Author Topic: [OBSOLETE] RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e_r  (Read 25730 times)

Offline garry :D

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[OBSOLETE] RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e_r
« on: April 21, 2012, 05:42:24 PM »
"What's RSO?"

Credits to Kaz/KFrohman for x1d and previous versions as well as the original mappers.
This version contains several new features that are designed with Catalyst Gaming's HL2RP server in mind.
Extract to addons!

- Civil Protection now have access to a garage which is opposite the CWU HQ.

- Removed secret tunnel entrance at District One. Tunnel now links to P3 and the Diordna.

- Four admin rooms for when you're AFK or teaching new players and you don't want to be seen on the RDT rooftop or CA office.

- Increase in security measures for the Nexus armoury.

- Precinct 3 HAP has undergone an angle change to line up with the Citadel wall and the Nexus corner.

- The front of the Nexus has been realigned from 23 degrees (or some silly number that had a decimal) to 45 degrees - huge credits to Kaz for this because now I can actually fix things without it breaking more things! :D

- Nexus medbay and the CWU HQ has undergone retexturing.

- Better skybox, more accustomed to the night atmosphere and mood.

- The crash-inducing furnace has been replaced with a much more stable and 'server-friendly' pit of acid. DON'T KILL PEOPLE IN THIS OTHERWISE THEY HAVE TO RECONNECT!

- The dumpster in the plaza now removes any items tossed into it by the placement of a trigger_remove.

- ZEALOT now has their own control room downstairs in the Hand to Hand area of the Nexus.

- Several areaportals added to the Nexus to improve optimisation.

- Removal of the light bulb which opened the secret room in the D6 underground bar. The new method of entry will be more difficult to locate.

- Overwatch deployment area next to the Nexus cafeteria.

- Sector 2 removed altogether, though the CWU HQ will remain.

- Night skybox has been put in place of the overly cheery day skybox. Lighting has been adjusted accordingly to create a darker atmosphere and mood.

- Some CWU HQ textures were changed to contrast better against the exterior brick wall and interior plaster walls.

- UCH now has a CCA booth in which the entire building can be locked down by the press of a button.

- The activation of the thumpers/exogen restriction field is joined by an announcement over the loudspeakers in several locations in the plaza.

- CA camera glitch where the screen wouldn't render should be fixed (though I think this was a serverside lag issue and not something wrong with the map)

- 'Too many vertices' errors should be lessened when travelling through the plaza (some of the plaza models have been given LOD properties)

- More efficient and less performance demanding lighting in District 6.

- Trainstation still has electrified rails, however there have been improvements in lighting and brushwork in this area.

- Nexus entrance now has a working areaportal. After doing this and running some tests, I got a 40 fps boost in the plaza. (tested on a quad core i5 @ 2.80ghz - other people have said it was a 20 fps boost or so for them on lower-grade PCs)

- Nexus door has been widened and the glitch that Kaz had with a part of the door not showing up properly has now been fixed.

- Nexus lighting has been tuned to create a 'cold' feeling in some areas.

- Environment lighting has been tuned for the night skybox.

- Custom decals have been placed over the Nexus side wall facing the UCH.

- Water/lighting glitch in the D6 canals is now fixed.

- Fixed an issue causing a func_viscluster in the D6 canals not to work effectively. After testing, I got a 10 fps boost in this area.

- Several floating prop placement issues have been fixed.

- Removed a shipyard that Kaz thought would be a good idea to put in the D6 canals as an extension. Reasons for its removal simply came down to the fact it wasn't going to help performance at all or do anything good for anticitizen RP.

- Buildings have been added to the 3D skybox in the plaza and D6, thus creating a walled-in feeling and one of entrapment.

- Most L4D2 content has been removed and replaced by similar textures.

- A dark secret...

Download link will be available once the map is confirmed to be working on the server. Kronic has been kind enough to upload it onto the server box already, map data still needs doing though.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 06:18:14 AM by OzJackal »

Offline @Mmmaaattt94

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2012, 06:11:45 PM »
This admin room. Can we have a small room, like a cell where we can tp people to teach. So we dont have to publically use the roof all the time.

Also can we have the old medibay, now the vice testing room. Can it be made into more of a testing room. a small shooting range etc.
Also a storage room for vice would be good too.

What else :P

Fix the incinerator :D
and can we have a deposit box in the cell area for contraband. I hate having to use that armoury room, its annoying. Just a small room to put it in and maybe a bin next to it for when we sort through it all.

Last thing, as i said in the armoury, that room at the moment has that hatch we don't use to give out much but its used for weapon depository. Can we have a slide going down rather than just a box. Guns get caught and citizens could eaily take them, even with the new measures.

Offline garry :D

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 06:15:07 PM »
I'll take your suggestions into account.

I knew I was forgetting something with the incinerator. That'll be getting replaced with a much more server-friendly pit of acid.

Offline @Mmmaaattt94

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2012, 06:17:00 PM »
Aw that would be great. But i love that. its as much torture as it is death.


Make the pit of acid room but have like a cell or booth we can use to lower people in and out for torture or a slower death. Also we can put items in without falling in. So we can have a glass floor then this controllable lift so units dont die, lag in, fall in, lol in etc.

Offline FPSRussia

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2012, 08:21:28 PM »
YAY my idea for offices. Other suggestion is that we should add a lighting system to apartments so players could turn their lights on and off.
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

Offline garry :D

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 10:11:12 PM »
Putting in light switches for each apartment would cause RSO at around 20/40 players, unfortunately.

Offline garry :D

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2012, 12:05:45 AM »
Soz for double post but I've colour coded each item on the changelog to show the status. Yellow is WIP, green is complete.

Offline kmp

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2012, 12:40:48 AM »
Where are the offices for CmDs :(

Offline garry :D

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2012, 12:43:32 AM »
Not to worry my love, for I will construct an adequate number of offices.

Offline FPSRussia

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2012, 03:39:50 AM »
Purples office has glass windows! muhahahahahaha
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

Offline garry :D

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2012, 06:34:14 AM »
8:26 PM - OzJackal: can you come up with some ideas for a new RDT, the current building is defective
8:27 PM - OzJackal: two areaportals sealing the building in aren't working and I had to remove them - before removal: 110fps in plaza, 80 average for other places
8:27 PM - OzJackal: after removal: 30fps in plaza, 25fps in other places

Bottom line: RDT is getting replaced with a manual method - non-negiotable.

Offline @Mmmaaattt94

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2012, 06:45:54 AM »
for the RDT can we still have 2 rooms, one just glass the second with the manual hatch for the rations. Also a button in the control room to open the outer most doors would be good, so we don't have to use a combine lock all the time.

Also the area upstairs. Can we have a change of that, make the left room the amputation room, the right room the interrogation and the center just observation. I hate observing through a window in an amputation room.

Also a new idea. In the train station. Can we have the fence bit into a proper checkpoint/hard point for when we clamp and have some cells in the train station. Like it was in point insertion.

And a final little thing. Can we have some solid, non usable doors at the back to an area with some trains etc, just so there is an IC visible place we get in as there isnt at the moment, its just a wall and a subway :P

Offline garry :D

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2012, 07:48:42 AM »
Debug version:

Extract to GMod maps. Post any issues you see and I'll get to work on fixing them to the best of my ability. I fixed the issue with the RDT by the way:

9:17 PM - OzJackal: yeah that rdt was definetely dodgy as fuck
9:17 PM - OzJackal: removed the whole lower level distribution area and now I get a 50fps boost everywhere
9:22 PM - OzJackal: yep, rdt was definetely the cause
9:22 PM - OzJackal: i'm getting 120fps in d6 rather than the 30fps from before I took it out

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with upstairs seeing as it gets used rarely but at the moment my priority is to create a station where rations are served manually rather than dumping them into a box.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 08:01:41 AM by OzJackal »

Offline garry :D

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2012, 08:40:07 AM »
Looks like the D6 apartments won't be getting overhauled after all. Not enough space in terms of available brushes and entities and I'm not going to risk the progress I've made so far for an aesthetic replacement.

Offline wag1

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Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2012, 01:25:52 PM »
Make the death-star detainment area like in City 11 :c

Anyways, looking pretty good, I just wonder what'll happen when I jump into the dumpster. And uh, dat admin room.


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