Author Topic: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA  (Read 11116 times)

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Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« on: March 26, 2012, 11:44:02 AM »
Stop them. It's getting annoying when every second post is a complaint on "How shit the CCA is" or "People don't know how to properly rebel RP". I get it, it's crap, but what you all fail to realize is it's the players themselves, so complaining constantly isn't going to solve anything. I get the CCA is shit, but I can't even help fix that when you all refuse to accept change. The Recruits can't RP successfully, what can I do to fix it? Make a probation week, sure, but that already happens. It's called being a Recruit. You have a week to improve, and if you don't, you're gone. Simple? We already use the system. APEX In-active? What do you expect me to do, go to everyones house and tell them to play a game more? I can't fix in-activity, it always will happen. Also, I can't fix the fact that your idea doesn't get put through, or that you can't RP being a soulless Unit at the rank of Recruit.

The fact is, I can't help you if you refuse to accept anyones way other then your own. You're stubborn, face it. Unless you all change your ways and accept that as the High Ranking Units or Administrators change something, we do it for your benefit. I made the Public Execution change so Units could do some fun stuff while Citizens could Fear RP. Yet when say... OzJackel creates a group that installs fear into Citizens and gives you all some fun in talking about being chased by hidden Assassins, you bitch and moan about it because it is a group that you could not have any information about (Nor have the right to have information about) just because you wouldn't accept the fact that there is something you don't know about, which is change, which you all seem to hate. Need me to go further? Excellent.

Another example, when I first came to CG, everyone was surprised when I played a cruel Unit, which I was stuck speechless about. You all didn't accept the fact that someone was different from the normal flow of nice Officers who will let you off with everything. I brought in Operation Discipline, and when I used it to punish a group of Units, you instantly back-chatted me and nearly drove me to leave. Not once had I been shown so much disrespect in OOC by lower ranked Units. In previous communities, you showed respect in both IC and OOC for the position the player achieved, and listen to them for what they said, here, rank doesn't mean jack shit and you all go over the top of what a higher ranked Unit says, going so far as to completely disregard what ever he/she says and do what you please. Look, I understand it's a game but there is some discipline required to play it. You all show a lack of being able to take a punishment, even when supplied with good reasons. Just the other day, a Unit was OWR'd for improper Ration Distribution Protocol, which results in a black-mark, and he had one already. So, the Higher Unit removed him, only to receive constant flaming responses on how unfair it was. That was a completely legitimate reason, yet he didn't accept that. His attitude seems to reflect upon all of you people with Units, showing complete disregard for any reasoning when we (The HC Units) show you and just bitching about being punished. You did it, face the consequences.

Yes, I have more examples. Would you like to read them? Of course you do.

The big controversy on VOID. We all know of VOID, yet we don't know what it actually did. By we, I mean you. It was an Internal Affairs Division, much similar (yet worse) to our current UED detachment. Now, the point I'm making is that when a Division was made purely to correct your faults and punish you when you broke the rules, you all reacted badly to this for some reason, which to me, seemed like it was a division thats soul purpose was to remove the durps from the CCA, but at the time, that would mean removing the entire CCA (Not much as changed since then) so you instantly hated it because you would be told that you had problems. You all denied the fact that we need an IA division, because you couldn't accept the change (I seem to refer to change a lot, maybe it's important?).

This is only short (I will have more, trust me) because it's 2am in the morning and I can write more at school anyways.

Read the text above.

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2012, 11:51:23 AM »
Always been the same. Totally true. People don't seem to understand that HL2RP should be biased towards the CCA and that, thus, the CCA must be rigid.

Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 11:56:36 AM »
I think the reason why people dislike void was because of HOW you got in(It seemed mostly controlled by favoritism to most people)

The only reason why I bitched about the "Hidden" division was some of the roleplay I got from it which mostly seemed power gaming(No offence bluff but you didn't really give me any chance to resist) and I ALWAYS hated the fact that some OTA could be invisible when there are none in Hl2 and not to mention no one could properly explain to me how it worked only that it did and the Union could clearly make it because "the Union is thousands of years ahead of Humanity they could most likely do it" when really the proof given in hl2 only suggest maybe a few hundred years not thousands, that's MY main problems with the CCA and its roleplay is it is mostly bent to the CCA and not the citizens(At lest in my time) and people pull shit out of their asses and make it in to law, which is my main problem.
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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 12:01:12 PM »
I remember the time when everyone got along and accepted change. The only cca complaints were legit like, get a less useless SeC (toy) which ended up making the cca 100x better.

As for punishments, this may seem like just a game to you but to the rest of us, its a lifestyle. We take things very seriously here, hence the name serious rp.

So, my thoughts on this, if you dont like it, gtfo. 

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 01:22:50 PM »
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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2012, 02:30:03 PM »
too long didn't fuckin read but holy shit the cca is bad man

If you didnt read, why reply? Infraction given - Caek
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 05:12:56 PM by Teh Caek »
game over

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2012, 03:51:22 PM »
too long didn't fuckin read but holy shit the cca is bad man

Why did you even post if you didn't read what he said? Coming here to say "the cca is bad man" is completely pointless unless you have valid reasoning to back up your statement, not to mention the fact that what you've said is basically off topic from this post anyway.

Anyway, I'm glad someone finally posted something like this. I'm not going to say, "I was planning on posting this myself", because I wasn't. KmP has basically stated what's been right in front of our faces the entire time. Every problem or complaint stems from ourselves and our stubbornness. Every time something is put into the game that someone can't be a part of, or know much about, they complain about it like you wouldn't believe and do everything in their power to have it removed, simply because they can't be included in it. Everyone is so selfish, they want to ruin good things for everyone just because they can't be included.

Also, I understand that the CCA has its problems, but in all honesty, I'm yet to see THAT many units that literally can't RP. I think pretty much everyone that's claiming the CCA is shit that doesn't know a damn thing about it doesn't understand the difference of something not being RP'd correctly according to IC protocol, and something being horrible RP. Let me give an example of what I'm saying. Someone who has a citizen that plays as a rebel gets caught for some reason in the Plaza by a group of units. Let's say that citizen was running. The units search them and tie them and maybe even check their records and see that citizen is wanted for (whatever). They bring the citizen in the Nexus, interrogate them, and then amputate them. Okay, let's stop right there. The citizen that got amp'd is going to come on the forums and post a rant called, "Regarding the Shit Quality of Unit RP" and complain about how they got amputated and why they shouldn't have been because they units were metagaming or some shit.  They will then proceed to give their opinions on how the CCA is shit in general because the unit RP was bad, when in actuality, the amputation RP was done perfectly fine. Take the same scenario, but assume the citizen is just a regular citizen and not a rebel or anything. Let's say they also get amputated. The amputation RP would still be done just fine, but would be inappropriate given the circumstances. That doesn't mean the RP of the units was shit, because the units involved wouldn't do a /me of "/me kills citizen", they'd do something more detailed and make sure the citizen understood and responded correctly. It just means the units used the wrong protocol to deal with a situation. So you get amputated for running? Don't run next time. This isn't a happy, citizen loving regime, its the fucking Combine and we don't take shit. Break the rules and you pay for it. In HL2, a citizen would have been killed publicly, very brutally, for everyone to see if they had run around in front of a unit. Why do we not do that shit here? Because people want to come on the forums and bitch about the quality of unit RP when we do. Also, it is a little harsh to kill a citizen for running and a beating would be more suitable. 

What I'm getting at with this is that I'm yet to see an amputation done with poor RP. I'm yet to see a citizen beaten with poor RP. I'm yet to see a citizen cut in half in the fucking treatment room with poor RP, and I've been in the CCA since December of '11 and I've got an 01 unit, and I'm on daily to every other day. What I have seen are citizens that are amputated when they probably shouldn't have been, beaten unconscious when they probably shouldn't have been, and let go free and clear when they probably shouldn't have been. The RP for these things are done fine. The /me's of just about every single unit is detailed and fine in many situations. The problem lies in the /me's themselves. People are mistaking the misuse of IC protocol for bad RP. People shouldn't be amputated for a mobility violation, but that doesn't mean the /me's the unit did to amputate the citizen were shit. Sometimes, units do shit a little overboard, but that's about it really. Its not like there's a bunch of units running around doing /me's of, "/me kills citizen" or "/me beatz civvie" or talking like 40% of the citizens I've seen saying shit like, "be quite i beat u wit stunstik". People are having shit not go their way and they're complaining saying that the CCA is shit and that unit RP is shit. Unit RP seems to be overall fine to me. I'm yet to see a /me from a unit that I'd call "Shit".

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we don't have any problems in the CCA, because we do. People who have never had a unit, have no idea what its like in the CCA itself, or know any kind of RP, or life outside of being a citizen or CWU worker, need to seriously stop complaining about how shitty the CCA is. If you have a complaint on a unit, then post proof of it and tell an admin. Don't come here and post about how bad you think the CCA is because no one cares anymore. Its old news and your opinion on it no longer matters. More people need to be complaining about the number of CITIZENS that love to minge run when they're about to be detained because they don't want to lose their bad ass rebel character or their guns.   

All in all, well said KmP... Well said. +RESPECT

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2012, 07:54:47 PM »
I think the reason why people dislike void was because of HOW you got in(It seemed mostly controlled by favoritism to most people)

The only reason why I bitched about the "Hidden" division was some of the roleplay I got from it which mostly seemed power gaming(No offence bluff but you didn't really give me any chance to resist) and I ALWAYS hated the fact that some OTA could be invisible when there are none in Hl2 and not to mention no one could properly explain to me how it worked only that it did and the Union could clearly make it because "the Union is thousands of years ahead of Humanity they could most likely do it" when really the proof given in hl2 only suggest maybe a few hundred years not thousands, that's MY main problems with the CCA and its roleplay is it is mostly bent to the CCA and not the citizens(At lest in my time) and people pull shit out of their asses and make it in to law, which is my main problem.

I got into VOID because of the previous experience I had and was to be in-charge of what VOID replaced, so I moved there. Also, me and Brandon chose the Units, Veran accepted them, so it works like any other Division in Recruitment.

Bluff ended up killing the entire group for us by his actions, ILLUSION was meant to be a Reconnaissance group for the OLs, with possible needs to assassinate key figures if required. He didn't do that. And also, HL2 is based in City Seventenn, we are in City Forty Five. The CCA won't be an exact replica, so I'd enjoy it if people such as yourself stopped using the "But in HL2..." excuse. It's different, deal with it, we can't have a CCA based on the HL2 one entirely because HL2 was made to have a very basic canon line, and the Cps were just there for the player to shoot at early in the game. Don't compare them, as they may wear the same suit, but they are very different.

I remember the time when everyone got along and accepted change. The only cca complaints were legit like, get a less useless SeC (toy) which ended up making the cca 100x better.

As for punishments, this may seem like just a game to you but to the rest of us, its a lifestyle. We take things very seriously here, hence the name serious rp.

So, my thoughts on this, if you dont like it, gtfo. 

Then make a legit complaint about the "useless" SeC as you have dubbed him.

I stay up till four in the morning to play this game, my friend, this is a lifestyle to me.


And for Airbornes post, I don't think I need to comment. Here reinforces my statements.

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2012, 08:22:28 PM »
I'm pretty positive you misunderstood Statua. He was, from what I can tell, targeting his response towards the people who are complaining constantly. He was saying that in the past the only issue we had was a useless SeC. He's saying that now people aren't accepting change, just like what you said. He was also saying that it's the complaining people who don't understand that the punishment is part of it, and that the reason it's taken so seriously is because it isn't just a game. And he wasn't telling the last part to you, once again, it was towards the complainers. Not to be rude, but maybe you should read more carefully. If you had, you would've been able to understand that his post was actually supporting what you said.
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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2012, 08:29:09 PM »
I'm pretty positive you misunderstood Statua. He was, from what I can tell, targeting his response towards the people who are complaining constantly. He was saying that in the past the only issue we had was a useless SeC. He's saying that now people aren't accepting change, just like what you said. He was also saying that it's the complaining people who don't understand that the punishment is part of it, and that the reason it's taken so seriously is because it isn't just a game. And he wasn't telling the last part to you, once again, it was towards the complainers. Not to be rude, but maybe you should read more carefully. If you had, you would've been able to understand that his post was actually supporting what you said.

Misunderstandings, how I hate them. My apologies.

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2012, 08:49:50 PM »
I am going to give my opinion. The CCA is not easy to run.. Being SeC is not any easy job. We cant magically make the CCA a fucking miracle work in one week.. This takes a long time in order to get the processes running smoothly. SURE we have units that are idiots sometimes.. But hell most of them improve, if not they get their head blown off. We have our problems and so do other community's. We strive everyday to make the CCA and city itself less mingy and better quality of RP to be used. Many units are also the type to just want promotions left and right, which I have learned that it is not really needed.. Live with what you have. The CCA teaches many players how to have good leadership skills in real life if you want interpret them from the game and into the real world. I have became more responsible with what I do in the real world from this RP than have ever been at. GRID and NOVA used to be weak and have no strength, now we have made our areas MUCH stronger and bettered the RP with individual events for each division. I am GRID DvL and I have the most funnest times with my units.. I cant just call them units because they are like a family to me.. They always offer to help and they know how to do their jobs with success. I am always proud of them and I see them improving daily. We have many units that are coming to how I feel about their coheirs. I did event today of renovation of the UCH with my team. We had the Citizens, the CWU and half of the CCA involved. WE as a team and as a group completed a complete ICly renovation to the UCH together. APEX kept sociostability outside, NOVA healed the unit that got cut, GRID did the repairs, CWU did repairs and HELL we had citizens who wanted to help! The citizens came inside and picked up paint brushes and just started to RP! I don't know about you.. BUT by George WE THE PEOPLE OF THE CCA ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE! If we keep up the efforts of RP that involve everyone at times, then we will be gold and we will make the CCA and citizen RP the best around. I want this to shine a light to you all.. The CCA is not about ranking up, It about having run and enjoying the RP. I am not saying love everyone.. BUT I am saying that we are a team and teams work and fight together.

Thank you.
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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2012, 09:08:19 PM »
I am going to give my opinion. The CCA is not easy to run.. Being SeC is not any easy job. We cant magically make the CCA a fucking miracle work in one week.. This takes a long time in order to get the processes running smoothly. SURE we have units that are idiots sometimes.. But hell most of them improve, if not they get their head blown off. We have our problems and so do other community's. We strive everyday to make the CCA and city itself less mingy and better quality of RP to be used. Many units are also the type to just want promotions left and right, which I have learned that it is not really needed.. Live with what you have. The CCA teaches many players how to have good leadership skills in real life if you want interpret them from the game and into the real world. I have became more responsible with what I do in the real world from this RP than have ever been at. GRID and NOVA used to be weak and have no strength, now we have made our areas MUCH stronger and bettered the RP with individual events for each division. I am GRID DvL and I have the most funnest times with my units.. I cant just call them units because they are like a family to me.. They always offer to help and they know how to do their jobs with success. I am always proud of them and I see them improving daily. We have many units that are coming to how I feel about their coheirs. I did event today of renovation of the UCH with my team. We had the Citizens, the CWU and half of the CCA involved. WE as a team and as a group completed a complete ICly renovation to the UCH together. APEX kept sociostability outside, NOVA healed the unit that got cut, GRID did the repairs, CWU did repairs and HELL we had citizens who wanted to help! The citizens came inside and picked up paint brushes and just started to RP! I don't know about you.. BUT by George WE THE PEOPLE OF THE CCA ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE! If we keep up the efforts of RP that involve everyone at times, then we will be gold and we will make the CCA and citizen RP the best around. I want this to shine a light to you all.. The CCA is not about ranking up, It about having run and enjoying the RP. I am not saying love everyone.. BUT I am saying that we are a team and teams work and fight together.

Thank you.
That sounds like a RP experience for the books. I never seem to be on when awesome things happen.

I also agree with you. Though I have no personal experience, running the CCA is hard, that should be obvious to most people. Running damn near anything can be hard and the CCA seems like an organization that requires plenty of work to keep going. So people who whine obviously don't sympathize with or respect the people who are running the CCA because there is no doubt in my mind that the job can get stressful and Purple's post only reinforces my thoughts.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 09:13:40 PM by Semiorph »
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CCA.C45.APEX-02.929: Maintaing sociostabilty

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2012, 10:25:23 PM »
I am going to give my opinion. The CCA is not easy to run.. Being SeC is not any easy job. We cant magically make the CCA a fucking miracle work in one week.. This takes a long time in order to get the processes running smoothly. SURE we have units that are idiots sometimes.. But hell most of them improve, if not they get their head blown off. We have our problems and so do other community's. We strive everyday to make the CCA and city itself less mingy and better quality of RP to be used. Many units are also the type to just want promotions left and right, which I have learned that it is not really needed.. Live with what you have. The CCA teaches many players how to have good leadership skills in real life if you want interpret them from the game and into the real world. I have became more responsible with what I do in the real world from this RP than have ever been at. GRID and NOVA used to be weak and have no strength, now we have made our areas MUCH stronger and bettered the RP with individual events for each division. I am GRID DvL and I have the most funnest times with my units.. I cant just call them units because they are like a family to me.. They always offer to help and they know how to do their jobs with success. I am always proud of them and I see them improving daily. We have many units that are coming to how I feel about their coheirs. I did event today of renovation of the UCH with my team. We had the Citizens, the CWU and half of the CCA involved. WE as a team and as a group completed a complete ICly renovation to the UCH together. APEX kept sociostability outside, NOVA healed the unit that got cut, GRID did the repairs, CWU did repairs and HELL we had citizens who wanted to help! The citizens came inside and picked up paint brushes and just started to RP! I don't know about you.. BUT by George WE THE PEOPLE OF THE CCA ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE! If we keep up the efforts of RP that involve everyone at times, then we will be gold and we will make the CCA and citizen RP the best around. I want this to shine a light to you all.. The CCA is not about ranking up, It about having run and enjoying the RP. I am not saying love everyone.. BUT I am saying that we are a team and teams work and fight together.

Thank you.
That sounds like a RP experience for the books. I never seem to be on when awesome things happen.

I also agree with you. Though I have no personal experience, running the CCA is hard, that should be obvious to most people. Running damn near anything can be hard and the CCA seems like an organization that requires plenty of work to keep going. So people who whine obviously don't sympathize with or respect the people who are running the CCA because there is no doubt in my mind that the job can get stressful and Purple's post only reinforces my thoughts.

Correcto. I am the server every single day of my life... It takes ALLOT of dedication to make what you want how you want it. If you want to make the CA better you must offer to help.
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2012, 11:25:46 PM »
Misunderstandings, how I hate them. My apologies.
Precisely. I was in full support with you.

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Re: Regarding the constant Complaints/bitching on HL2RP/The CCA
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2012, 12:04:48 AM »
Misunderstandings, how I hate them. My apologies.
Precisely. I was in full support with you.

And I'm glad you are, my friend.


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