I have seen people on their own server's use this map, are they allowed to because if they aren't can't you message them to stop using it?
4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: yeah, thats fixable4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: are anims messed up4:43 PM - Sectus: HOLY FUCK4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: ARE ANIMS4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: FIXED4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: UP4:43 PM - Sectus: IT WORKS4:43 PM - Sectus: O_O4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: for FUCKS SAKES YES4:43 PM - Sectus: THEY'RE FIXED!4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: MY DICK IS HARD LIKE A TREE
4:44 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: whos the best4:44 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: im the best4:44 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: <link> - there's your final version of the map, upload and map data will carry over from what i did last night - faction spawns, doors are done but still needs 3d text
After doing rigorous beta testing and using the process of elimination with a number of testers, I have managed to determine that the models that were being packaged (or pakratted) with the map were causing conflicts and animation issues with several users. As such, the map has been packaged without ANY models and only includes the custom textures (credits and posters).Some of my beta testers include Raged and Orange who had issues prior to the map being released and I wrongly assumed it was a client side issue, so I removed the models from the map editor. This didn't work, so I pakratted the map again and it suddenly worked for them on both singleplayer and the dev server without any issues.Then I had Sectus test the map and he still had animation issues with only the male citizen models. After releasing about 5 different version of the map, he still had issues. This was when I removed the models from the map and gave him the map as an addon format:Quote4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: yeah, thats fixable4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: are anims messed up4:43 PM - Sectus: HOLY FUCK4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: ARE ANIMS4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: FIXED4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: UP4:43 PM - Sectus: IT WORKS4:43 PM - Sectus: O_O4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: for FUCKS SAKES YES4:43 PM - Sectus: THEY'RE FIXED!4:43 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: MY DICK IS HARD LIKE A TREETo Kronic:Quote4:44 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: whos the best4:44 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: im the best4:44 PM - OzJackal - no internet 10 mins: <link> - there's your final version of the map, upload and map data will carry over from what i did last night - faction spawns, doors are done but still needs 3d textHopefully this should clear up any concerns or worries about the map being responsible for animation issues.