Author Topic: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?  (Read 11644 times)

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2012, 01:23:00 AM »
What I mean is: ZEALOT doesn't take part in the affairs of other larger divisions. If there's an inactivity issue with HC, ZEALOT isn't involved because Raged stays active. If there's a leadership issue, then ZEALOT isn't involved because we handle our affairs when they come up. Wiping Raged from his post wouldn't solve anything since there isn't one who can take his post. (And frankly, I wouldn't want anyone to take his post. It'd throw off our mojo).

I'm all for a HC wipe, but wiping Raged from his post wouldn't solve anything for the CCA. But don't misunderstand, I'm for a HC wipe. Those Cmds that are inactive should be kicked.

The idea that units can be excluded from a wipe goes against the idea of a wipe. If raged is as good as you say he is, he will regain his position and enforce his image as a good leader. Simple. When people get exceptions, the wipe is ruined. Think about it. Bluff and SatN had been planning a wipe for everything. A HC member was excused from it, then another, and then another, and then another. Soon enough, HC was completely intact and the actual, crucial playerbase was kicked down to square one. That was a big load of shit. But, it can all be remedied.

Offline raged

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2012, 01:51:48 AM »
Well, number one, I don't really think there's a lot of people who currently in the CCA would be qualified to run ZEALOT, and secondly they'd probably have completely different ideas as to how the squad is to operate (yet I have been an EPU/OfC since it's foundation and I have learnt from the two previous DvL's as to how it should be ran and what mistakes to amend) and I have covered the basics such as ensuring all my units adequately know their punctuality and grammar and what the bare minimum of their roleplay should be and their rank permissions and the like.

However I'm all for a HC wipe. I'm the only DvL on I see these days and CmD's are non-existant. Not to mention that but I constantly see units bickering about the inactivity of JURY HC, with just today 701 or 702 complaining that he needed a JURY HC to promote him and that they're never on to do it.

CCA.C45.JURY.OfC.563 - Kom'rk [A]
CCA.C45.JURY.OfC.313 - Teh Caek [IA]
CCA.C45.JURY.OfC.211 - Sexyfrog [?]

I've seen Frog on once and he was on for like an hour. Why are the other two even still in HC? Secondly, the CCA roster isn't even complete so I can't go on about the other divisions and their HC members because they aren't even listed/recorded anywhere.

Offline Globey

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2012, 02:42:14 AM »
I'm going to be short, and frank - I'm not going to flatter myself with my next remarks: VICE is fine. Leave it the fuck alone. Our High Command has worked its way up through months (nearly a year, in my case) of experience. We're active as hell, and our RP is up to scratch, if not above par.
If you want to scrutinize a division, look at JURY or SHIELD. I don't even know the situation with SHIELD at the moment. JURY either has HC that's inactive, or has been in the CCA less than a week.
I don't intend to offend: BB, turn your scrutiny inwards. Things root from the training and sociostability division - The other divisions are icing on the cake. JURY is the main division fudged up at the moment, although there are some issues with SHIELD.

Leave ZEALOT and VICE HC alone. That is all.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 02:44:18 AM by Globey »
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

Offline raged

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2012, 03:46:42 AM »
SHIELD doesn't even have a DvL according to the roster.

Offline kmp

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2012, 05:15:26 AM »
The wipe seems to be only a short-term solution. The main problem we had was the RCTs-01s having little knowledge or being completely wrong with everything related to the CCA, which was caused by the people who train said Units. High Command was the problem, as they were the people causing the problem.

This is also why I don't like to train people, as whatever I teach them is either wrong, as some random 01/OfC/EpU told them different. Case example with what happened the other day when SatN ordered me to train someone. I used to follow the TnB method until every single Unit told me I was wrong, then I train the Units in the "right" method and was told that was wrong. i don't even...

Anyways, what I'm suggesting is that we also wipe some of High Command after we evaluate them, or after UED evaluates them.

and seriously, these recruits are starting to annoy the shit out of me >:|

Posted this a few weeks ago in the Commander board, but of course I got no reply from it. I'll just leave this here.

Edit: Just noticed something Blackfur posted, saying that he never sees any Commanders on. I have an excuse, but I can't speak so much for the other Commanders. Our presence on the server doesn't effect anything as much as you expect, I know that whenever I flag up, all I get to do is sit in the CA Office while Units do stuff, then when I come down from the Office, I get complained at for "ruining rp" because I decided to stop a Unit doing some idiotic thing/denied them for something.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 05:36:44 AM by KillmePlz »

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2012, 07:11:29 AM »
I was given an Officer position for tonight as the ultimatum of Burning Bullet's argument, to prove exactly what he's saying. In his words, I was to "Prove that by making you an Officer from a Recruit I've not only made the right decision, but something wise for the rest of the CCA to follow. I hope you understand how important this is. You're the flagship "from rags to riches" Officer."

That was about from 11PM tonight. It is now 5:57AM. I've learned a whole lot on the job, and I've preformed 5 training sessions spanning across 4 different units of JURY. Most of which complained of the inactivity displayed by the high command in JURY.

This pissed a whole lot of you off, it would seem. Around 12AM tonight SatN caught wind of the situation from being flooded with complaints about upset HC Units, some of which who wouldn't even play in the server - simply because someone they perceived as lesser than them, or more unworthy of the position than them was holding a position in High Command.

I'm sure those of you who were angry will be relieved to know that the hours I spent as a High Command unit will be my last, as I am being moved back down to an 05 position as soon as an admin is available to preform the change.

In around 7 hours I've held 5 trainings, and have been literally on the server most of the time I was awake. I believe even in my brief time as OfC, I've proven Burning's argument. There are a whole lot of High Command units that are completely inactive; useless even, and readily replaced by ANYONE who is willing to put the work in that's required of them, and actually fight to hold a position in High Command, and to stay dedicated to their division.

To a lot of you: Raged, Globey, Purple, among others, this doesn't effect. You're wonderful HC Units, who are active a whole damn lot. But to those of you who are inactive, know your inactive, refrain from training units, and on top of it all, don't even resign from your position, knowing these things? Someone even as 'insignificant' as a recruit can replace you, and do your job twice as effectively.

To the current division leaders, I will add: This should serve as an example for you as well. If you made a mistake and promoted someone to an 01 / OfC rank who does nothing with it? Fuck the system, YOU have the power to find someone that YOU approve of. They don't have to be the guy "Next in line" for the position. They have to be someone you have confidence in, someone you trust, and someone who knows what their position means for their division, and is willing to work at it persistently to fill the role the way it needs to be filled, and you know what? It'll work out just fine in the end. Even if they were only a recruit to start with.

I don't know if SatN will be mad at me for posting this. He probably will, considering he didn't approve of the whole situation in the first place, but what's done is done. I believe I've proven Bullet's argument tonight.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 08:03:03 AM by Sheo »

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2012, 10:53:09 AM »
I strongly agree with this. If the current High Command were to be wiped, it would lead units to leave the CCA.
How is that a good thing? We don't want units who wouldn't fight for their spot.

We used to go about promoting units by their training requirements. Unfortunately, that led to a downfall.

I hope to see this idea come into effect.

We promoted nearly all units based on their training and time requirements and you couldn't have said it better, that led to a downfall. I know I don't play anymore, but before someone uses that to tell me I'm wrong or I don't know anything, it's not hard to see one of the most obvious problems with the CCA, especially when it's been there for so long.  Literally WIPE all High Command besides the SeC obviously, as he will have to promote new units.  I really think this will do a whole lot of good for the CCA.

On a side note, if SHIELD really is in need of a DvL, I'd be willing to take the position back if offered and bring back my activity as long as something is done about this.

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2012, 11:13:35 AM »
Regarding the current condition of SHIELD, I'm a SHIELD 01 and don't even know who our leadership is past Jonco, 718, and he's an OfC. Last week, there was a temporary and possibly long term change from our previous DvL to Yagrum. Things actually went really well, because Yagrum was on for about three days in a row or so and we got three sub divisions up and running and even got our own medical offices. Now there's apparently been some sort of dispute or something with the previous DvL and someone else and I haven't seen Yagrum on in a few days now. So, the last DvL I knew that we even had was Yagrum, and I'm no longer 100% sure if he's still the DvL, or if we even have one. SHIELD also needs more lower ranking members. Everyone is wanting to stay in Jury, which according to the WIP roster, has a ridiculous number of units. I know that units have to stay in JURY until they reach 03, but everyone I talk to says they plan to stay in JURY. Maybe 1 in 8 actually says they're at least thinking about joining SHIELD when they reach the appropriate rank to transfer.

More on topic though, I feel like something has been overlooked with the difference between a recruit and an Officer, which would be experience and time spent in the CCA. Sure, recruits are excited and willing to do their best because they finally got into something they've been trying to get into for awhile. They're excited to do their jobs and want to do it correctly (most of the time...). So they have the drive to do their job and try to do well, but they lack the experience of an Officer and one of the biggest things they lack are respect. A title doesn't give respect. You can't put someone in a DvL position that no one knows or has ever been under the leadership of before and expect their subordinates to fully respect them as much as they would someone that has gotten their hands dirty right along with them. This is why people complained to SatN about Sheo getting a temporary High Command position. He didn't go through what they did to earn it, he didn't get their hands dirty with them to earn their respect to hold such a position. He hasn't spent anywhere near the amount of time they have in the CCA, or in the field doing their job.

Respect is a big thing when it comes to the difference in enlisted ranks and commissioned officers in any organization, whether it be ROTC, which I spent 4 years in, a police force, or even something like Boy Scouts. You can't just throw anyone in an OfC position and expect them to be respected if they haven't bled and sweat with those they're going to be leading.

Don't get me wrong, you can't have inactive High Command, and things do need to change. The respect factor needs to be kept in mind though, because it is important.

Regarding Kronic's post (He posted while I was tying this), I'd like to see him get the SHIELD DvL position back, since he did probably the best job I've seen so far.

Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2012, 11:15:07 AM »
Actually, Airborne. I wanted to stay with Jury due to BB, looks like he's resigning now. I don't have the proper knowledge to become a field medic but I'd sure love to.

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2012, 11:45:12 AM »
Actually, Airborne. I wanted to stay with Jury due to BB, looks like he's resigning now. I don't have the proper knowledge to become a field medic but I'd sure love to.

Its fine if you don't have any prior knowledge of anything medical. That's what the training courses are for.

Offline Globey

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2012, 11:49:15 AM »
We don't need a complete  high command wipe when only 2 divisions are problematic.
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2012, 11:50:51 AM »
We don't need a complete  high command wipe when only 2 divisions are problematic.
Just because only 2 divisions have inactive or no HC, does not mean the others have no problems at all. It's not just activity we're worried about, it's leadership in general.

Offline Globey

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2012, 11:58:15 AM »
Please - Tell me what VICE, be it myself or others, has been doing wrong.
More in regards to the op: People have to sweat their way through the ranks to properly command. It took me around 4-5 months to get up to OfC, each time that I did it. To know how to run a division, you have to climb your way through it.
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2012, 12:54:04 PM »
ZEALOT hc has a problem. Its been a week now and my 01 hasnt had the chance to appraose two zealot units due to the DvL not being online.

VICE doesnt seem to have a problem. Good command there.

SHIELD is getting fixed by yagrum. Whoever the nick dude is should gtfo. Never heard of him. He has zero leadership skill compared to Yagrums awesomeness.

JURY high command is in the shitter. I also have to appraise two JURY units but same thing, inactive.

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Re: What is the real difference between a CCA Recruit and a CCA Officer?
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2012, 03:09:44 PM »
I agree with most of what's being said here. VICE is fine, I see Globey and Purple on all the time, and they do a good job from what I can see. JURY HC is never active, I've only seen 211 on once since I've been back, maybe a few other HC here and there that I'm not remembering. As for SHIELD, I've seen this Nick guy once in my whole time on the server. I'm now thinking about straying away from SHIELD purely out of fear of never being trained or promoted. I haven't really seen too many ZEALOT people on; I see raged on sometimes, though.

I think that, aside from VICE, the entirety of the CCA's HC should be wiped, maybe excluding raged. I'm personally not going to go into CmD's and the SeC. All I'm going to say is I've seen SatN actually flag up on his SeC three times, and only seen him actually do something with him once. I've never seen any CmDs on.

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