Author Topic: Fear RP Towards the CCA  (Read 3544 times)

Offline Rictalspace

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Fear RP Towards the CCA
« on: October 11, 2011, 03:01:47 AM »
Now I know that Don Captain made one of these earlier, but there were tons of disagreements about it throughout the thread. This is what I believe people should be doing, from looking at those disagreement posts.

The confrontations are split into two categories:
  • Distant - Across the street or on the other side of the road.
  • Close - Within talking distance.

Distant Confrontation:
RCT-02: These look like your run of the mill CCA, however you always notice the stunstick in their hand. Since Recruits are new to the force, they would be eager to hold it out in front of you to attempt to scare you. This means that you should have a fear of a beating if you were to do anything wrong. From far away, they don't look like much of a threat, but knowing that if you do something wrong, making them run at you, should inject fear into your actions. So be cautious of your actions, but know that no immediate threat may occur due to the distance. This of course changes if the higher ranks have any ranged firearms. They should be using their stunsticks first, but any line of sight whilst your running could mean a bullet to the legs, so this should cause you to fear if you notice a firearm on their backs or in their hands. It should deliver more fear than a stunstick would, due to the pain and possible death led from it.

01: Now to many new players, these are the CCA in skirts, meaning that less Fear RP is usually caused. However, to enforce this, they have large shotguns. Now you may or may not know that shotguns at long range are not as big of a deal as a side-arm, but the authority they may have in a division means that they can get several other units to chase you. Although this is not always the case, more units would listen to an 01 than a RCT. So say an RCT were chasing you, units in a line of sight would probably join the chase, but if an 01 were to chase you. He would probably be able to get a radio call in, causing units to follow to the location you were last at, meaning less chance of escape. This means that the fear you see from them should be higher than for RCT-02. The difference in their armor also states that there is a different look about them, they look higher than the other generic looking units in the uniform they recieve from RCT-02. Meaning that you may or may not understand their capabilities, so be weary of their actions and be cautious when in a direct line of sight to them.

EpU-OfC: These units are the next step up in the CCA. OfC is part of High Command, meaning that fear towards him should be higher. They command the divisions, meaning that they have a wide range of communication abilities. From a far, they can order units to do much more than 01's. Fear towards them should from this distance would be more of a keep your distance from them. You don't want to get on their bad side, meaning you don't want to give them any reasons for beating you. Staying further away from these units whilst they are not noticing you is your best option. You are afraid that if your too close, they will find something your doing wrong and cause you trouble. Not to mention their ability to order their entire division to detain you, beat you or even amputate you. Their authority is what scares you that keeps you away. They range from their weapon choices, but either way, staying away is the most ideal option for your character.

DvL: These are the top dogs for the divisions. They can command an entire division, which is quite a lot of units. They are also the most stern towards citizens, meaning that they don't enjoy talking to you or perhaps not even seeing you. Distant confrontations are the best when it comes to DvLs. Usually they are patrolling in a group, or can make other units patrol in a group. Steering clear of even their view is what your character should be doing when it comes to noticing them. Not only their weapons but their strength can be devastating. It's like looking at a 7 foot bulky man whilst you are only a 5 foot weak man. They can order your amputation if they wish so, crossing paths is not advised. The authority they hold for their division is what implements the fear into you.

SeC/CmD: The SeC and the CmD are the top CCA in the entire sector of the city. Even looking at their cold looking masks injects fear directly to your heart. They are known for their nearly humanless bodies, as many have robotic augmentations. They aren't even looked at as human anymore. They are beyond what you can imagine a CCA of being. They usually patrol in groups of heavily armed CCA, meaning looking at them could get you killed. They have the say in anything they wish when it comes to punishment, if they wish that you should be killed for staring, then they will order it. Fearing these is an understatement. Any character, brave or not, should be scared of these units. Any humanity left in them has been washed away at this stage, they show no mercy, and will not help in any way. If you see one walking towards your location, head inside or walk the opposite direction. You don't want to be near these units.

Close Confrontation:
RCT-02: These are the more sociable class of CCA, asking them questions won't get you a beating. But it may get you a "Move along!". However, that does not mean that you can ask questions to your hearts content. Your still worried that something may happen whilst in conversation with them. Stutter a little bit, or be thoughtful when speaking to make it seem as though your trying to say the right things so that a beating is not on its way. Don't ignore them completely, but when it comes to speech with them, don't be scared to ask a question or two. When it comes to punishments, you know that it will be painful, but you can still be assured that it will be less painful than sterner, higher ranking units. Obviously when it comes to any punishment, you don't want it to happen. But at least you know that the pain will be lesser than higher ranking units.

01: Although these units may seem like less authorative due to their dress-looking attire, they aren't afraid to inflict punishment on you. Their large shotguns mean that confrontation at close range with these units can be deadly at best. Although not all 01's use their shotguns, you know that they won't take anti-citizens lightly. Regardless of your punishment, you know that these units will deliver such a punishment as to not make you do it again. Again with these units, you can be slightly afraid of saying the wrong thing when in conversation, but don't make it so that you can't speak to them at all. Speech with them won't get you a beating, but you'll sure as hell want to make sure that you say the right thing. When it comes to them speaking to you, you will really want to think about the right words, so stutter a bit, or use /me extensively on your actions that make you look as though you are thinking.

EpU-OfC: Close confrontations with these units isn't advised. Punishments delivered by these guys will have a story to tell. They will leave a mark on you as to make sure that you don't even contemplate thinking about doing what you did wrong. When it comes to conversation, you should try to find a lower ranking unit if it's a simple question. However, if its an application interview be sure to look worried whilst speaking to them. Make your character keep eying his firearms or his hands for any movements. You want to be aware if these units are thinking about delivering a beating or a punishment. Not only should you stutter when speaking to them, but you should include /me to look at any possibilities that they may use to hurt you, as to make sure you do nothing wrong.

DvL: Usually, if your using Fear RP right, you shouldn't go up to these units to speak to them. You know that these units are extremely tough in their punishment deliverances and have a zero tolerance for anti-citizen activity. You know of their authority throughout their entire division, meaning if you irritate them, you know he's not going to be the only one who's going to be delivering the punishment. His strictness that you might notice injects fear into you, you know that if you do one action wrong, then you might not live to see the next day. This is only a paranoid thought, but you can't help but think it. Due to this Paranoid thought, your fear when being spoken to by them should be seen by everyone around you. Never stand within an arms reach of them, as it is possible for them to reach you and possibly hurt you. They may or may not even hurt you, but you want to make sure. When being spoken to, try to edge yourself back, and make sure he is speaking to you and nobody else. For example, "Are you speaking, to-... me, sir?" 
With that, include several /me's of your weary actions.

SeC/CmD: Crossing paths with these units is a death warrant. You know that they have the capabilities to kill you if they see fit, steering clear of these guys on the street is a necessity. You don't even want to look at them, but you want to be aware of where they are, as to stay far away from them. If spoken to by one, you must be dead scared. Your head runs through different thoughts of "Am I in trouble? What did I do?"
These paranoid thoughts are what causes the fear to run through you, as why would such a high CCA unit be speaking to you? Stepping in their patrol route, or inspection route, could cause large problems for you. If their doing something somewhere, you know that you don't want to be near it. If you cannot help it, such as in a sector inspection, then keep your eyes away from them, but be sure to listen to anything they may have to say as to not get in trouble for not understanding. But you should always be weary of their presence and what they are doing, as to make sure your not doing anything wrong that they may find as a reason to hurt you.

If you have any suggestions to add, please post. If you have any Criticism towards this, please post constructive ones rather than "Oh you don't know what your talking about, why post this."
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 02:13:30 PM by Rictalspace »

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Re: Fear RP Towards the CCA. (Unfinished)
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 03:37:24 AM »
Looks good so far. Might add into server once it is finished if it is good.

Offline Rictalspace

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Re: Fear RP Towards the CCA. (Unfinished)
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 03:53:54 AM »
Alright, thanks. Finishing it this afternoon when I get home.

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Offline Don Captain

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Re: Fear RP Towards the CCA
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2011, 01:28:27 PM »
EpU isn't apart of High Command,btw.
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Unknown/UU.OTA.REAPER-9.76620 - Outlands - Alive
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Offline Rictalspace

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Re: Fear RP Towards the CCA
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 02:12:39 PM »
Ah, cheers for clearing that up.

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