Things seemed to be fine before the new update was put in place and I hardly ever got Reliable Snapshot Overflow errors (RSO). Now, after the update, I seem to get them more frequently and if it disconnects me, it resets all my information including my characters physical description, their CID, and their points. Not only that, but I've even had it happen after I just disconnected regularly and tried to reconnect. I've had to have my points re added about 4 times now.
I don't want to get banned for admins not believing me and thinking I'm just trying to find a way to get points, because I'm not. I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but its happening to me. My in game characters name is Josh Arnold. I know VOID 152 has helped me with it once before, and so did UU.C45.SeC.58466 on about 3 occasions.
It seems to be more laggy and I get connection issues far more often sometimes and I just can't play on this server if my info and points are going to be reset every time I log out or get RSO'd or D/C'd in any way.