Well, we recently made an ATV course at WTP. And by we, I mean CrazyNinja and I. Crazy is making the video as we speak, it's going to have several little clips and pics in it, some that aren't related at all to it, and it's basically a collaboration of what we're possible of. I was the only one to make it through the entire course on an ATV.
I would like to thank the following people for these special reasons:
Creators: Acorn and Crazy.
Beta Racers: Acorn, Crazy, & Tittles.
Dedicated to: Crazy, Acorn, Jigger, RoflWaffle, and Karma.
The video will be posted by CrazyNinja whenever it is up or when Crazy gives me the link for the youtube video and I'll just put it up on this post when it's up.