Wow, I am amazed and delighted with all the feed-back from the community here at CG.
Thanks for all the people wishing to help, but I have a bit of bad news.
I am afraid to announce, doing the 7 hour war, would be nearly impossible, there is a lot of models needed for the aliens in the 7 hour war, that just arent made. Even if we had someone make and animate the models, it would take a long time, then there would be filming, and all the editing and it could take, a very long time.
I know, films arent made in days, but I do not see the value in making a movie over a 5 year period.
All is not lost though! I have been thinking hard for the past few days about this conflict, and I have come to a conclusion.
I have talked to quite a few people willing to help with the 7 hour war, and they all agree this is a good idea. Here it is.
Instea dof a 7 hour war, what about a Post 7 hour war following a man (Name not completely decided upon) he wakes up after the hell that was the 7 hour war took place, he is in the middle of no where (Thinking of using the Outlands map, with permits from Rofl of course) he doesnt remember anything, and throught the course of the film, he slowly gets moments of his memories back, seen in flashbacks. I know this has been done a lot, but with the right ideas and scripts, we could pull it off well. He realizes his life before the 7 hour war was a waste, he had thoughts of suicide, and nearly killed himself once. He never had much to live for, and now he has less. He gets captured by the Combine, and is taken to a city (Maybe C45, with permits, or another city.) That is about all I have so far, and it is all bendable and flexible so feel free to post your comments.
As for using the sandbox, this COULD work very well, if we get some good set builders, and as long as we don't get minge attacks.
If you are still interested, buddy and message me in steam, scoobybloo2.