Author Topic: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)  (Read 10603 times)

Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #15 on: February 29, 2012, 06:57:11 PM »
Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands? Its just a much more populated more than anything, but Outlands is even better because the players (for the most part) control what happens in the Outlands.

What do you do for fun on outlands? RP with other members of the Stronghold or go scavenging.

Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy) Nope. Works like a charm.

What would you like to see more of on outlands? Simply more stuff. I find that some more buildings, ruins, and just places that push you to want to explore and adventure are what makes the experience unique and fun.

What do you want to do on outlands? Explore, and become an important figure in the Outlands among others.

What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it? The freedom of the Outlands. It sure as hell beats walking around in circles in the Plaza and being bossed around by the CCA.

What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands? More active in other areas besides the bunker by patrols, caravans if that would make sense, and perhaps just being all around a bit more open to the other players. They come to you folks for a lot.

Extra comments. It just comes down to being original in my opinion. People like the city more from what i guess because its familiar, busy, and has a very strong "structure". A bit of bustle and little pockets to explore on the Outlands among the other suggestions are what I think will keep the Outlands server busy.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 10:19:08 PM by Mr. Pettit »

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #16 on: February 29, 2012, 07:21:03 PM »
Ive reinstalled and did the singleplayer thing, something is derping up the server.
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Offline Night Haunter

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2012, 06:43:39 PM »
i]Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands?[/i] It interests me more, and the CCA are a huge part for me, they give me quarter chubs as they patrol around the city.

What do you do for fun on outlands? Sell various things, make friends icly.

Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy)  No, of course not.

What would you like to see more of on outlands? I'm not sure, perhaps more Overwatch raids and or recon missions to dislodge resistance.

What do you want to do on outlands? I havent found what I wanted to do yet, perhaps just start a small business (probably a bar)which is constantly visited by resistance and various other travelers to get their drink game on.

What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it? The very few times I've been there the population wasnt as mature (this is just my opinion, don't take offense please) as the City population.

What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands? Make them more people friendly and supportive, perhaps make propaganda from papers that they post all the time.

Extra comments. Nothing much, for the most part I honestly hope that the Outlands server gets back up on its legs.

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2012, 02:41:10 PM »
Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands? It is much easier to interact with players on the city server, I also have more developed characters on there.

What do you do for fun on outlands? Walk around, which is why I don't play it.

Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy) Nope.

What would you like to see more of on outlands? Friendly factions, invitations, group events.

What do you want to do on outlands? Play with other players who acknowledge you and know how to roleplay properly.

What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it? Hard to socialize with other players, the roleplay itself seems very independent and passive if you're not getting mugged.

What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands? Make them stop being assholes to everybody, they become hostile as soon as you step 50 yards from them.

Extra Comments? None.

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2012, 05:20:10 PM »

What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands? Make them stop being assholes to everybody, they become hostile as soon as you step 50 yards from them.

What group does this? I know in the facility the lobby is open to the public unless a special event is going on. However if a group is on a classified or private operation, then yes I can see why they would tell you to FO when you get close.

Offline Grom

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2012, 10:04:52 PM »
I've only been playing on the Outlands server a few days, but I thought I'd share my thoughts and opinions anyway.

Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands? Personally, I prefer the outlands server as I'm bored of city roleplay which can become tedious and dull. Outlands roleplay can suffer from the same things, but I'll get to that.

What do you do for fun on outlands? Having only been on for a few days, and with a very small playerbase on the days I've been on, I've tended to talk to characters played by people I know and explore.

Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy) No, the map runs quite well. However, it is very big, which can be a hassle with a small playerbase - the odds of finding someone are very low unless they're already at the Alliance bunker or some other recognisable area.

What would you like to see more of on outlands? Events and things to do. The events don't have to be big, complex or even action-packed; you really don't need to be spawning NPCs, guns, weapons or anything like that. Maybe a group of citizens approach one of the Alliance members and ask what they can do to help. The Alliance member contacts an admin and asks if he can set up a small event - say the citizens have to search through a wrecked caryard, siphon off fuel and bring it back for a small reward.

More complicated events could be, as mentioned before, Overwatch sweeps of the area, or maybe a xen incursion that a group of players need to eliminate. Maybe a dropship crashes and the Resistance grab a bunch of refugees and head down to strip it clean. Perhaps there's a headcrab bombardment targetted at the town and it needs to be cleared out; citizens could be armed with clubs, axes, crowbars, pistols and the like, which could be given to them after the event or reclaimed.

Outlands RP can be quite dull if nothing's happening, and the onus is either on the admins or the players. Resistance players have many of the tools you need to make roleplay for others - what's to stop them grabbing a few lonely-looking refugees and going for a hike to scout out a few campsites? The refugees get to meet some new people, the Resistance characters get to go for a hike and entertain themselves and it's a win-win for everyone.

What do you want to do on outlands? Something interesting. Passive is all well and good, but not when that's all you do. The Outlands gives admins enormous scope for what events they can run, from Overwatch incursions to nests of antlions. All they need to do is act on that creative scope.

What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it? I think a big part of nobody joining the server is the small number of players usually on. I'll hop on if there's only two or three players, but usually people don't join unless the playercount is up to nine or ten. People need to take the initiative and jump on, even if they just stand around idly in the bunker.

What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands? Resistance groups in the Outlands really create roleplay for many of the individual players and citizens who aren't part of a faction. They have the resources and manpower to create small events that could easily involve citizens, like organising a scouting party or handing out basic food supplies. Maybe the Alliance broadcasts over the public network advising citizens they'll be handing out some food - the equivalent of rations in the city.

Extra comments. For roleplay to be kept interesting, things need to happen. Events don't need to be big or have far-reaching consequences, but they need to be frequent and interesting and targetted at new players - long-term players are usually able to come up with roleplay themselves, but new players like to feel welcome. Nothing welcomes them better than a small event or two.

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2012, 06:50:40 PM »
Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands? City.

What do you do for fun on outlands? Roleplay with the Alliance.

Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy) Somewhat, but that might be me.

What would you like to see more of on outlands? Scientists.

What do you want to do on outlands? Mostly find a scientist team so I can roleplay with my scientist.

What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it? I do not want to play it because It's mostly minges and just boring for all of my characters.

What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands? This won't possibly happen, but I have been wanting to join Civiwatch's Scientist group.

Extra comments. Nothing.

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2012, 08:45:06 PM »
Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands? I prefer the City, because it gives an opportunity for me to develop both a Loyalist character, and give him a cold, hardass brother, who is an Anti-citizen, and I do not have as quite the opportunity to do that on Outlands.

What do you do for fun on outlands? Not much, I really don't see much in depth RP, most of it is just *Citizen XXX walks around, playing with the safety of his AR2* or *Lolwebul XXX walks around, playing with dead fish in the water*

Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy) Yes, very. I don't have the space to support EP2, so I see error signs all over, which messes up my walking around and makes people think my character is insane, walking into trees and doors and stuff.

What would you like to see more of on outlands? OTA, we almost never see them on the server unless there is a big event.

What do you want to do on outlands? Mainly, I just want to be able to have some decent RP, but I think Outlands considered easy to noob/minge players, do to the lack of SeriousRPers. There are still a lot of good roleplayers, just not as many as the City server does.

What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it?The map. The map and the lack of huge in-depth roleplay there.

What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands? Honestly, discipline them OOCly to act like a rebel would, feeling compassion, hatred to the Combine (but not so much they become lolwebuls) and a need for survival.

Extra comments. Perhaps you could manually extract EP2 content in the next update for those of us that do not have EP2?
Mikhel Kharlamov | Alive | CWU Tier 3 |

Marcel Huber | Alive] | Living in City 45 |

Ian Kharlamov | Alive | Hiding from the CCA, after becoming AC#4 |

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2012, 05:11:36 PM »


Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands?

Roleplay is more focused. I feel people there are given a better idea of what to do.  Their threat (The CCA) is also very clear, apparent and near. On Outlands, however, Overwatch is rarely around and there really isn't any threat. With no threat to combat, and given how you're already free, there isn't much left to do. HL2RP is based on surviving around threat.

What do you do for fun on outlands?
I don't play for the reasons above, but I would enjoy establishing and holding safe houses/routes and supply lines for escaping citizens and help them towards the bunker. It would be nice if there were dangerous routes (I.E Overwatch)

Is Ineu_Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy)
Nope, but I have a beastly gaming PC
What would you like to see more of on outlands?
OVERWATCH OVERWATCH OVERWATCH and raids and patrols and other such things. I would like to see someone appointed to properly run Overwatch there, tactically, and keep the rebels and refugees on their toes.
What do you want to do on outlands?
Basically answered this above. I already try to do it, but it's fruitless.
What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it?
Lack of threat and lack of objective.
What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands?
Give us a threat. Give the refugees a REASON to be sprinting towards the bunker for their lives. The Outlands SHOULD be nerve-wracking.
Extra comments.

Apologies for my off-kilter answering, I sorta answered the questions before reading the next ones below.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 07:53:38 PM by DeathByKittens »

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2012, 03:37:28 PM »
Why would you rather play on the city then the outlands? The city is more populated and offers more RP opportunities in my opinion.

What do you do for fun on outlands? I mostly RP, but other than that the Outlands gets very stale, very quickly.

Is Ineu-Pass too hardware reliant for your current system? (too laggy) My computer runs it perfectly with 8GB. of ram, and a 1GB. graphics card.

What would you like to see more of on outlands? More involvement with the combine.

What do you want to do on outlands? I want a serious Rebel RP that could possibly reach City-45.

What is about outlands that makes you not want to join or play it? The lack of people.

What can I do to Civiwatch/Alliance Network to help you enjoy the outlands? Have more involvement, or just a bigger presence.

Extra comments. I love the Outlands, but it desperately needs more content.

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Re: Increase Outlands Popularity (questionnaire)
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2012, 12:30:57 AM »
Locking this thread . I think I know some of the reasons why people dont stay on it.


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