Ship One:Ship name: Barco de Arrenez Ship type: Light FrigateShip affiliation: PFTCCaptain: Juan Vasquez (Formerly commanded by Enrico de Madrid) Player controlled crew: 0Number of NPC crew: 20Number of weapons: 3 cannons (each side), 15 rifles, 10 pistols (flintlock), 20 cutlassesShip location: (Location will vary, trade ship)Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): This ship was made in Pascua Florida. It only had one owner. It is commanded by Juan Vasquez. It now trades with many factions all around the Carribean.Ship One:Ship name: Friend of ShermanShip type: Medium GalleonShip affiliation: PFTCCaptain: Sherman AbernathyPlayer controlled crew: 0Number of NPC crew: 20Number of guns: 2 (per side)Ship location: (Trade ship, location varies)Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): The Friend of Sherman is an old ship. It was made before Columbus sailed to the Americas. It was sailed to Florida and abandoned after Pirates attacked. But the British Royal Navy recovered it and brought it back to port. It was then taken command of by Sherman Abernathy who in turn, joined the PFTC.Ship 3:Ship name: The Black WidowShip type: Medium FrigateShip affiliation: PFTCCaptain: James QuincyPlayer controlled crew: 0Number of NPC crew: 30Number of guns: 4 (per side)Ship location: (Trade ship, location varies)Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): The Black Widow was originally named by a Pirate. But when he retired from his work, he sold the ship. James Quincy later purchased it and sailed it everywhere. He later joined the PFTC and now trades as one of them.Ship 4:Ship name: Lord SimonShip type: Man-O-War (Yes... Read the backstory of it and understand.)Ship affiliation: PFTCCaptain: Jackson HakePlayer controlled crew: 0Number of NPC crew: 40Number of guns: 15 (per side[used to be 20 per side])Ship location: (Trade ship, location varies)Ship backstory (Where it was made, brief record of its service): This massive beast was built in Port Royal by the British Navy. Ten years of service passed until the British sold it for having major issues with the masts. But Jackson Hake's crew came along and fixed it up and sailed it. They later joined the PFTC and removed 10 of the guns so that they could hold cargo.