Author Topic: Outlands survival guide  (Read 2993 times)

Offline Pielolz

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Outlands survival guide
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:33:20 PM »

I: Getting your bearings
II: Finding food
III: Finding shelter
IV: Finding a weapon
V: Finding humanity
VI: Areas to avoid
VII: The Combine

I: You've managed to escape the city, good. But your not safe. Yet. Find high ground. Once you do, look around. Try to spot some edible plants, people, or shelter. Be careful, this area is full of cliffs, rivers, valleys and hidden dangers.

II: In this area there is a host of edible plant life, and animals. If you want an animal, take a sturdy stick, break it to give it a sharp point, and corner a rabbit in a rabbit hole. Block off the hole and try to dig it out to kill it. If you don't have a fire, then you'll have to eat it raw. Water, well all the streams and rivers are safe to drink.

III: If your desperate, try a cave. But it is un-recommended. There are prefabricated, abandoned Resistance camps scattered about. You won't have to look too hard.

IV: Weapons aren't somthing you NEED. But it is recommended. Thugs, rapists and Combine scour these areas looking for some undefended sap to loot and kill. If you chance upon a weapon, grab it. Perhaps you can trade it off for one with ammo.

V: Humanity, follow the river. Keep going, you'll eventually have to hike it, but keep following it. You'll find the resistance base sooner or later. Once you do, do NOT be hostile in anyway.

VI: AVOID CAVES. For the love of god, if you value your life, avoid underground places and caves. You'll either run into a zombie, rapist or murderer.

VII: Once you hear a chopper, hit the dirt. If you have to bury your self in sand or mud to hide yourself, DO IT! They won't arrest you, they'll kill you. If they spot you, let's hope your a good runner, because you'll have to run, fast.


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