What I mean is: ZEALOT doesn't take part in the affairs of other larger divisions. If there's an inactivity issue with HC, ZEALOT isn't involved because Raged stays active. If there's a leadership issue, then ZEALOT isn't involved because we handle our affairs when they come up. Wiping Raged from his post wouldn't solve anything since there isn't one who can take his post. (And frankly, I wouldn't want anyone to take his post. It'd throw off our mojo).I'm all for a HC wipe, but wiping Raged from his post wouldn't solve anything for the CCA. But don't misunderstand, I'm for a HC wipe. Those Cmds that are inactive should be kicked.
CCA.C45.JURY.OfC.563 - Kom'rk [A]CCA.C45.JURY.OfC.313 - Teh Caek [IA]CCA.C45.JURY.OfC.211 - Sexyfrog [?]
The wipe seems to be only a short-term solution. The main problem we had was the RCTs-01s having little knowledge or being completely wrong with everything related to the CCA, which was caused by the people who train said Units. High Command was the problem, as they were the people causing the problem.This is also why I don't like to train people, as whatever I teach them is either wrong, as some random 01/OfC/EpU told them different. Case example with what happened the other day when SatN ordered me to train someone. I used to follow the TnB method until every single Unit told me I was wrong, then I train the Units in the "right" method and was told that was wrong. i don't even...Anyways, what I'm suggesting is that we also wipe some of High Command after we evaluate them, or after UED evaluates them.and seriously, these recruits are starting to annoy the shit out of me >:|
I strongly agree with this. If the current High Command were to be wiped, it would lead units to leave the CCA. How is that a good thing? We don't want units who wouldn't fight for their spot. We used to go about promoting units by their training requirements. Unfortunately, that led to a downfall.I hope to see this idea come into effect.
Actually, Airborne. I wanted to stay with Jury due to BB, looks like he's resigning now. I don't have the proper knowledge to become a field medic but I'd sure love to.
We don't need a complete high command wipe when only 2 divisions are problematic.