Author Topic: The Journal of Staff Sergeant Callahan  (Read 1861 times)

Offline Cowgirl*^_^*

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The Journal of Staff Sergeant Callahan
« on: February 26, 2012, 07:45:53 AM »
Letter wrapped tightly to a journal hidden under a couple papers in the bunker:

Dear son I've been trying to find the words to write you this letter for the last nineteen years, today will be my last chance. This afternoon I was be engaged in the largest battle in human memory against impossible odds against a alien force whose soul purpose is to enslave humanity in order to give enough time for civilians to flea. As you know if you watched the news any about me killing politicians and making some rather hard choices and all the pain I caused know that most of it is true.
I should regret it all wasting my life I should be scared of dying but I'm not I cant anymore the only feel I have left is regret, regret that I never got to know you or be there for your mom and you. You two were all that mattered, sorry for not realizing till it was to late, I know you and mom may never forgive me for the separation and being away from home most of your life. I just want to know though you were never far from my heart.
This is a journal I started before the war there is some rather graphic photo's in here and peoples memories I was originally suppose to write in this to deal with my depression by my shrink. This journal isn't so much for you though son as a sign to show that we didn't give up. Despite all the odds, despite being a rouge military forces Dr.Bren with our crooked politicians selling our freedom for place of luxury, that we held our ground men coming together defending out loved ones and not going quietly into the night.
I know your a adult now and you'll be watching over your mother and despite all your mistakes you were never a disappointment to me. When I look at you I see a great man the only reason Ive ever got mad at you was that I felt you were wasting yourself when in reality it was really me who was wasting himself. It was the most profound sense of joy watching you grow up to the man you are today I take great pleasure in knowing that you will be safe and have a chance to end all of this but I know the road ahead will be hard. I know you will be able to watch over your mother and lead those to do the right thing and you will have to make decisions as I did.
I know nothing nor the ending of this tragic war if it ever comes can compensate you or the thousand of other American families who have suffered great loss during these tragic times. I would like to share with you though which has sustained me through nights of peril, loss and heart ache and I quote.
I pray that our heavenly father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement and leave you only the cherished memories of the loved and lost and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.
Remember these words and they will help you keep your feet moving and your head up and remember to always stay true tell your mother I love her very much and to share this account of history and not let out sacrifices be forgotten.

Your Father
Marcus Callahan
(still working on it)

Fucka you haters XD

Offline Cowgirl*^_^*

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Re: The Journal of Staff Sergeant Callahan
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2012, 03:33:21 PM »

Just getting back from another nasty tour in Afghanistan and being a best man in my life long friends wedding and nearing retirement the future seemed positive and happy.
(Cont later fucking tired)

Fucka you haters XD


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