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Author Topic: Some minor change suggestions, with half the calories of the proposed Overhaul.  (Read 3971 times)

Offline ??. McBullet

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Alright, this is a detachment from SatN's reform, without the change in ranks and whatnot. And NO, this won't be laced with Combine Nation idiocy. I'd call that a mistake on SatN's part to try to pass reform under the name of a comedy show. As you can see, I'd still like to see some of this. Call this a bit more JURY-oriented, but the way in which recruits see promotions might affect more than just JURY as that is where all units start in the CCA now. Try not to be as partisan in your choice and vote as if you were in the division most affected. This can't really hurt, can it? Think of it as more "advice" and less of "HURR DURR REFORM."

Main Sociostability Body- You've got to act as the main police force. Most command focus should go here to make this the largest and most desirable. This will have the most positions and will keep all units actively engaged.

Specialized Divisions- Command will focus a lot less on these. These specializations will become much smaller and a lot more selective. No longer will they be able to enforce sociostability under normal circumstances, and they will give up some of their jobs to the main sociostability body. You'll probably be in the Nexus most of the time, and 99 percent of your interactions will be with other units. This especially pertains to VICE, but I'm trying to talk about any specialization getting too big and hurting the main sociostability force.

Training Protocol (most important.):
Currently the biggest issue with rank progression is the fact that units only play for the sake of promotions, and we base promotions only off of time requirements and training completion. With my system in place, recruits receive a complete set of standard sociostability trainings before they reach the rank of 05. This would force promotions to be gained by experience and good work, and your performance as an officer would actually correlate to your rank.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 10:11:07 AM by Burning Bullet »

Offline ?AG-CL? Sheo

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Even though I don't really think SHIELD and VICE should give up sociostability duties.. It might be a bit more canon if they don't patrol. Not to say they couldn't go on UCH sweeps or exit the nexus when they want to... But do you really send an engineer on foot patrol? I wouldn't think you would. A medic going on patrol is more likely if we switch to a squad based patrol system - Slapping in a medic in a squad of 3-5 is a good way to increase that squad's support capabilities.

The rest of it is spot on. Even if it would mean I would have to go back to being a 'croot, haha.
But also - what would happen to weapon usage restrictions? If we were to incorporate a full set of training into a recruit before they reach 05 they SHOULD technically be trained in most human created weapon classes (Pistol, SMG at least) and be proficient enough in using them to carry them on patrol. Perhaps as you rank up you get the OPTION to learn to use more specialized weapons, such as the shotgun, AR2 or otherwise.

Also if we're looking to give JURY more positions - add a group of scout/sniper positions with an 01 as it's head that administers advanced marksman training to those who request it and teaches the use of the EP2 sniper for scout/sniping. Could even structure the scout snipers in sniper / spotter pairs like they do in real life. I would join that subdivision in a heartbeat.

Offline Khub

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I am going to give you my support, but under a single circumstance.

Quote from: Burning Bullet
Specialized Divisions- Command will focus a lot less on these. These specializations will become much smaller and a lot more selective. No longer will they be able to enforce sociostability under normal circumstances, and they will give up some of their jobs to the main sociostability body. You'll probably be in the Nexus most of the time, and 99 percent of your interactions will be with other units. This especially pertains to VICE, but I'm trying to talk about any specialization getting too big and hurting the main sociostability force.

I agree with Sheo in this:

Quote from: Sheo
But do you really send an engineer on foot patrol? I wouldn't think you would.

Neither I would send an engineer on foot patrol under normal circumstances. But still; I, and probably most of other units, have joined VICE to engage in technology and mechanical things, not to cut myself away from the usual CCA job. I agree that divisions like SHIELD or VICE should be oriented more to their specializations, but I don't want to see a restriction you are talking about - that 99 percent shit. That is something what I dislike, never ever never. Even if we are expected to work on something exact (SHIELD on medical shit and VICE on mechanical shit), that does not mean you have a right to completely cut us off patrols, sweeps, and all that things. We are not stalkers, we are units. We want to enjoy the game as well as anybody else, we don't want to be locked in Nexus like recruits are, while other units are having fun outside.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 12:07:47 PM by Khubajsn »

Offline Semiorph

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+Support, this is why I voted yes in the other thread.

JURY should indeed be the main body if it is almost entirely focused on maintaining socialstability. Thats a given, I think. VICE and SHIELD shouldn't be patrolling much and it shouldn't be a standard directive for them. However, it would be going a little over board to completely cut them out from some of the standard duties of the CCA, like Khubajsn said.

On to training, I agree completely. Everything you said there seems perfect to me.
HL2RP Characters
CCA.C45.APEX-02.929: Maintaing sociostabilty

Offline kmp

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Wha... I don't even... weren't you JURY DvL a few days ago? You could've implemented this already.

Offline FPSRussia

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Good Luck BB.. Good Luck. I usually give props to the guys who try to change the CCA. Most of the time it fails.. hopefully this will work.
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

Offline ??. McBullet

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I think I'm more helpful to the CCA when not in power, seeing things from a non-HC perspective might help me come up with better ideas.

Offline ?AG-CL? Sheo

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Maybe VICE - with the new garage coming with the map could start doing Armored patrols with an APC occasionally. And I think that IF patrolling is removed from their standard directives there should be NOTHING that prevents them from going outside the nexus anyways. They just don't have to patrol. They can wander around, go to a CWU shop, ect if they don't have anything to do in the Nexus. In other words, they can go outside and have fun, but they don't have a responsibility to keep shit in order, when they're outside, they're on pleasure, not business. That being said if they see a rebel running around with a gun, err, yeah they still have to do something about it, lmao.

Same with SHIELD.

Offline FPSRussia

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Alll units should have the standard directive of patrolling but only in the situation that is it up to the VICE or SHIELD units that they could go patrol if they want but they're not enforced to go patrol JURY would forced to patrol at all times. Also, APC patrols are HARD to do when we don't even have APCs that are drivable on the server except the shit made ones.
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

Offline Airborne1st

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I'm not saying this wrong, incorrect, or bad, but I can't support it. It glorifies JURY too much. As you said BB, it takes away positions and jobs from SHIELD and VICE and gives them to JURY to increase their position choices and specializations. I understand and agree that they should have more members and more focus from High Command, but I don't agree at all that the little bit of specialization SHIELD and VICE already have should be given to JURY, and VICE and SHIELD should sit in the Nexus 99% of the time and do research and build things.

This would actually cut out the recent sub divisions that were approved and put into place in SHIELD to increase our medical RP when outside, such as Forensics, and the revival of Research and Development and Hazard Management. Based on what you say, JURY would pretty much take over Hazard Management and most likely Forensics as well, since they're getting all the action outside the Nexus.

SHIELD barely has any members as it is. The last thing we need is further discouragement from joining the division right now. What I'm seeing a lot of are people posting in this thread with units in JURY, based on their signatures. Its easy to say, "+Support, sounds good to me, JURY should have more positions and specialization and units" when you have personal gain on the table as a low ranking JURY unit. I doubt you'll find someone with a SHIELD or VICE unit that will be so supportive of their own division's RP being cut and more limitations being placed on them.

As I've already said however, I do think JURY should have more members and better training for maintaining sociostability. I just don't think any restrictions or limitations should be put on VICE and SHIELD. Why not create more things for JURY to do from scratch? Rather than taking some of the things SHIELD and VICE do and using those to create more positions for JURY? Also, what's so wrong about someone being medically or mechanically trained and also knowing how to patrol? Nothing is wrong with that in my opinion, especially since everyone is trained to patrol, search, breach, and detain while they're a recruit. Therefore, each member knows how to do JURY's job before they go into a specialization division. What I'm saying is, JURY knowledge is in every unit. Choosing to join SHIELD or VICE only allows you to expand on that knowledge and specialize in another field on top of the typical JURY knowledge of patrolling, detaining, etc.

Basically, a VICE or SHIELD unit is a JURY unit that chose to take their training a step further and learn medical or mechanical knowledge as well. Therefore, I don't see the purpose of this suggestion or the purpose of taking away from the specialization divisions and limiting them from doing what they're ICly trained to do, which is patrol, detain, search, breach, and everything else JURY units know. If you want to do this with JURY, that's fine, but don't take away from VICE and SHIELD to boost up JURY when you don't NEED to. If you want to add to JURY, just create things from scratch instead of limiting other players to what they can do just because of the division they chose with the understanding that they would be doing the basic duties of every unit along with their specialization.

Since every unit is forced into JURY anyway, why do we need to put more things in place to keep more people in JURY when SHIELD is severely lacking in units as it is? Its like taking something that already has too much, and putting things in place to make sure it always has too much, while other areas are severely lacking. You can say, "Well when a unit reaches 03, they can transfer to SHIELD or VICE." Yes, they can. The problem lies in the fact that if you give JURY more positions and specializations taken from VICE and SHIELD, no one will join VICE and SHIELD when they reach 03. If anything, things should be done to make each division more equal. People will stay in JURY just because of the many options for positions that you describe, regardless of if they want to do mechanical or medical RP, simply because they won't want to be stuck in the Nexus 99% of the time.

I apologize for any grammatical errors, this was not proof-read before it was posted.

Offline ??. McBullet

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I'm not saying this wrong, incorrect, or bad, but I can't support it. It glorifies JURY too much. As you said BB, it takes away positions and jobs from SHIELD and VICE and gives them to JURY to increase their position choices and specializations. I understand and agree that they should have more members and more focus from High Command, but I don't agree at all that the little bit of specialization SHIELD and VICE already have should be given to JURY, and VICE and SHIELD should sit in the Nexus 99% of the time and do research and build things.

This would actually cut out the recent sub divisions that were approved and put into place in SHIELD to increase our medical RP when outside, such as Forensics, and the revival of Research and Development and Hazard Management. Based on what you say, JURY would pretty much take over Hazard Management and most likely Forensics as well, since they're getting all the action outside the Nexus.

SHIELD barely has any members as it is. The last thing we need is further discouragement from joining the division right now. What I'm seeing a lot of are people posting in this thread with units in JURY, based on their signatures. Its easy to say, "+Support, sounds good to me, JURY should have more positions and specialization and units" when you have personal gain on the table as a low ranking JURY unit. I doubt you'll find someone with a SHIELD or VICE unit that will be so supportive of their own division's RP being cut and more limitations being placed on them.

As I've already said however, I do think JURY should have more members and better training for maintaining sociostability. I just don't think any restrictions or limitations should be put on VICE and SHIELD. Why not create more things for JURY to do from scratch? Rather than taking some of the things SHIELD and VICE do and using those to create more positions for JURY? Also, what's so wrong about someone being medically or mechanically trained and also knowing how to patrol? Nothing is wrong with that in my opinion, especially since everyone is trained to patrol, search, breach, and detain while they're a recruit. Therefore, each member knows how to do JURY's job before they go into a specialization division. What I'm saying is, JURY knowledge is in every unit. Choosing to join SHIELD or VICE only allows you to expand on that knowledge and specialize in another field on top of the typical JURY knowledge of patrolling, detaining, etc.

Basically, a VICE or SHIELD unit is a JURY unit that chose to take their training a step further and learn medical or mechanical knowledge as well. Therefore, I don't see the purpose of this suggestion or the purpose of taking away from the specialization divisions and limiting them from doing what they're ICly trained to do, which is patrol, detain, search, breach, and everything else JURY units know. If you want to do this with JURY, that's fine, but don't take away from VICE and SHIELD to boost up JURY when you don't NEED to. If you want to add to JURY, just create things from scratch instead of limiting other players to what they can do just because of the division they chose with the understanding that they would be doing the basic duties of every unit along with their specialization.

Since every unit is forced into JURY anyway, why do we need to put more things in place to keep more people in JURY when SHIELD is severely lacking in units as it is? Its like taking something that already has too much, and putting things in place to make sure it always has too much, while other areas are severely lacking. You can say, "Well when a unit reaches 03, they can transfer to SHIELD or VICE." Yes, they can. The problem lies in the fact that if you give JURY more positions and specializations taken from VICE and SHIELD, no one will join VICE and SHIELD when they reach 03. If anything, things should be done to make each division more equal. People will stay in JURY just because of the many options for positions that you describe, regardless of if they want to do mechanical or medical RP, simply because they won't want to be stuck in the Nexus 99% of the time.

I apologize for any grammatical errors, this was not proof-read before it was posted.

Well-said. I understand your point and it makes perfect sense to me. This suggestion mainly stemmed from the fact that SatN made all recruiting start in JURY, which is an issue considering people don't want the focus on JURY any more than the other divisions. I'll edit this suggestion with that point.

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Maybe VICE - with the new garage coming with the map could start doing Armored patrols with an APC occasionally. And I think that IF patrolling is removed from their standard directives there should be NOTHING that prevents them from going outside the nexus anyways. They just don't have to patrol. They can wander around, go to a CWU shop, ect if they don't have anything to do in the Nexus. In other words, they can go outside and have fun, but they don't have a responsibility to keep shit in order, when they're outside, they're on pleasure, not business. That being said if they see a rebel running around with a gun, err, yeah they still have to do something about it, lmao.

Same with SHIELD.

Giving you my support. VICE and SHIELD can have their patrolling standard directive removed. They can still go out. They should still be able to patrol if they wish to though. So much fun on 3/40 HL2RP, when you can just take walks outside..


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