parents and himself only increased over the years as he eventually became the same child that had inflicted the years of pain and suffering onto him as he was called into the school office time after time again. However, in the best interests of both the school and of his parents, Marcus was considered eligible for a special military training course that would educate children on the basic training of up-to-date military combat and tactics – on the basis that he promised to behave better in the school grounds and to stop physically beating up other children. Marcus of course had agreed and was set on the path that would eventually consume his passion to join the military and to push himself to the limits that he was truly capable of. Although starting off slow like many other children, Marcus proved to demonstrate better expertise with firearms than other children. Although he never told anybody, Marcus usually depicted the targets in his imagination as the children who once bullied him.

At the bright age of eighteen Marcus was accepted into the Armed Forces of the Crown to complete his basic training as a military soldier. During his twenty-four week course he was chosen to be eligible for transferral to the parachute regiment in which his basic training was extended to twenty-eight weeks. Not only did the motto of parachute troopers being considered tougher than other soldier regiments to be true, but Marcus had to then also overcome his sudden fear of falling thousands of feet in the sky out of a plane. Only a single step in the staircase however, Marcus proved to himself to overcome it by the time his basic training had been completed. As a regiment the parachute troopers bonded and as a celebration they would go out to the nearby towns from the training centres to have a drink and to talk to the local girls. Marcus, however, was only limited in his expertise with the opposite sex and had trouble frequently talking to them, much less the fact that his sense of superiority would also come to encompass his sexual fantasies that would prove to be traumatic of his persona later in life. Celebrations were short lived however as his parachute regiment was shortly to have been informed of their new battalions with Marcus being transferred to 1st Battalion. Only two others in the regiment had also been transferred alongside Marcus and his realisation of being indoctrinated into the United Kingdom Special Forces was only realised when faced with the brutality of his training. Alongside two hundred other candidates they were forced to submit not only to a PFT (Personal Fitness Test) and a CFT (Combat Fitness Test), but were to also cover what is known as the Fan dance; a 23 kilometre march with full equipment up and down the Pen y Fan, a mountain 886 metres above sea level within four hours. Being trained in navigation, patrol formation and movement and jungle survival skills, Marcus would also come to learn how to organise and structure battle plans and how to handle foreign weapons. One of the last events of his training for the UKSF lasted thirty six hours as he was subject to gruesome interrogation tactics. It was only because of Marcus’s brutal nature that allowed him to surpass the expectations of the trainers as he stood as one of the thirty that remained. Marcus was now considered one of the elite and he had the SAS wings and the motto ‘Who Dare Wins’ to prove it.

Deployed more frequently than what the media would admit, Marcus served within the SAS on numerous deployments, most noticeably within Sierra Leone during September 2000 and throughout the Iraq War – particularly after his placement as part of Task Force Black and Task Force Knight where he participated in 175 combat missions within six months. He was also present during 2006 in the extraction of peace activists Norman Kember, James Loney and Harmeet Singh Sooden that were held hostage within Iraq. Marcus was also known to have been deployed within Afghanistan, serving within the Battle of Tora Bora in the original invasion of Afghanistan by US forces.

In the late months of 2015 in a concentrated SAS effort to root out hidden nuclear weapons scattered throughout Europe, Marcus was deployed to Romania in a covert operation known as ‘Operation Blackfoot’.  Outside of standard military protocol and the law including that of the United Nations, the deployment force that Marcus took place of therefore became the concept of a black operation – the reality that if they faced failure that there would be no help and the government would retain plausible deniability and wipe them from existence. Their mission was to provide critical intelligence on the situation regarding stockpiles of nuclear weapons hidden within Romania. No longer serving with the direct SAS forces since his transferral in 2013 Marcus now worked alongside other marines in the Special Reconnaissance Regiment which had quickly gained a reputation to ‘clean up the mess of the government’. Inserted into Romanian territory via Boeing CH-47 Chinook and dropped behind enemy lines, Marcus’s squad was to deploy to a communications grid network where they would interfere with the streaming of data and attempt to intercept communications regarding the suspicion of nuclear weapons. However through unknown means – whether they were setup by either the British or Romanian government or by a third party, the SRR squad was ultimately ambushed and quickly disposed of in an outnumbered fight with only Marcus and two other survivors being taken prisoner. Suspended in a cell and forced to submit to gruesome interrogation methods in the time leading up to the Portal Storms and the Seven Hour War, Marcus spent the time between his capture and freedom of intensive interrogation that not only scarred him psychologically, but also broke his faith in any form of governmental structure that he himself couldn’t trust.

During the Seven Hour War, Romania suffered substantial bombardments that damaged key infrastructure mandatory to the continuation of the nation. It was by luck that his holding cell within government control was to become his escape when the failure of the power grid allowed him to escape. Recognising defeat when he saw it, Marcus saw it futile to try and resist the invasion of the Universal Union. After all, it only took seven hours for humanity to surrender. Knowing that as Operation Blackfoot was ultimately a failure, Marcus accepted that his history with the SAS and the British Armed Forces no longer existed, let alone recognition of his own personal existence. Taking the name of one of the prison guards that so intently tortured Marcus, his decision proved to have been exceptional when rumours spread of those with military backgrounds being detained and extracted to unknown locations. Scarred as a result of pointless torture that lasted countless months, the possibility of betrayal from his own government and the eventual defeat of humanity, Marcus ultimately set aside the goal of others for his own personal selfish interests. With the skills and experience that few have in the year of 2016, Marcus would prove his superiority to those willing to pay exceptionally for it as he bid his time within the newly modified Romanian city known as City 45.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
- Experienced in most forms of weapons seen before the Seven Hour War. Including close-combat and covert tactics.

- Due to substantial childhood abuse and after being neglected by his parents, Marcus suffers from substantial emotional and psychological abuse. At times this may place him into a traumatic position - such as if something was to correlate to the same treatment he received as a child may spark an emotional breakdown.

- Marcus is incapable of feeling compassionate emotions as a combination of his life and past experience with both the SAS and his experiences of torture. Having never experienced romance as a child, he is still new to the concept of compassion as all he's ever known is violence.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
After speaking to OzJackal, it has been agreed that in order to help expand the role play of Third Eye that I can use Marcus to help coordinate some long-term effects and short-term effects for those on the server, ranging from the CCA and to other citizens. Although I haven't been told anything in particular, I will be assuming the role of a gun for hire or other covert like roles and in return receive payment from Third Eye.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No. Just myself.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I understand that while the authorisations that I am asking for may seem extremity in appearance, I have the experience of several years in serious role play and I won't abuse such a privilege. I also acknowledge that this character is likely going to die - hopefully not that too soon however after the time I've put into this application.

Offline Nicknero

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 11:11:55 AM »
By the looks of it, it sounds like you are trying to get a OP character that can do literally anything to be "Oh look at me I can carry 6928769 weapons with me and travel 33 kilometers without a sigh", aka sounds like powergaming or elitism.

Not to mention this application goes full against the restrictions of having ex-military characters. They are all dead, so that means your char should be as well.

I'm NOT going to support this app.
Check out my Youtube channel with all kinds of cool videos including LP's which I'm currently working at. Don't forget to give feedback as well. ;)

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2012, 01:25:46 PM »
"Oh look at me I can carry 6928769 weapons with me and travel 33 kilometers without a sigh"

Its called fast travel.  I use it all the time.

But seriously, I am very neutral when it comes to supporting this application.  The applicant is an EXCESSIVELY well done roleplayer, however, this is a bit much, and guns + city = bad.  And how bad would this be?  Disturb the surface tension of water, and you will know.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 01:28:11 PM by Blackfur »

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2012, 02:08:12 PM »
By the looks of it, it sounds like you are trying to get a OP character that can do literally anything to be "Oh look at me I can carry 6928769 weapons with me and travel 33 kilometers without a sigh", aka sounds like powergaming or elitism.

Not to mention this application goes full against the restrictions of having ex-military characters. They are all dead, so that means your char should be as well.

I'm NOT going to support this app.

 All of us atleast have a elite character, don't you think? Know why? Most characters act like heroes and don't die at all - just like Gordon Freeman for a quick example. Also, I had a ex-military character aswell within the Catalyst-Gaming community and her name was Sophia Jefferson so I do believe there can be more ex-military characters aswell.

Offline raged

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2012, 04:21:00 PM »
By the looks of it, it sounds like you are trying to get a OP character that can do literally anything to be "Oh look at me I can carry 6928769 weapons with me and travel 33 kilometers without a sigh", aka sounds like powergaming or elitism.

I don't see the relevance of having a military character can allow you to make the automatic assumption that I powergame. If I wasn't capable of roleplaying the basics I wouldn't have even bothered with this application. If I recall properly too, isn't one of your characters supposed to be an ex-illusion informant with purple/red/some other colour of eyes who's authorised to carry level one contraband in the plaza?

Anyway, I stuck to the realistic expectations of the bare minimum of SAS operatives. Mind you, there's likely to be higher qualifications of physical endurance for other departments yet I stuck to the basics. Proof here:

Not to mention this application goes full against the restrictions of having ex-military characters. They are all dead, so that means your char should be as well.

In the latter parts of the backstory I addressed how he isn't dead and how he wasn't recognised as being a military operative by any database records. If you don't want to read my application properly then it's a little offensive you'd jump to harsh conclusions that I didn't ensure to create a proper backstory.

I'd also like to point out that there's no restrictions on the authorisations page regarding military characters;

No authorizations will be given via authorization applications for be the following:
Any other NPC - headcrabs, zombies, seagulls, barnacles, etc
Any canon character - Alyx, Eli, Gordon, etc
Black Mesa employee/Black Mesa knowledge
SYNTH Units - hunters, striders, etc
Any flag (Tool Trust Applications are separate, those are the only flags gained by application)
Weapons/Ammunition - you cannot apply for weapons such as a pistol or SMG. You are allowed to apply for knives or  or gain them through IC purposes on the servers, but you MUST be able to provide a time and date of when you acquired this weapon when asked by an admin.
Resistance Vests
Special/Psychic Powers
Anything related to the CCA/Combine
Vehicles (Jeeps, etc)

The following require either RoflWaffle or Prox/Raiden to approve due to the nature of them:
Resistance Group Leadership (must be an established group)
Vests/Hand Made Armor/Uniform

On a second note none of you should expect me to even be showing a weapon in D6 unless I have a particular reason to do so; eg having been paid to do something. I am fully aware of the fact that if I'm going to be stupid with my character that he'll ultimately die, and particularly due to the fact I am also the Divisional Leader of ZEALOT I know the sorts of types of people we look for to have amputated, meaning that it'd be hypocritical of me to hunt down others who are being stupid in D6 for me to be targeted for the same reason.

If you also see here Grom was also accepted for a character to have an ex-SAS background.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 04:30:21 PM by raged »

Offline garry :D

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2012, 05:51:40 PM »
Having seen Raged play his ZEALOT DvL and several other characters at various communities I have no doubt he can handle this role as long as the defects are met on a regular basis.

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2012, 05:55:00 PM »
Knowing raged, the worst he could do is cyber with some poor soul. Never-the-less, I give my support. You're a capable role-player that exceeds over most people, I'm sure we can trust you with this kind of character.

Offline wag1

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2012, 07:51:40 PM »
Knowing raged, the worst he could do is cyber with some poor soul. Never-the-less, I give my support. You're a capable role-player that exceeds over most people, I'm sure we can trust you with this kind of character.

Agreed with this.

And Nick, people are allowed to have Ex-Military characters, if they apply for it.

So far you're getting accepted, but I'll wait for one more administrator to post.

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2012, 06:00:42 AM »
I do agree that Raged is a very good roleplayer, and can no doubt handle all of this, but as stated before, the application just seems like it contains a lot just for one character.

Nevertheless, I +Support.

Offline Nicknero

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2012, 04:14:18 PM »
And Nick, people are allowed to have Ex-Military characters, if they apply for it.

Hmm. I was honestly sure it was in the restriction list. But turns out it was removed without my knowledge.
Sorry for that mistake. If most admins support this application, I would have no problem with accepting it as well.
But one thing though. Was this character for outlands, or the city? Since you said it's for both servers while it is just one character. And I have this thing against citizens with weapons in the city... :c
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Offline raged

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2012, 04:21:25 PM »
I wasn't sure which to specify because Third Eye actions aren't primarily based in one or the other.

Offline garry :D

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Re: Marcus McQuillen's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2012, 12:36:19 AM »

Have fun ye


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