Administrive commands
/plykick <name of character> - This allows you to kick a player, enter a reason after the name.
/plyban <Name/SteamID/IP> - Bans the player for a certain amount of time. and a time after the <> and a reason. (0 = permanent ban).
/plyunban <Name/SteamID/IP> - Unbans a player.
/CharPermaKill <Character Name> - Permanently kills a player (is currently broken in OA; instead "ban" the character.
/CharBan <Character Name> - Bans the character, more effective than a Permanent kill for the time being; this will take effect when the player re-enters the server or dies.
/plyslay <Character Name> - Makes a character "suicide"; full respawn time.
/observer- Allows you to noclip, type this again to leave noclip and return to the last place you were at.
Misc Admin commands
/CharGiveFlags <Name> <Flags>- Gives the player certain flags; Super admins only. (PETVCG.. etc)- See the "directory" for more info in-game.
/CharTakeFlags <Name> <Flags>- Take the selected flag away.
/doorlock- Locks a door.
/doorunlock- Unlocks a door.
/plysetgroup- <Name> <Operator/Superadmin/Admin>- Owner/Manager use ONLY.
/plySetModel <Name> <Model>- Changes the model of the character, do not use; only use when requested with a valid reason.
/plySetVoiceMail- Used to block pesky PMers.
Roleplay related commands
/event- Used for events.
/plywhitelist <Metropolice Force/Overwatch Transhuman Arm/Administrator>- Adds a player to a group, they can then make a character in the said group.
/plyunwhitelist <Metropolice Force/Overwatch Transhuman Arm/Administraor>- Takes a player out of a whitelist.
/plyAddServerWhitelist- Not used, don't worry about it.
/CharSetCustomClass <Character Name>- Set the custom class of a character; will appear on the scoreboard.
/CharTakeCustomClass <Character Name>- Revokes the custom class of the character.
Non-admin(ish) commands
/ContSetName <Text>- The name of the container, for organization purposes I suppose.
/ContSetPassword <Text>- Allows other people not to look at your stuff.
/ContSetMessage <Text>- What shows up when a character looks at a container.
/broadcast <Text>- CA's only; RP purposes with the CA.
Posted due to admins not knowing admin commands
Credit to brian of redshift gaming.